
Sunday 18 March 2012

RP No 59 More Woodland Injuns!!!!

I posted these Indians on the Analouge Painting Challenge last month, the figures are from Peter Pigs newish AWI range, I bought a few packets at Salute last year, just to make a change from the Essex and Frei Corps figures I already own, like my previous Indian figures, they are not painted for a specific tribe but a generic look to fight for both sides and against each other in the FIW period 1754-1764ish. Once again like my other figures for the period, they are based up on Peter Pig's excellent metal bases, they're a bit of a pain to stick the sand on and they don't like paint that much either, but they just what I needed!!!

We've only 2 more more days left in the Painting Challenge and its really hotting up, here's the top 10

1. KentG: 4244 (15mm Mycenaean DBA Army)
2. RayR: 4072 (15mm Japanese Infantry)
3. TimB: 2505 (Egyptians, RAF and Contractor)
4. FranL: 1962 (15mm Modern Figures & Vehicles)
5. DaveD: 1955 (28mm Vistula Legion)
6. ChisP: 1739 (28mm WWII Germans & Ajax)
7. SteveM: 1669 (French Foreign Legionnaires)
8. GregB: 959 (WWII Soviet Armour)
9. MilesR: 861 (15mm Panzergrenadiers)
10.JohnM: 685 (28mm Napoleonic Prussian Cavalry)
11.Scott: 685 (15mm WWII German Nebelwerfers)

Kent's now in touching reach, I never thought I'd get to 4k, I'd be great if I could sneak 1st place but I'm not keeping my hopes up, Kent's just posted 28 Hanoverian Grenadiers, that he's nearly completed, I've been working like a Trojan over the weekend and have a few things to enter myself, but will it be enough???????

But of course the ultimate goal, looks certain to succeed, beating the Oirish Git Francis The Angry Licker!!!!! And no of course I won't be rubbing that fact it in either........................Mwah ha ha!!!!


  1. Oh yes I'm enjoying the heck out of your projects with F&IW and Russ/Japanese wars!Really like both periods like the rest well done!
    Outstanding achievement to hit 4000 and challenge the mighty Kent Ray!
    I'm sure Fran isn't bitter..........


  2. Well done indeed!!

    One could almost get the impression that you are not too fond of dear old Francis?

    2nd place is a stunning effort still mate!!!!

    1. You should fell sorry for me, I've got to spend the next 4 days at work with him, I really don't know how I'm gonna cope??

  3. Nicely done Ray and what a thrilling end to the competition! Best of luck old chap!

  4. You truly cunning Ray, but great accomplishment. Amazing 4000+ points.


  5. Being Oirish means he is from Oireland, right? Were he Weirdish, then he would be from Weirdland, right?

    Is there a difference? :-)

    Good luck with the painting. I favour a method of airbrush black and dry brush no more than 2 additional colors.

    1. No difference what so ever for Fran anyway!!

  6. Nice period, nice figures, great painting!

  7. Nice figs again. I sent in a fair few points today and will have a last batch done for Tuesday, should nett me another 5000 points so should crack the top 10.

    OK I lied about the 5K but I am hoping for a good final drive over Monday and Tuesday


    1. I'd all but given up until my last entry, now I've really gotta get my finger out, got a few smaller things ready, but no pics yet!!

  8. Really nice figures once again

  9. Very nice, Ray. You are near top.

    Best regards and good luck these two days.

  10. Nicejob on the warpaint. Nearly at the top Ray get painting sir!

  11. There should be a compulsory Daniel Day-Lewis figure with that lot!

  12. grat figures... I cannot wait to see them kick some a***

    1. We had a little game with some of these figures, on Friday to test my rules, I let Fran take the pics, I think he's posting them early in the week.

  13. Man, great looking minis. I've got 12 Conquest Minis Indians and Pioneers on my desk screaming for paint thanks to your excellent FIW efforts. Best of luck in the competition. "Angry Licker" LOL. You know he's not gonna let that slide. :)

    1. Fran has been known to lick a window or two over the years......

  14. Great painting, Ray! Very diversified color schemes...makes it more interesting for me. Plus, Peter Pigs classic 0 shaped mouths makes for a natural injun whoop!

  15. Only two days left!? get painting!!!
    Great looking band of injuns :-D

  16. You dont have time to be mucking around on blogs, only 4 days left. Great work Ray.

    'Angry Licker', I'll get off the floor when I stop rolling and laughing.

  17. Have you tried washers for bases?

  18. Way you're really close! Keep at it, you might just get there! Excellent work here too. And you're mean, lol.

  19. great effort....but come on push for 1st

  20. Nice stuff, a real tour de force!

  21. Congratulations on cracking the 4K Ray!! Don't stop now, keep going. One of you two boys ought to win this thing. PAINT, PAINT, PAINT!!!!

  22. Yes, stop reading these comments and get painting. Good luck Ray. Nice work BTW.

  23. Great painted minis.

    But I must be honest, I don't really like the faces. They look wierd.

    Good luck in the competition!


  24. Superb looking figures and painting.
    Best of luck in the comp.

  25. They look like quite the ragtag group don't they?

  26. These turned out very well. I hope when the competition is finished, you'll post a tally of everything you've painted.
