
Sunday 26 February 2012

Cavalier 2012 The Rejects on tour....

Only 4 Reject's made it to Cavalier on Sunday, Fran and Postie managed to squeeze into my little car and we met BigLee there! We also bumped into Stefan, from Dr. Willett's Workshop, who's in the photo below with Big lee on the left Stefan, then Fran and lastly me!
It was a very enjoyable show, and  I spent far too much money, (shhh!! don't tell the Mrs),  some of which I'm now regretting??? More on that another day!
Apologies to all readers this is a loooong post, I was going to split it in two................. but didn't!!!

The Main Hall

Fran and BigLee taking their pics of the Main Hall , while Postie wonders what its all about???

Essex Minis - Where I spent far too much money???

  Is that you??

 Or you?

 or maybe you?

Donnington Miniatures

This wagon made my mouth water....sad I know!!

Two games stood out for me at the show, here's the first one.

Defending the Bridge at Obourg (1914) by Gravesend Gamers Guild.
I had a good chat with Phil and Reece, two thoroughly nice chaps, wot wot!!

This plane took a bit of battle damage during the day, Phil had to get the glue out for some 
much needed repair, while mumbling incoherently........

The second standout game for me was the lads at Loughton Strikeforce, entitled
 "The Storming of the Alamo"  6th March 1836
Unfortunately most my pics were out of focus, for lots of good pics goto BigLee's blog, he took some excellent pictures of the Mexican's at the walls.

Had a good chat with the 2 Steve's from Crawley Wargames, I liked the look of their table as you could fold it up like a wallpaper pasting table, after the games finished. We may pinch this idea!?!?!?
Cheers Steve's!!!

Quite obliviously The Society of Ancients - Bagradas 255BC

West Kent Wargamers - Samurai

 As above Maidstone Wargames Society "The Bridge over the River Wye"
These lads made me chuckle, I went to take some pics early on, and was told someone got their wires crossed and left the figures at home, so it was a mad dash back to Maidstone for him!!!! Cracking looking game though.

The North London Wargames Group " The Battle of Monte Grande 1859"

Southend & Rayleigh Wargamers - A Saga Viking Raid
Unfortunately took the pics while they were eating their lunch, so the pics aren't that exiting?

Deal Wargames Society "Return to Madagascar 1942"
The lads explained that their planed game was not finished so they dug out an old demo game from 1999!!!
Still looks great to me!!!

Lastly Old France, New England - A FIW skirmish game.


  1. Some great looking set ups there. Thanks for posting!

  2. Excellent Lads,Thanks Clif( Santa Rosa.Ca

  3. Wow...the sweetness of it all made me drool. Quite an impressive show of modeling and gaming talent. Thanks!

  4. It is _almost_ like being there...almost....

  5. Ray, this was three posts worth of pics!!!! There's so much here, I don't even know where to start. The bombed out buildings on that first table were great and I don't think I've ever seen Samurai on a table. And you know whats worse than your mouth watering over that wagon? It's me wishing I could have gone and spent some money too!! I think the Mrs. may notice the missing funds Ray.

  6. Lots of great pictures. Thanks for posting!

  7. Nice show report, plenty of eye candy and great terrain as it should be

  8. Great pics. I've been looking forward to seeing these. I hope you had a great time.

  9. TOTALLY sensible for your mouth to water anywhere on there. Just look at all you've had there! Holy :0

  10. Nice event coverage Ray, thanks for keeping us posted!

  11. Very nice pictures Ray, thanks for sharing. Will be interesting to hear about what you spent your money on:)

    I can understand the Mrs issue, I´m in kind of the same situation... I have got my self a black op. account, like a sluch fund for miniature purchases, that she dosent know of..I think;)

    Best regards dalauppror

    1. Think I need one of them, I'm sure the Mrs has got 3 already............

  12. A bunch of great pics mate. Looking forward to see what you all spend your hard earned money on!

  13. Great pics from whats looks to have been a good show. Thanks for sharing.


  14. Tables and photos are amazing! Thanks for the post...

  15. Great stuff there Ray. The WW1 game looks really nice.

  16. Great looking tables looks like you had a good day.

    For some hints and tips heres one of the pasting boards being made

  17. Hi Ray, now that I have a better pic of you I realise we passed eachother several times yesterday. I Know you spoke to Alan The other Broadside organiser at the show. Thanks for the post. I had camera issues on the day.

