
Wednesday 29 February 2012

Cavalier Swag!!!

Several followers asked what I spent my hard earned dosh on at the Cavalier Wargame Show last Sunday, so here goes!!!!
  1. 27 packs of Essex 15mm NYW figures. This was the big wallet emptier, Math has never been my strongest subject, I'd roughly worked this out to be around £50, but I ended up handing over £72!!! shhh!!!!!!! But I needed all the figures anyway so there you go, this should (should he says?) be enough to compleste my Jacobite army for the Battle of the Boyne project.
  2. 6 MDF bases, I do plan to make some terrain pieces, a pond, rough ground, etc, etc. Will this ever get done, your guess is as good as mine??
  3. 6 pots of Miniature Paints from Redoubt and I still managed NOT to pick up the Dark blue, that I wanted in the first place?
  4. A pack of Limestone rocks and stones from Realistic Modelling materials for £2, these guys make some beautiful trees.
  5. 1 pack of WSS generals from Black Hat minis, they've got Tricorns that will have to be chopped off, I won't be using the horses though, they're way to big to fit in with Essex figs.
  6. There was a little stall tucked up in the corner, with various wargame brick or brack, nothing was for sale, you had to give a donation, all in aid of Help the Heroes. Which I thought was a great idea. I ended up with 2 15mm wagons, as if I haven't got enough already?? Not sure of their make, but they'll be a good addition to my FIW wagon train.
  7. Earlier in the week Fran put in an order from Peter Pig, (more of his Franonia shenanigans??) I ordered 3 lots of 15mm heads, 1 pack with tricorns, 1 with round hats and 1 bareheaded. So instead of giving him the money back i ended up buying a Peter Pig car for Fran and I've gotta paint it for him. After all its going to be my car in his Franonia project, He's basing the rebel leader on me for some reason Rebel Ray from Rayonia or Rayjuksatan or my personal favourite Rayizkubwa, has red hair???
  8. I spied the LotR rules at the bring and buy for £5, now several years ago myself and Fran changed some of the stats in the rules, so I could use them for my Vikings, (Fran uses the rules for his Samurai skirmish games) so I thought Its about time I sorted my Vikings out. I wasn't 100% sure if I already had the rules, so I bought them..... and then found the one I had already on my bookshelf when I got home Doh!!!
  9. The best for last, this could get a little messy??? Why did I do it? I don't know! Am I going to do them? (Groan and Frown). Am I going to end up smashing them up in a fit of rage and temper? Probably Yes!!!!!!!! I bought for the cheap price of £15 a box of Gripping beast Plastic Vikings. Now I love Gripping Beast, when they first started out years ago I bought everything from them, Normans, Saxon, Vikings, Welsh, Moors, Spanish the whole kit a caboodal. I've not painted or gamed with the figures for more years than I care to remember, but with all the talk on the new Saga rules, and the release of all the different plastic figures, I thought I'll give some of them a try. Now fellow Reject Richard bought some plastic Austrian Napoleonics for his Revolutionary Wars, he's got the patience of a saint and had a nightmare glueing them together.....I on the other hand haven't got a great deal of patience and I think I'm gonna struggle sticking them together, although they're not as complicated as the Napoleonics? So watch this space or my ebay page, or my bin, coz that's where they'll probably end up!!!
Lastly, as I've already got the set of Lord of the Rings rules, I thought I'd give them away to a fellow blogger, So if you want a free copy of the rules, say so in my comments below. I'll leave it a couple of days and if there's more than one person who wants them, all names will go into a hat and a lucky winner drawn out!!!!!


  1. Nice haul there mate. Is it being hidden at Posties so the Significant Other doesn't find out?

    Plastic's.... good luck mate. You'll need Zen Like patience to put these together.

  2. I see this post as you blatantly flaunting your money stashes in the face of us mere mortals.....

    1. Two different piles of money, I thought I read. And yet still no dark blue paint.

  3. Can we now call you "Loadsamoney"?

    1. Thing is Postie spent approx £250!! And that was bad going for him. I remember him once splashing out over £700 at Reading one year!!!

  4. I also have those Gripping Beast Vikings. Managed to get 10 put together and painted got bored and left them. But I may come back to them IF I ever give Saga a try.

  5. Well if no one is biting on the LoTR rules, I'll put my name in the hat. And it looks like you've got your work cut out for you.

  6. Twenty-seven packs Ray, twenty-seven packs, it beggars the imagination. And I'm trying to hide the fact that I just bought 3 frog figures from the Hubby. Clearly I have met the god of mini-buying and it is you.

