
Saturday 19 November 2011

Just read - Insurrection by Robyn Young

Just finished reading Insurrection by Robyn Young, which is the first book of the Insurrection Trilogy, and what a great read it was too. Can't recommend it enough!!

"1286 A.D. Scotland is in the grip of the worst winter in living memory. Some say the Day of Judgement has come. The King of Scotland rides out from Edinburgh into the stormy dark. On the road he is murdered by one of his own men, leaving the succession to the throne wide open. The king’s death is as a stone thrown into a pool, the ripples spreading far and wide. Civil war threatens as powerful Scottish families jostle for power, not knowing that Edward, King of England, has set his own plans in motion. For almost two decades, Edward has nurtured a fierce vision of conquest – a vision sprung from the words of an ancient prophecy – that will change the face of Britain forever. But all is not destined to go Edward’s way. Through the ashes of war, through blood feuds and divided loyalties, a young squire will rise to defy England’s greatest king. His name is Robert the Bruce. And his story begins in Insurrection."


  1. Interesting book. I´m going to see in Amazon...

  2. I recomend to look for it in google books and normally you can read for free a chapter or two, after it if you really liked it buy it in amazon :]

  3. So an old British war novel? Sounds pretty neat, how much of it is based on history?

  4. Always great to come across a fantastic read. I'm reading Frankenstein for the first time on an eReader. Enjoying it.

    Did you see my note about malt vinegar? Wasn't too bad at that. Refreshing.

    Happy Weekend.


  5. Interesting sounding book, may give it a try

  6. I might get into this, thanks! :D

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. The book sounds worth checking out, thanks for the pointer. This bit about "..worst winter in living memory .... Day of Judgement has come" - let me tell you that this is how people go on all the time up here - you can hear conversations along these very lines every Monday (pension day) in our local post office!

  9. Great review Ray, one to put on the Christmas list.

  10. Looks like an interesting book I'll have to look for it.

  11. Hey, got your message on my blog. That's how I had them on chip/fries. Homemade, at that.

  12. Sounds very good and I will check it out!


  13. Fantastic. I think the last time anyone wrote about this Nigel Trantor was a good fifty years ago. On the other hand: bugger! That's another one of my synopses there'll be no point sending to any more publishers for a while..

  14. I love these historical fictions. Like Rutherford etc. I'll put this on my Christmas list (a gift for myself of course). Thanks for the idea.
