
Wednesday 11 April 2012

La Bataille de Deux Ponts 1693 - A Fictional Batrep

Myself and fellow Reject,  Gentleman Richard decided in inflict a game of Beneath the Lily Banner 2 on two other Rejects, Postie and Fran. Postie's played before but Fran's a BLB virgin.

The Scenario

Both Luxembourg and William III are manoeuvring for advantage. Neither wants to be stalled with 2 rivers impeding their progress. Both commanders seeking a strategic advantage have sent a vanguard to capture both river crossings. Thus simultaneously denying the enemy main armies and ensuring their own line of march and significant advantage in the campaign in Flanders. There were conditions in the setup:
1. The Infantry must deploy in front of the Cavalry.
2. The Cavalry must start in column.
3. The woods were impassable.
4. All retreating units must head for their bridge.
5. No commander may be Plodding.
6. Dragoons start in column on the bridge mounted.

Victory conditions

Control both bridges. Get a regt or squadron on the opposing bridge without the enemy doing the same.

The Allies
Fran - Prins Hendrik Casimir - Skilful
Ray - George Frederik Graf van Waldeck-Pymont - Competent

The French
Richard - Justin McCarthy Viscount Mountcashel, Competent
Postie - Jules de Noailles - Competent

We had to finish the game there, as it was getting late. I certainly learned a few things about the tactics of the game.  Both my, but especially Fran's dice throwing abilities were open to question. I don't think Fran threw above a 3 for melee, firing and morale throughout the game, which told in the end.
We all enjoyed the game apart from Fran, who didn't like the rules, for some reason???? But you can't make a judgment on a set of rules after only playing them once, especially if you've thrown bad dice for the whole of the game. Posties thinking about keeping his 25mm Sedgemoor figures, though they're gonna need rebasing to fit in with the rules.

And as my pal Fran has let the cat out the bag in his post today, yes it is my
 birthday today....44 years young, but still 8 years old in my heart!!!!


  1. Another nice pictorial report.

    And many happy returns! Hope you have a great Birthday!


    1. Happy birthday, Ray, you youngster! I wish I was as young as you!

  2. Great stuff and I really must try out those rules !!

    A 'BLB Virgin' sound a bit iffy though :-)

  3. Me a virgin, why thank you sir and I just found some of the rules too realistic for what is supposed to be a game we try to enjoy but I would try them again and you are 45!

  4. Great photos!

    Observation: the words "Fran" and "virgin" don't sound right together in the same sentence.

    Happy Birthday!

  5. Happy second 44th birthday Ray! Seems like this was a good match regardless of the result ;)

  6. Great post Ray and many happy returns however old you are.

    Regards Paul

  7. Nice batrep and happy b'day! :)

  8. Happy Birthday young man. Excellent post too, looks like a great game.

  9. Well, one more year, and still young I see.
    Nice batrep, and this time I didn't forget to pause to look at those nice pics

  10. Very many returns old chap! Another great report too!

  11. Fantastic report! I love it, the photo are fabulous! Happy birthday, soon 9 years, really nice!

  12. Here we go again. Fran says you're 45, you say you're 44, I hope like hell Fran's not a virgin and where's Big Lee when we need this stuff sorted out?

    Happy Birthday Ray

    1. Defo 44, as will Fran be in September!

    2. Wait a minute Ray, I remember seeing that you were 44 on your blog before and I knew how old Fran was and was actually surprised that you were older than him. You're going to have to produce your birth certificate to confirm your age. I'll be 50 in September and therefor outrank both of you.

  13. Happy Birthday! and thanks for the pictures.

  14. Happy Birthday, and I really like the slideshow format for your batrep.

  15. Happy birthday Ray! 44? You look much older. Don't I see some grey hairs there? :-D

    Nice battle report and nice picture!


    1. With 4 daughters your bloody right you do!!!!

  16. Birthdays????...shouldnt have birthdays at your age....Happy Birthday

  17. Great report and all the best for yourBirthday. The fun you guys have just pours out of the 'pages'.

    Has yr friend Postie thought about sabot bases? Had to look at this option when BLB came out, as the group l am part of (Whitehall Warlords) had developed its own rules for use with the then new Dixon 15mm WSS. In the end l have gonec the whole hog but sabots may make the passage a lot easie.

    Seamus Bradley

  18. Many happy returns - I hope you got a couple of gaming related presents!

  19. Happy birthday Ray! Great serie of pictures, the "Casimir" one really made me laugh...

    1. We did try and look menacing, but couldn't help laughing!

  20. Strange that many of us are almost exactly the same age as each other as I'll be turning 44 in September too. Perhaps we were born in the Year of the Wargamer. I wish you very, very Happy Birthday Ray!
    Oh very nice looking game btw!


  21. Replies
    1. Cheers Diggers, Is this a new account or did you actually remember the old one??

    2. I got some one to sort it out ( you know i couldn't do it )

  22. Congrats Ray! Hope you have got many good years in health and with your family and loved ones to go yet!

    Cheers Sander

  23. Many happy returns and birthday blessings to you, old boy.


  24. Happy Birthday and great looking game.

  25. Happy Birthday Ray! Remember it's only a number.

    Great pics by the way!

  26. Cheers for all the birthday wishes!!!!!!!!!

  27. Happy birthday! Again.. :D So much insight into the whole game when both of you post it. Fran didn't like the rules eh?

  28. Happy birthday and thanks for the report. Looked like a really enjoyable game, but is it too reliant on good dice?

    1. Not really, the dice play their usual randomizing cruelness as per most rules. The game can be very random in places and force you to play to the period, they're very different to anything I've played before.

  29. Happy birthday friend, and thanks for another great game report

  30. have a great birthday man! :D

  31. Very great rapport, great army ! Good job Ray !

  32. Happy Birthday, Ray. You are now part of the Old Guard!!! A very nice AAR.

  33. And another birthday wish. Great report.

  34. Appy birfday Ray... Good report

  35. Happy Birthday there mate. Great report and I am finding that I am looking into this period more often these days

  36. Happy belated birthday, Ray! Sorry, I was away from computer yesterday and just read about it five seconds ago.

    Great battle report, btw!

    My own 44th BDay is in two and a half months... Just think, in six years, we will have entered our sixth decade of life...

  37. Happy belated birthday - turns out there are three of us that share this day of birth. Good to see so many great people were born on this day -

    Here's my bday post -

  38. Bit late..Hope you enjoyed the birthday..Great batrep
