
Friday 6 January 2012

Recently painted No 45 Bring out the Dead & Fran's Ruskies

 My latest two entries into the Analouge Painting Challenge, which netted me 183 points. I've now got a total of 272 points and am in 6th place, two in front of Fran!!! he he he heeeeeeeee!!

These poor chaps are painted as several different regiments of French Infantry that fought in the French Indian War. I shall be using these as, exactly what they are... the dead. Back in October, Fran, The Lurker, got a bit bashed on some comments, when he posted some dead figures. They weren't my figures and it wasn't my post,  but it kinda pi$$ed me off a little. They are representations of figures like any other figure, just because they're dead why should people be offended, this is wargaming after all???

The figures are from Irregular Miniatures and are from their WSS range, code MA31 "General purpose casualty figures". As the French didn't tend to turnback their coat in most of there units they fit perfectly for the FIW's.  At 30p each you just can't go wrong, I shall be ordering some more too.

Next up are Fran's Russian Partizan's that I painted over Christmas while stuck at work on nights, boo!!!!!
I'm only posting a couple of photo's, don't want Fran to get any more Angry do we boys and girls??
I quite enjoyed painting these and am pleased how they came out.

 People seemed to like the Cossack dancing, I like the girl on the right, reminds me of the 
French Resistance girl out of allo, allo!
Michelle Dubois: Listen very carefully, I shall say this only once.
Rene: Well in that case, could you speak very slowly.

In amongst the Partisan's, were these fine looking fellows, three dismounted tank crew, 
one with a wounded arm.

Hope you have a great weekend!! I start back to work on nights on Saturday, so loads
 of painting is on the cards.......I hope???



  1. My word you have been busy! Do I detect a little competitive streak there Ray? Great work Sir, keep them coming.

  2. bleeding miniature plagiarist...some of them are French of them even looks like Michelle "I will say this only once" from Allo, Allo....

  3. The long-sleep, and dancing on the battlefield, now that's a stretch. Nice work, Sir, especially on the Partizans.

  4. Very cool stuff! I use casualty markers quite often both in my units and as markers as I feel they add to the scene.
    With Fran I don't think the controversy was over military battle casualties, but rather civilian and non-battle execution scenes if I remember correctly.

    Dead or dying figures depends on the settings IMHO in deciding if it works. Battle casualties are obvious so they either tie things together or serve a useful purpose like marking effects on units. The civilian dead and executions don't really work for historical wargames and so generally end up looking just wrong. However, put them in a Pulp background and it works great and fits. There are some scenes that are just plain offensive to most anybody but those are usually pretty obvious.
    Generally, the only thing that crosses the line for me is dead or dying children. I don't think Fran had any of that and so I wasn't offended by his posts.


  5. Excellent painting Ray and I am sure Fran is very pleased with the results. Maybe not with the points you have gained but with the beautiful figures he has gained. Hope you charge him heaps for your work one way or the other.

  6. I think it was £1.75 per figure, I must be mad!!!

  7. I said something about the dead making me feel something, but I certainly didn't mean that in a bad way. We should feel something for those who died in battle or for civilians who died in war. But that's a good thing. It's good to be reminded of the cost of war and it's good to know we are still human enough to feel something about it. You guys should always include these figures and I'm glad you show them to us.

    That said you're ahead of Angry in the contest. This could get ugly as he just insulted you on his post! Let the smack down begin!

  8. These are brilliant!

    15 mm ?

    This is wargaming, we kill, slaughter, maim and burn with the help of dice and a set of rules. I see no problem in having refugees, prisoners or dead looking miniatures. It is just a game.

  9. Nice looking figures again.

    No issues with dead as markers or for effect. A major long running argument in ASL is should you use black counters for the SS? IT'S A GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. You have impressive skill with a paint brush sir!

  11. Nice paintjobs Ray. I really like these resistance fighters shame there 20mm. If they where 28's i'd certainly get some

  12. Excellent job on those, Ray. I especially like the Partisans. Dancer is my fav.

  13. You paint very quick with excellent results. Fran must be pleased with those..esp at 1,75. That's cheap Ray, fortunately you paint during work...

  14. That's a lot of nice painting/basing in record time again. Best, Dean

  15. The mixture in the partisans is great, and part of the point of course - everyone pulling together - and they must have been a lot of fun to paint, if a bit more time-consuming. That's a lot of dead people too, but again, there are a lot. Fine post.

  16. Very cool looking minis. Nice job.

  17. I like that those first ones look like cookies.. lol..

  18. Oh I forgot to tell you....
    I´m a member in a club for tin-soldiers (mostly 30mm flats).
    Once one of the other members said: "Dead soldiers make the battlefields living."
    So I won´t mind to use these figures as a marker. I also do use them and it looks much more better than using dies or something like that.

  19. As always, I get a kick from reading this blog. Enjoy being ahead of Lurker. I'm thinking that doesn't happy often.


  20. Excellent stuff as always Ray!! You and Fran make a great comedy team. :-)

  21. There could be something wrong with me, but I like them...especially the ones at the top...D4 was right...they look like cookies...twisted dead cookies.

  22. Well painted figures (as ever), I've been thinking of painting some up for my own games

  23. Wow you have been busy! Good work!


  24. Really great, as usually...and original too!

  25. I am after some Zulu casualty/dead figures and I had never thought of giving Irregular Miniatures a try, 30p a figure sounds a bargain.
    Your casualty figures look great BTW, you have really brought them to life, so to speak.

  26. They look terrific. I'd like to learn more about wargaming.

  27. Nice work on these Partisans
    Troops without a uniform are more of a challenge on the painting tray than those with a restricted pallette methinks

    Well done

  28. They did take a little more time than they uniformed troops!! :0/

  29. Great work - what make are the Partizans?
