
Monday 16 April 2012

Salute 2012 ...Meet the Rejects!!!!!

Four of Posties Rejects Fran, Postie, BigLee and myself are all off on a jolly to Salute this Saturday. We've all been saving up our pennies and will hopefully go on a mad spending spree. I'm very imaginatively hoping to find some 15mm FIW or NYW figures all painted and based at the bring and buy for a stupidly idiotic price......fat chance of that!!!

As some of you may already know, we were supposed to be helping out Paul Darnell on his WWII game, but unfortunately he had to cancel. This would have been ideal as it would serve as a great meeting place for fellow bloggers to come and meet the Rejects and have a chat. So back to the drawing board we went.
We did then suggest the idea of meeting in a local pub, but we've decided that this would take out to much time from the show.
So what we've decided to do instead is to meet up at the show itself, it just seems the easiest option for all. So the four of us will be loitering around the Seating area on the right in the pic below from 1o'clock to around 2 o'clock.

We will of course be available to sign any autographs and for just a small fee we will allow photos to be taken with the 3 chimps and myself. Fran's willing to do any pose........yes any!!!! Clothing optional??

Also once again as some of you may know we're putting on our first game at a show, Broadside in June. For the show we've had T-Shirts made up, so we look like we know what we're doing????
We trying to decide whether we should where them at Salute or not,  we don't want to look too big-headed ( all too late for Fran!) So were gonna leave it up to you guys, do we where the shirts or not????

David Beckham eat your heart out!
As you can see, myself and my special friend Fran were let out of the Madhouse for these photos. We both have our names above our right teet, with the Posties Reject  logo above the left. (Note how Fran has sucked his gut in for the pic!) And on the back we have the name of our blogs.
They didn't come out exactly how we wanted, but, hey they only cost £15 each.
Christ! Look at that grey hair!!!!


  1. You two look so cute, you should wear the t-shirts. I know you boys are going to have a good time on Saturday and here's hoping for good deals.

  2. I'll maybe see you there. We also have t-shirts we might be wearing, as we are demoing games at the Scottish shows up here. This time next week I'll probably be skint.

  3. The shirts look good, pity about the models! LoL.

  4. t-shirts are cool, on the positive side: you'll be recognisable; on the negative side well you'll be recognisab.

  5. Have a great show! I'll get there one year.

    And the shirts look the business, you should wear them on Saturday!

  6. I was expecting the shirts to be "post office red" but you wnt for the slimming Black option. I can't afford Salute this year. But we'll chat at Broadside if not before hand. I vote "yes to wearing shirts" Have a good show.

    1. I wanted red, but the Paddy, threw a Paddy and wanted black, coz it goes with his eyes!

  7. Yes to the shirts, it's not too big-headed at all, it's just fun really.

  8. The size of the t-shirt must be a GAMERS LARGE!

    I would say wear them. They look good and it will be easier to find eachother again. Should someone aproach you it is a good way to start a conversation.

    Oh I wish I could be there....

    1. Mine says Marque size, god knows what Fran's is, he wouldn't tell me??

  9. There will certainly be others wearing 'team' shirts so why not the rejects on tour! I will certainly try and pop other with the 'Provost Marshal' whom I'm dragging to his first 'Salute'. As for the grey hair; well at least you've still got some, mine started to retreat some time ago!

    1. T'would be nice to put a face to the name!

  10. T-shirts should be a goer! looking good fellas, dont forget to take pics !!

  11. I agree, wear them! As Michael says, there will be lots of folk around in theirs.

    I was planning on going to Salute until I saw what the train fare would cost... I didn't know I'd have to buy the train!

  12. Wear them, Ray, and wear them with pride! I wish I could be there with you but it's just too far to travel for me. I hope you all have a great day.

  13. Yup, wear them (and maybe Fran should invest in a corset so he can match the photo!). I'm looking forward to meeting up with my fellow nutters, errmmm, bloggers at Salute so see you there! :)

    1. Thanks Tamsin, that really hurt!

    2. Well done Tamsin, put the Lurk in his place!!

    3. *evil grin*

      Fran - you can get your own back on Saturday! :)

    4. I'm not talking to either of you now!

  14. Yes wear this splendid attire!

    Easy identification for the masses.

    Ensure that you all wear fanny packs as well, you might as well go the full hog.

  15. Damn jealous you lot are going to Salute !

  16. Too far for me.
    Enjoy yourselves.

  17. At least there is hair there, mine is a bit of a shiny patch now instead!

    Have an awesome time - maybe a future Salute will be me travel from the antipodes to meet up for a pint!

  18. Yes, have to wear the shirts. Have a great time boys, spend heaps and don't get caught by the misses!

  19. Lovely polos! Have a safe trip and a great show!

  20. Very smart indeed. I shall be there and shall certainly come over and say hello! See you soon!

  21. Great Idea, Have fun! Make sure you take a camera with charged batteries so i can see what I missed.

  22. Green with envy, wear the T's and bask in your fame LOL


  23. As I told you Ray, I should be there at around 3PM, with your well-earned book. Can't wait to see you in your T-shirt

  24. Have a great time, who knows I may be able to go sometime in the future.


  25. Nice shirts. To bad this ocean is in the way or I could make it... :)

  26. Yep - get them you shouldhave had some baseball caps made too i think..

    I will see you there!

    1. Don't give him any-more ideas, for gods sake!!!!

  27. Hmm, looks great. Enjoy yourselves plenty. Here's a tip, sew your names and addresses inside the collar or somewhere, then, when you get lost, someone can help you find your way home. If you want to be found, that is...

    I've given you both the same post so as not to show favoritism.


  28. Very nice shirts, you look very professional (well, Fran looks very professional). Have a very nice time in SALUTE; I expect to go there next year.

  29. Vote for wear them - i like the polos

  30. If you see someone with a `Far Side` imprinted t-shirt, give him a stomp, that`ll be me. Otherwise, I`ll be there at around 1 o`clock and prepare for a dramatic, adhoring Oscar winning acting performance to give me autographs and love babies HA

  31. Also, the Pikachu cap might be a give away who i am...

  32. BTW ray, on your Fran duo picture... your badge is hanging upside down.

  33. Nice! I'll be there to meet you guys wearing my "Fawcett Avenue Conscripts" shirt :-)

  34. I'm afraid I won't be able to see you guys this year (cos i'm not gonna be there). Next year though, for sure.

  35. I vote wear the shirts! They look prro but not too douche-y

  36. well as I am on the other side of the world I don't think I'll be there. nice shirts, now all you need to do is hide and start a secret organization and you'll be the real deal, a secret members only group

  37. Try to meet you up at saturday:)

    Best regards dalauppror

  38. Another vote to wear them. CU Saturday

  39. Yeah dudes you have to wear them, be loud and be proud.

  40. In an attempt not to stand out from the crowd - well everyone else is doing it! I have had a personalised poloshirt printed. See this post;


  41. Have fun and definately wear the shirts. Looking forward to the AAR

  42. Great idea Ray! I wish I could attend the event someday and meet you and Angry and other bloggers.


  43. Should see you there - I'll be one of only a couple folks in a mid-blue Peterborough Wargames Club shirt, tall, greying, glasses.

  44. With last years photo being as Playgirl calendar worthy as this... would be a shame not to do it again this year if you guys are up for it.