    1. Shame we missed each other, I definitely didn't see a Stormtrooper at the show, see you at Broadside!!!

  18. Always really like looking at photos of shows, thanks for posting Ray.

  19. Thank you very much for this interesting report; it appear to have been a very nice day for all of you (and the battle wagon is really interesting, interesting...)

  20. Great pictures mate, its always interesting to see the day from someone else's point of view.

    I really enjoyed Cavalier this year especially as I got my long sought after Dead Cattle by Peter Pig. Now to work out some rules for exploding cows...

  21. Great shots. Don't worry, your secret is safe with us, we won't tell the Mrs. Or our Mrs, or anyone else's Mrs for that matter!

  22. What happens at Cavalier stays at Cavalier. Great report, and pictures Thanks!

  23. Excellent post Ray! Glad you all had a great day out and hopefully picked up a bargain or two.

  24. Ha I recognize more people at the UK shows than I would around here. The page is still trying to load after five minutes or so, with all the pictures on there.

    I made some folding boards of a different kind, using what are supposed to be folding standup display boards for tables at shows. The tricky part is where the board folds, the grass mats bunch up unless they were cut right there.

  25. Fine report, and some very nice eye candy indeed. Who turned up on top in the 1914 clash, by the way?

    1. Sorry, don't know, we left before the end of the show, Fran's fault he needed to get back to see his Chickens!!

    2. Now I'm gonna feel bad when I do my next post where I chop, and part all the onsale chickens I got from the market.

      Oh my.

  26. Great pics and looks like you had a lot of fun at this rather nice looking show (you mainlanders are bloody well spoilt !).
    Love the WWI & Aster games (do you know what rules they were using ?).
    Good to see a fellow lead-addict suffering wallet withdrawl pangs :-)

  27. Great pictures. Seemes there were some amazing things to see of great quality.

  28. Hi Ray,
    looks like you had a great time, excellent pictures, alot of eye candy there....

  29. Great photos, interesting read through.


  30. Great pics as usual. My wife and I seem to have an understanding, she doesn't hassle me about "toys" and I don't hassle her about shoes. If you guys make a folding board I hope you'll do a tutorial or blow by blow about it. I'm off to look at Brummie's post.

  31. Looks like it was fun, and you´re not the only one whose mouth watered at the sight of that wagon (Kingmaker ? )

  32. Ray, I just got the figures in the mail that Fran painted of me and The Whisk. Go give Fran a big wet girly kiss and tell him it's from me.

    1. Hmm! I rather not!, D'ya mind if I give him a swift kick in the knackers instead???

    2. It's not like I asked you to slip him the tongue Ray. Give him a punch in the arm then, and make it good!!

    3. Oh and I'm working you your knights today. You'll be Sir Ray The Bold. If I have time I'm going to do a Tavern Wench for the two of you as well.

  33. It was a great looking show Ray , had to work couldn't go .So who broke phils plane?

    1. I think it was one of your chums at your club!

  34. Those are some great photos of an amazing looking show. I'm really quite jealous -- you guys seem to have so many excellent shows within a reasonable distance. You're too lucky!

  35. Great post, Ray! That 1914 game is fab - love all the detail they packed into it. Looking forward to SALUTE!

  36. Great set of pics Ray. A lot of good looking games but have to agree the 1914 game is stand out. Not a topic you see a lot of games about and the lads have done a great job

  37. Very nice looking tables and don't I know about spending to much!


  38. Looks like a top show there and some lovely pic too. BTW none are me.

  39. Thanks for a good report. Looks like there were some great games.

  40. interesting...I want to go there. hehe I would also spend to much money there I imagine

  41. Wow, that's a lot of really good shots!

  42. Yep the 1914 game looks great . No I will not , musy not buy any...Great report Ray

  43. Great pics. Thanks for that. So i have a little bit the feeling I was there.

  44. Very nice report and thanks for sharing it with us.

    I've got a question about Postie. Did he have his wallet with him? I remember that on other occasions you and the other Rejects had to buy him some figures because he forgot his wallet. :-D


    1. Postie never forgets his wallet, Its impossible as its as big and full as my car with me and Fran in it!!!! On average Postie must spend around £300 per show. I have lent him money at a show a couple of times when he's run out though!!!!

    2. I must clean up my English. I must have misunderstood then. What 300 pounds? That are a lot of euro's!
      Who will paint all that stuff? You?


  45. Fine show report Ray,
    Last show I went to I also spent far to much money!!! and the 1 before that, and the 1 before that, and the ... well you know how it goes!!!
