
Monday 13 February 2012

RP No 52 NYW - English Dragoon Horse holders

I wanted to add, that little something extra to my NYW/Grand Alliance army, these are not really needed for Beneath the Lilly Banners ruleset, but I wanted some anyway!!
 Unfortunately Essex minis don't make any figures like this, or make, any standing horses, so I had to look elsewhere. Venexia sell them, ref TS17, but they're giants compared to Essex. These dismounted Dragoons are from Irregular Miniatures, my only moan is that the figure L19, in their range only comes with 1 horse and 1 holder, so for my 2 stands below which is enough for  2 squadrons of Dragoons, I had to buy 4 packs, which is a lot of wastage, although I'm sure if I asked Irregular would do some kind of deal.
The figures are painted up in the colours of Fitzharding's Dragoons, the parent unit can be found in another one of my posts here.

Lastly I've moved up to the No2 spot in the Annalouge Painting Challange, here's the chart as it stands today the 13/2/12
  1. KentG: 2957 (28mm ECW Cavalry Regiments)
  2. RayR: 1814 (15mm F&IW Wagons and Artillery)
  3. ChrisP: 1533 (28mm Greek Hoplites for SAGA)
  4. TimB: 1452 (28mm Ancient Greeks)
  5. SteveM: 1211 (15mm WWII 'Red Devils')
  6. FranL: 1187 (15mm Riot Police, Reporters, etc.)
  7. DaveD: 935 (28mm Napoleonic Mamelukes)
  8. JohnM: 685 (28mm Napoleonic Prussian Cavalry)
  9. GregB: 629 (15mm & 1:285 WWII Grm Tanks)
  10. MilesR: 565 (28mm War of 1812 US Infantry)
  11. Curt: 520 (28mm Napoleonic Casualty Marker)
  12. DallasE: 410 (28mm WWII US Infantry)
  13. IanW: 344 (6mm French Hussars)
  14. ChristopherS: 255 (28mm Aztec Warriors)
  15. PhilH: 221 (28mm Baboons and Femme Fatale)
  16. JuanM: 221 (28mm Legio V Command)
  17. MichaelF:165 (28mm Viking Warband) 
  18. JohnB: 150 (30mm Vistula Legion Infantry)
  19. TimmyD: 128 (20mm WWII PAK & Crews)
  20. Sylvain: 80 (28mm Napoleonic Russians)
  21. Ross: 74 (28mm Mycenaeans & Tommies)
  22. MikeW: 55 (28mm WWII Germans)
  23. PaulP: 24 (15mm Napoleonic Saxon Cmd)
  24. RobertS
  25. ScottB

Poor Fran doesn't make the top 5, but he's close in 6th place with 1187 points. With just over a month to go its going to be close. I think myself and Fran could have sewn up a top 5 space, (fingers crossed),  it would have been nice to challenge for the top spot, but I don't see anyone catching Sir Kent!!!


  1. Ooooh....Nice little touch! Well done on these Ray. As for the competition, you have both done great and got some miniatures painted! Be proud!

  2. Very nice horse holders...great on a table!

  3. Lovely work Ray and very true......

  4. "They also serve who only stand and wait."
    Very nice figures and a good idea.

  5. Very nice the horse holders; I like to have those models on the table.

    And you are number two!!! Congratullations.

  6. Nicely done. Variety is the spice of life!

  7. Those figures are gorgeous Ray. The holders dressed in red look grand standing next to those horses. They look like draught horses with those legs and hindquarters being so large. Congratulations on your move up to second place!! You're right though, Ken has a hefty lead and would be nearly impossible to beat. Keep painting!!!

  8. They look very nice and whilst not needed by the rules really add to the battlefield.

    Oh and I would be much higher up the painting contest if my latest offering had been listed (only just sent in), well when I say much higher, I actually mean one place LOL


  9. Beautiful work, and congratulations!

  10. Nice red. I love the stage of a project in which you can paint stuff for atmosphere and fun, rather than just to get it on the table.

  11. Really well done Ray. Vignettes like these always add a bit of colour to a table even if they are "non-combatants".

    I just envy you having the time to paint up these "extras"!

  12. Well done, Ray. I congratulate on the vision to add stands like this to your army. I have several armies still waiting for horse holders.
    Kent is a painting machine, but so are you!

  13. The figures look great, and a well deserved second place so far you msut have been painting like crazy

    1. Yep on what Ray? Being crazy or on the painting?

      But that challenge is great. Great work in a big amount to see over there!


  14. Fingers crossed, I do think we'll both make the top 5, but the question is what place???????????

  15. Nice set of miniatures. You have certainly been very productive!

  16. Excellent work Ray, and a wonderful addition; I'm sure they will great on the table. Great news on the number two spot too!

  17. Good work. Nice to see someone with the integrity to spend precious time and money on horseholders (to preach something I don't always practice). Well done that man.

  18. You really went out of your way to get 'em, but wow do they look great. Nice going!

  19. Those are very nice and even if not 'needed' (a word that has a very different meaning for wargamers than the general populace !!) they will look very good on the table I suspect

  20. Firstly there are lovely horse holders and I am surprised as i thought of Irregulars as a bit pants, glad to be proved wrong.

    Secondly congrats on second place, how must longer to goes?

  21. Excellent job on these. It's the "not required" figures which often add so much to the table. Congrats on 2nd place. That's outstanding.

  22. Number two. Very cool. And now when I see these photos I also see that picture of you taking pictures at work.

  23. Excellent painting and basing Ray. I don't think anyone really stands a chance against Kent the machine!!

  24. You are a veritable machine, Ray, a machine, I tell ya.

  25. looks goo,d excellent detail. who won that painting competitition

  26. wow...those are truly incredible. very well done!

  27. Love the horse holders and your right on the rest!


  28. Great looking figs as always!

  29. Very nicely painted! The saddles paint job looks extra good! Top quality work!

  30. Excellent painted horse stands Ray. I really like them, and they will look good on the game table!


  31. No2.... te he.... schoolboy toilet humour..
