
Friday 17 February 2012

Mad Blogger Rant & Salute 2012

Now I'm normally quite a mild mannered sort of chap, just ask Fran!!.........BUT
Is anyone else getting pi$$ed off with the new captcha word verification.
The old version was bad enough, but the new "Please prove you're not a Robot", is really getting on my tits!!!!
"I am not a Robot I am a free man!!!!!!"
I'm 43 and wear glasses, and sit quite close the my computer and still can't read the bloody words, here's one I had earlier............ any ideas???

Obviously researches. with a full stop!! is very clear, but what the hell is the next, can I call it a word???? r, π, skull, backwards B and an S with a funny line at the bottom???
Now I know Blogger have put it there for a reason, to stop spam, but for Gods sake, give us the bloody chance to read it, so we can type it in!!!!!!
So I'll plead with you fellow bloggers and shout, forget the spam, you can always delete it, but please "Turn the effin thing OFF!!!"
Several blogs that I comment on quite regularly have this stupid thing on still, I've tried to comment, but after getting the captcha wrong a few times I've given up, either that or smash the keyboard up!!!

Now I've got that off my chest..................

Unfortunately, The Rejects will not now be appearing at Salute (massive blogger groan). As some of you may have already known we were due to take part in Paul Darnell's WW2 skirmish game, but he's had to cancel. Gotta admit myself and Fran are quite gutted about this, we had planned to meet a few of you at the game table, but alas its not to be :0(
However myself, Fran and the rest of the Rejects are still going to the show to spend our hard earned (yawn) dosh, we're also meeting two Canadian bloggers Curt and Dallas for a beer at a pub near Salute, then the next day they're both visiting Reject HQ for an ACW game. Looks like its gonna be a great weekend!!!


  1. It is a pain to read.....I have had several times when I misread it. Try and try again.....

  2. I thought it was just me....I hate that crap...I have it turned off on my blog, right? Yikes....

  3. I agree with you. Those bloody captchas are a pain in the arse.

  4. Hi Ray,
    Yip I'm not impressed either. 1st word is always ok but the second is hard to read even for a robot like me.

  5. Yup, they can be a royal pain in the arse!

    Downer about Salute though, I'm sure you'll find enough there to keep you busy though!

  6. As as fellow glass-wearer I can see Your pain here :) so I just changed settings on my blog, no more verification required.

    All the best from Edinburgh!

  7. Ray you're scaring me. You're beginning to sound like Fran. I'm so glad I don't have captcha on my page right now as I'd hate to piss you off!

    1. Its driving me up the wall!! I can feel my blood-pressure rising as I type!

  8. Very much hate it too. How do you turn it off? And, while on the ranting game. Like alot of others I have been unable to add to my blog list, so tonight I removed the list and tried to redo it.Not much luck there. I was only able to add 166 blogs!! So I made blog list 2 and was able to add the rest. Not that happy about the arrangementbut but at least they are there.

  9. LOL great pic. I hate these double passwords I can barely read them half the time. I end up just cycling it to see something easier to type.

  10. Ditto all of the above!


  11. I'm right with you Ray, I cant read the new bi-colour words either.
    One new thing blogger has done I like is the 'reply to comments' bit thats been added.
    But yeah I hate that new word verification thing!

  12. I hate the captcha thingie. I understand it's purpose but frankly it's a bloody pain in the arse. I deactivated it on my Blog because I thought it would discourage comments. I do occasionally get spam comments but most are recognised and quarantined by Blogger (where I promptly delete them) and even if one slips past it usually gets zapped within a few hours. I consider it necessary housekeeping and part of the responsibilities of running a Blog.

  13. Yes, the new captcha sucks. One thing occurred to me after reading yours and Fran's posts, why can't the rejects host a game? I mean you'll all be there right? Just a thought.

    1. Its too late for Salute now, but were putting a game on at another show in June, Broadside in Sittingbourne. That is when we get our fingers out!!

  14. I know what you mean... Just commented on a post on another blog a few minutes ago and it took me three attempts until I got a phrase I could actually read!

    Sorry that you will not make Salute... If it is any consolation... I had been so looking forward to going again this year, but I can not afford to after being made redundant just before Christmas. :-(

  15. I agree -- I have the same problem seeing the darned thing. I think the new captcha was designed by an 18-year-old with perfect eyesight and a 32-inch screen.

    Sorry the WW2 skirmish game at Salute fell through, but it's good that you guys will get in that ACW game. Looking forward to pics!

  16. I hate them too and immediately shut them off on my own blog. Like Brummie, I often don't even attempt them if they look iffy, and just cycle through until I find one I think I can handle.

  17. Great post, Ray. I've swtched off word-verification at my blog as well. It's certainly not glasses-wearing friendly. Shame you can't make a table at Salute - let us know which pub you end up residing in, as it would be good to hook up.

    1. Me and Fran are trying to come up with a plan, to meet up other blogger, without being too over the top!

  18. Like you Ray I'm struggling and in a bid to show solidarity with my fellow myopic bloggers have, to quote an very erudite man, had no chose but to "Turn the effin thing OFF!!!" Hope to be at Salute myself so would be great to catch up.

    1. That would be great, were trying to think of a plan to meet up fellow bloggers, when we know what we'll be doing we'll both post the details!!

