
Friday 13 April 2012

RP No68 East Siberian Rifle Divisions RJW

This fine lot of troops were entered into the Analouge Painting Challenge in mid March, netting me 1152 points, getting me into reaching distance of Sir Kent. The figures represent two East Siberian Rifle Division's, the 1st and the 9th. Both the Divisions fought in many of the major battles of the Russo-Japanese War. The figures are mainly from Old Glory, with a few Irregular thrown in for good measure.
I was accused of sandbagging:
                                                "Sandbagging: in billiards and other games, deliberately playing below one's actual ability in order to fool opponents into accepting higher stakes bets, or to lower one's competitive rating in order to play in a future event with a higher handicap and consequently have a better chance to win.

Which, was of course absolutely correct!!!
These have since joined the masses in Posties collection, locked away until he sorts the rules out!!!

The 1st and the 9th East Siberian Rifle Divisions

The 1st, 2nd and 3rd Battalions of the 1st Regt, 1st Brigade of the 1st East Siberian Rifle Division,(red flags),behind them are, The 1st, 2nd and 3rd Battalions of  The 2nd Regt, 1st Brigade of the 1st East Siberian Rifle Division, (blue flags)

3rd battalion of the 1st regt 1st ESR

1st Battalion of the 2nd regt 1st ESR

The 1st, 2nd and 3rd Battalions of the  The 3rd Regt, 2nd Brigade of the 1st East Siberian Rifle Division,(white flags),behind them are, The 1st, 2nd and 3rd Battalions of The 4th Regt, 2nd Brigade of the 1st East Siberian Rifle Division, (green flags)

2nd Battalion of the 3rd regt 1st ESR

2nd Battalion of the 4th regt 1st ESR

The 1st, 2nd and 3rd Battalions of the 33rd regt, 1st Brigade of the 9th East Siberian Rifle Division,(red flags),behind them are, The 1st, 2nd and 3rd Battalions of  the 34th Regt, 1st Brigade of the 9th East Siberian Rifle Division, (blue flags).

3rd  Battalion of the 33rd regt 9th ESR

1st Battalion of the 34th regt 9th ESR

The 1st, 2nd and 3rd Battalions of the  The 35th Regt, 2nd Brigade of the 9th East Siberian Rifle Division,(white flags),behind them are, The 1st, 2nd and 3rd Battalions of The 36th Regt, 2nd Brigade of the 9th East Siberian Rifle Division, (green flags).

2nd Battalion of the 35th  regt 9th ESR

2nd and 3rd Battalions of the 36th regt 9th ESR


  1. Nice looking units Ray !

    Hope they get out of their lockaway soon and get up on the gamingtable.

    Best regards dalauppror

  2. So many rifles !
    Nice units Ray !

  3. Lookimg good!

    Such nice flags... It is a shame to think how boring they became just few years later!

    1. I could in fact of used the Russian tricolour as well, Postie will probably use it on some of his other figures.

  4. Ah, so it's called sandbagging! Great strategy

  5. You did manage to get through an insane amount of painting! Just seeing them altogether in the box file just heightens the amount of skill required to turn out this standard of work at this scale. Hats off to you Ray.

    1. I dunno about skill??? Just a brazen attitude.. must....keep...zzzz...paintingzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  6. A very good overall impression, with this white that will light up the gaming tables!

  7. Shame they will sit for awhile but you will get to play them soon enough. Only ever played that conflict as a boardgame.

    What are you painting now?


    1. Just finished painting up 14 15mm buildings for Fran Franonia project, nearly finished another 2 squadrons for the NYW and just started to infantry regt for the Jacobite Irish for The Boyne!!!

  8. Impressive rifle divisions Ray! Good to hear the fine art of sandbagging is alive and well.

  9. Insane amount of painting again Ray - nice tactic though :)

  10. Stop it! I can't keep up with all your posts.
    They look impressive in their whites.

  11. Unreal effort with the painting Ray. Lovely work.

  12. You played to win Ray and sandbagging is a viable tactic. Now how good are you at poker?

    You always do such nice flags and these are even above the level of what I've already seen. And the drummers up front are always nice to see.

  13. That looks like a nice collection. And a large one too, seeing them in the box.
    I am quite familiar with sandbagging, heh.

    1. Never heard the term myself, but it seems I'm quite good at it!!!

  14. Fantastic amount of troops. Zooming in is quite scary do you paint these with magnifeyes or your own eyesite?

    1. No magnifying I'm afraid just my poor, poor eyes.

  15. many time to paint all ? Nice job !

    1. These took me around 6-6 days to do, they were quite an easy, but boring paintjob.

  16. The units look good but the flags are phenomenal! Nice work.

    1. They are nice flags. nothing to do with me though, they're all from "Flags for the Lads"

  17. Man, Ray, you're a phenomenal painter. Huge volumes of skilled painting. Great job.

  18. Fantastic looking figures. Really like the flags

  19. Really amazing looking units.....

  20. Darn that's some nice units Ray!


  21. An incredible amount of painting work, Ray. You are a really dangerous opponent.

    Very nice units.

  22. That was a fantastic effort in anyone's book Ray, that sure is a lot of figures and damned fine ones as well!!

  23. these are so many of them. welll done

  24. Are you sure you have a job!! (there is no time for one!)

  25. Excellent painted units! Really like the flags!

    Oh and go play some poker, so we get some time to paint our figures and don't have to look at your blog :-D


  26. Ray, your post for Salute just popped up on my blogroll and when I click on it I get the response "This page does not exist on this blog" The title is up, but your blog isn't posing right now.

    1. I was writing it up and accidental pressed the Post button!! Doh!!!!

    2. I was just wondering the same thing...

  27. Great looking units. They have an attraction like armys from an earlier period.

  28. Good post. I defіnitely love this site. Cοntinue the good work!

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