
Wednesday 4 January 2012

Recently Painted No 44 Fran the Angry Bear

Only a small post for today. I recently emailed a few photos and entered this fine looking beast into the Analouge Painting Challenge. Fran the Angry Bear was was let into the competition, where technically he shouldn't have been, because he's not a historical figure, but Curt the nice chap that he is gave me the points anyway.

I bought the figure at last years Salute convention and very broken-heartedly handed 
over £8.50 for him to Steve Barber Models stand. He is a pre-historic bear, 
but a bears a bear in my book and he's hopefully gonna go Viking chomping, 
when I get my finger out!!!

As I've already said, the name of this bear is "Fran the Angry Bear" 
Of course he's named after my pal Fran the Angry Lurker.
The Bear is mean, ginger, angry, quite unhappy most of the time, and man is he uuuuglee!!
Just like his namesake?
There's a new prize in the challenge, Curt's wife Sarah is going to pick a figure she likes the best, but this figure has to be a model of  a female??
So I'll let you all into a little secret, my bear is actually a girl!!! 
And as Frances is a girlie name, it fits perfectly

Don't you agree??

I give you Frances The Angry Bear!!!!!


The original Angry Bear
Being his usual pleasant self!!!


  1. Oh dear Ray, what have you done? I feel repercussions are only moments away! For what it's worth, great miniature, beautiful done. Love the name too 8-)

  2. Its only what he deserves anyway!!! he he!!!

  3. Oh-oh-oh!! Can't hardly wait to see the reaction in Angry's blog!!! This looks very promising

  4. Looks great and I can see the growls from Fran coming soon!


  5. Oh my WOW!!! I love it! Well done!

  6. There's a storm coming...

  7. He is a very nice beast.
    Or is SHE?

  8. Such a feminine little figure.

  9. Nice job! I love painting bears - for Beorn, for my Ursa bodyguards in "Traveller", for "Where Heroes Dare" and my 1812 adventure games. I'll remember your model when I'm "bruin'" some tea.

  10. Great looking model, love to see what Fran has to say about his namesake

  11. I can see this insult thing building up of so nice, all of a sudden in a bit of a rules dust up one of you chins the other......

    Myonly question, will you video it for us? LOL

  12. A marvellous and ferocious beast. But I sense an angry bear approaching ... !

  13. Fran seems to have lost most of, most of his fingers poor man ! :-)

  14. Oh Ray, this is too funny. Angry as a bear and as a girl bear! Haha I hope you win this category. I wanna see him in a dress!

  15. You can kiss my hairy celtic arse you cheating paint whorebag Ray.

  16. LOl very nice painted bear Ray, That last photo is excellent was it a bad day?

  17. Nice Bear. I guess it could be argued that bears are in fact 'historical' too, they are clearly not fantasy/mythical or sci-fi, put it that way!

    As for Fran - priceless! He shows amazing powers and talents of an ambidextrous nature - being able to do both fingers at once. Mucho kudos! ;-)

  18. A nice bear!! seems to be so friendly!!!!!
    (that man is the last picture!)

  19. Good luck with all of that Ray... ;-)

    By the way, I'll try getting that e-mail out to you this weekend. I haven't forgotten.

  20. Ray - nice bear. I realise this question becomes more important if you are yourself a bear, but how do you recognise a female?

  21. ...forgot to mention - the picture of the Lurker should get him an immediate 1-match ban, or is that TWO gestures?

  22. I see that Fran has taken all this rather well!! The Bear looks great BTW.

  23. I think Fran has shown remarkable restraint. ;-)

    Nice looking bear though.

  24. Thanks for all your comments!!!
    @ Fran LOL!!!!!!
    And Anne wants to see you in a dress???
    So do I!!!!

  25. See, now you just told me on my blog that you were being good and I even believed you. Shame on me. I should have known better.

  26. Fantastic bear, and the resemblance is uncanny. Nice pretty name too!

  27. Historical or prehistoric, I'm glad you get the points for this. How are your points stacking up?

  28. LOL. I don't see this ending well. Is this what they call bearbaiting?

  29. greeeat post amazing blog =)

  30. Really great bear- going to have to look into that minis company. The bear doesn't look as angry as his namesake ;)

  31. Postie's quite confused???? He just can't tell which ones the real Fran, ha ha ha!!!!

  32. hahah werebear looks awesome. and lurker looks like a beast too.

  33. Lo. When I first saw that image, I couldn't understand why you'd painted Fran with a hangover. Then I realised it was a mini.

  34. I think the last picture is the best! That is really an angry bear :-D

    Good paintjob Ray!


  35. Nice, your paint work is quite excellent

  36. Ray,

    I love it! I'm a sucker for bears...