    1. You need to speak to Postie, he is the Emperor!!!

  7. So you'll have all 27 packs painted up by the week end then Ray?

  8. I glued the Vikings together mate and never had a problem with them.

  9. Nice looking haul. The MDF bases look nice, what company sells them? Also I've been interested in the LOTR rules so if you don't mind put my name in the hat.

  10. How many individual figures does 27 packs work out at? And please throw my name into the hat for the LOTR rules

    1. Blimey, you're a glutton for punishment!

    2. HA I have 300 pike to paint al with the amc Star on them!!! Childs play (LOL)

  11. Darn those dealer's tables...they made me do it!!

  12. Looks like a nice haul, there. Good luck with constructing the plastics.

  13. It only remains to paint them, construct,and photograph...

  14. Did the other Rejects help you carry this to the car? My advice to everyone is never pay retail, wait for the good price. I've got 5,000 unpainted figures and almost everyone was bought at 40-60% off. I'll never paint all of them, but if I need something, it's there.

    1. Mike, I'm far to impatient for that??

    2. Do they offer coupons for minis?

    3. Alas, not that I've found. However, I think we're only a few weeks away from triple coupons at Marsh.

  15. That's a mighty fine haul you got there, Ray! Good luck in painting them.

  16. Awesome haul! (but if your bad at math bring a calculator! It will lessen the shock of the prices!)

  17. Nice shopping bag, I've never heard of that Redoubt paint range. Have fun using them, you've got work^^.

    1. I use quite a lot of them, mainly Tanned Flesh, Earth Brown and the blue that I wanted to buy, but didn't?

  18. Ray, looks like a good haull! Btw, did you receive the email i sent you last week?

    1. No? Not that I can remember, I'll have another look.

  19. Sweet haul! i find i circle around a bit, buy something i had no intention of getting and then get struck down with buyers remorse!

  20. Damn..... That is quite a lot! Looking forward to seeing the magnificent armoured car/tank you bought for Franianiannananan (Whatever he called it)

  21. That is a great horde you have there and I'm sure that you'll enjoy the painting. I am looking forward to seeing the results.

  22. Man, that's an awesome haul. You did well for yourself!

  23. A very interesting bag, Ray. The Miniature Paints are very interesting colours.

  24. What a tremendous haul Ray! Can't wait to see some of these goodies painted up on the blog soon. Remind me never to go shopping with you as I fear my will power is as weak as yours and I'm not sure the country could cope with the debt!

  25. Nice little haul there and look forward to seeing more NYW units in due course.
    Who does those pre-cut Mdf bases ?

    1. They were from "Products for Wargames" here's a link:

  26. Put my name in the hat for the vikings ;-) when you're going to trow them in the bin :-D

    Great treasure Ray!


  27. That's quite a haul you got there. Don't worry about the GB plastics, they go together no bother

  28. Like the number..27..That's proper shopping. And some 28's as well. Look forward to those if you ever manage to glue them together

  29. Excellent use of time and money, well done that man. No varnish?

  30. That's a great haul Ray! Good luck on the Vikings!


  31. I love that .. buying stuff apart from the paint to really needed... Mind I bought a bandsaw last year on a whim for cutting bases from the mountain of 1.5mm ply sheets i have it was a great deal.. has it been used .... er no...

    27 packs - you were not trying - just browsing to my mind.

    oh an LOTR ... put me in the draw..

    and if you have TSATF as well that would be nice...
    now i

  32. ..So much. I see about the rolls of money Angry was talking about

  33. Same thing happened to me with "Grand Army," but I found I had two full-price copies at home and was still trying to print out the free version and upset that the free version cuts out all the good parts. I think we forget what's already on hand sometimes.

  34. Nice haul, I do love going to shows.

  35. Nice bit of shopping Rat. Made up some of those GB Vikings, rather enjoyed it too.

  36. 27 packs....27 packs.....oooooh, that's - what - for you about a weeks painting? I'm very much looking to see which Jacobite units you do. Oh, and good luck with the plastics - after your description of them, that's going to be a modelling evening of fun for you!

  37. It's always good to see another wargamer giving in to the pleasures of spending money in the way it is meant to be spent! :-) I'm off to Overlord at Abingdon this Sunday, my list is made, but I will no doubt give in to other temptations while I'm there!

  38. That's some haul of cool stuff

  39. Nice stash Ray, I wanna see this car you bought for Fran, paint it up son !

  40. Ray,

    I really ought to consider a return to 15mm with the WMMMS show coming up next weekend. To buy that many figures for 28mm would kill me (or, at least, my wife would!!!)

