
Tuesday 20 March 2012

RP No60 FIW Quebec Militia

I'm well behind in posting all my newly painted figures so I'm going to try to catch up on a few this week, today's post  was entered into the Analouge Painting Challenge, at the end of February, the Quebec Militia earned me 60 points!!! The figures are from Essex miniatures, and bases are from Peter Pig. I do need to get some command for this group, unfortunately Essex don't make any for the Canadian Militia, I've got plenty of other figures I can use though. I must admit I'm not that keen on the pose for these figures, if I hadn't of already owned them, I would have bought the more dynamic poses from BlueMoon...but there you go!!!!!
The photos are not the best I've taken, so apologies for that!. I pinched the last photo from Fran's blog post about our recent FIW test game  , the Militia didn't really take much of a part, they stood a looked threatening in the woods, while their brothers from Montreal got stuck in!!

The Canadian Militia were a major asset to the French Commanders during the War, unlike the the Provisional troops from the 13 Colonies. They Canadians were geared up for war, Montcalm apparently described them as " born soldiers from the age of 16......on the rolls of Militia, boatmen and good shots and hunters......They excelled on forest war and ambushes"
While they were not trained to fight in the linear tactics of European warfare, but were more proficient in wilderness fighting and scouting. Like the Militia from the 13 Colonies the Canadians were mainly assigned to protect forts and other remote outposts. They were also assigned to scout and flank activities when part of a column.
The number of Militia raised in New France never exceeded 15,000 men per year, they usually returned home after the campaign season had finished and returned to the war effort the next year.


  1. How much time is left of the competition?

    As always the painting is looking good. How long did this unit take you to make?

    1. It finishes at 12 midnight on the 20th, which here in the UK will be 5.59am on the 21st.

  2. I shant bother to even attempt to keep up with your painting...

  3. Impressive turn out of models as always, and glad that you are painting up some proud and noble Canadians.. even if they are from Quebec..

  4. We expect many pictures of ambushes thereafter, to help the French!
    Good work!

  5. Nice work, you sure pump out the numbers! All good quality too i might add :)

  6. They look great...can't wait to see what else you have this week!

  7. Very nice work on these guys Ray. You know you don't really stand much chance against a Kiwi.

    1. I'm hoping Sir Kent hasn't got anything else in the pipeline, coz I have!!!!!

  8. Splendid work Ray; definately a period that I need to know more about!

  9. Very nice Ray, you must have one of the most diverse collections of miniatures around. You need to show us a photo of your collection room in toto!


    1. You wouldn't want to see my room, it's 'orrible!! It's also filled with stacks of crap that shouldn't be in there, the kids bikes, scooters, toys, loads of stuff my mrs wants to sell at a bootfair and lots more rubbish!

  10. Pinched one of my fecking pictures!!!!! Is there a doctor and a lawyer reading because he's going to need the doctor and I'll need the lawyer!

    1. But they were of my bloody figures, you git!!

    2. Lurker says your French? Is this true????

  11. I agree with you about the not so dynamic pose of these figures, but you've painted them well!
    I see you're still in a friendly conversation with Fran. :-D


  12. Nice paintjob (even if the minis have a cockie cutter look) and an impressiv pace!

  13. Great paintjobs on these, and the bases are very good, too. The quality of your painting and variety of colors used really helps elevate the posing problem.

  14. Nicely Done Ray. would the blue moon figures mix?

  15. These are nicely done Ray and I noticed in your reply that you have more figures up your sleeve. You may come out of this the winner of the Analogue challenge.

  16. Another fine unit for your project. Best, Dean

  17. great stuff, but with them red caps and the weapons slung over the shoulders they do have a high HIHO HIHO factor to them ;-)

  18. Sweet!...and these 16 yrs old+ militia youths sure do have full and finely trimmed mustaches.

  19. A very nice unit, Ray, from an interesting period.

  20. Maybe I just couldn't understand, but it feels like you jumbled a lot of things together here all too quick..

  21. great looking paint work as always... It amazes me how quickly you guys churn these out...and make each one a little master piece.

  22. Well they are great looking figures there and more pionts to boot too :)

  23. really great work when do you sleep. I have added a link to your blog on my page

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