  19. Your rant has moved me. Turning mine off today.

  20. Replies
    1. Try this link, it may help.

    2. Thank you. That helped immensely. Just got rid of those.

  21. I turned mine off. Your right, the captcha thingie is a major pain.

  22. Ray if you and the other "Rejects" want to put a game on at BROADSIDE 2012 get in touch. I'll make it harder by not leaving contact details.... think of it as an initiative test. Cheers Clint.

    1. I've already passed the test, Clint. I emailed Ian over Christmas, we've just got to sort out what game we're gonna put on and then I'll send the forms off.

    2. Great news hope our paths cross at Cavalier.

  23. You are right Ray, it is bloody annoying and I'm going to disable it on my blog right now!

  24. silly question - how do you turn the bloody thing off? and i am not a robot ;-p

    1. Try this link, it may help. Or it may not!

  25. rIIwas..the ex mate of c3pO...easy, and I´m writing this in brail :-D I´m a robot and so´s my wife!!!!!

  26. I'm going to turn this off on my blog as well. What's on your shopping list?

    1. Not a lot really, I'll probably buy a few more NYW figures for the Jacobites, maybe a couple of packs of Blue Moon FIW and a few pots of paint, that's it really!!!

  27. Concerning your sermon, Ray,...amen!! I woke up yesterday, went to blogger, and thought it was sick, or that I had some plastic glue fumes in my eyes. So, I clobbered the side of the PC, slapped the monitor, and flushed out my eyeballs, but to no avail. Thanks, Dr. R. for your remedy!!!

  28. I saw those last night and they are terrible to read. Totally agree. It's horrible.

    Now, about my toothpaste. I went back and added the photo. Because I really did take one this morning but thought, no one wants to see my toothpaste.

    And then you made that comment and pow, I have added the photo.

    Sorry to hear you guys aren't appearing but glad you're still going, so you can spend some money and meet some Canadian bloggers.

  29. I feel your pain about Captcha. Took me ages to get it removed from my blog. But it should be gone now.

  30. An interesting SALUTE for all of you. Sadly, I can not going there this year to "salute" you. Next year, perhaps.

    Best regards.

  31. Amen! Brother. I don't even know if I have that turned on or off on my own blog. But I find the new version nearly impossible to decipher.

  32. ok, done, thanks to your advice.

    Oh, and since I'll go to Salute too, I'll buy you a drink ;)

  33. I know where you are coming from on that! My eyes are even older than yours. There is no way I can make out what the hell the letters in that one are.

  34. Good call mate. Doing the same for mine.
    Be careful of those Canadians ... they're a pretty sketchy lot, if you ask me.

  35. I hate these things, I am sure mine is off, if its not someone please let me know so I can try to figure out how to turn it off

  36. I need to start a blog so I can rant like you Ray. I agree about the obscure text image.

  37. These are bad enough, but I encountered one where if you get it wrong, you have to watch an ad before they let you try again. Now that one really irritates me!

  38. Ray - yes love to catch up with ya in the drinking establishment at Salute... long time no salute for me.. so lokking forward to it..

    1. Sounds good, we'll keep you posted as to where we'll be!

  39. There's a trick with these captchas actually. I should make a post about it in the future.

  40. The word verification was probably generated by a robot. I will try and cancel mine.
    With the response you have had from this maybe you should try and send the list to the organisers of blogging to see if they would change back to the old system?

  41. I've only gotten it once. Doubt it'll last.

  42. Wow you have certainly struck a chord with your comment. I think I have switched mine off as well - lets hope so anyway

  43. I feel sorry for all the robots out there who can't share their thoughts with us. This is likely to result in grumpy robots, and that can't end well. I'll turn mine off so the robots can contribute and so Ray stays happy.

  44. There I was thinking it was just me who couldn't read the damned thing!!

  45. Your rant is spot on. Turning mine off right now.

    Sock it too em Ray!

  46. Great rant! And I'm still getting the Red Cross of death on all Blogger pictures!

  47. it si a pain in the arse! i didnt know you could turn it off??!
    Sorry to hear about your cancelled jolly at salute, i'm sure your still have a great time, might see you there

  48. ... totally agree!!!
    I was just thinking that it could be better to deactivate the bloody Robot-blocker for those who want comment my posts!

  49. It is the most annoying thing they've done in a while...

  50. I was waiting for someone to mention this fin thing!! Looks like I need to deal with spam bs now as I don't want folks to have to put up with this extra verification sh*t!
    That's a brill pic too and captures the feeling well!


  51. I'll sort mine out in the next wee while.


  52. I was having trouble with Bloggers latest form of digital torture as well! Maybe if we all post it on our blogs they would take notice?

    1. Equally as bad is the threading downgrade, which forces me to respond to someone's comment instead of to the post itself. I blogged about this and the captcha downgrade just now.

  53. You've still got the dreaded lurgy!!

  54. Flights are booked for Salute as of tonight! This schit just got real ;-) See you in April!

  55. Agreed 100%. I don't how many times I fail them as well, really irritating!

  56. This has been one of the most frustrating things since returning to the blogosphere! I'm glad I found this post, as it makes me feel just a little bit better. I believe I have it turned off on my blogsite, but certainly let me know if it isn't.

