
Thursday 24 May 2012

Broadside 2012

Just down the A2 a few miles from Reject HQ, live Milton Hundred Wargames Club. Last year the Rejects drove down to their first ever Wargames Show "Broadside 2011" at Sittingbourne in Kent, here's my post on the show. A great time was had by one and all.
Now to the crunch point of this post, unfortunately, Clint from Anything but a One said in a post yesterday,
"It's very disappointing. As a Show Broadside is still young, very young. As such we need all the help and support we can get. So when two of the three wargames magazines that you have bought advertising space in fail to deliver the advert for the show it's very disappointing."
 Now I don't know the in and outs of what happened, but If I were the organizers of the show I'd be a tad annoyed at this. As Clint said its a new show and needs all the help it can get. So myself Fran and  BigLee and will be trying to help the guys at Milton Hundred out and post a few ads for them. Obviously these won't have the same impact as they would have in the 2 mags, (no names mentioned), but every little can help, so they say, AND if you do turn up for the show, you'll get to meet me and Fran!!! Shouldn't really have said that, nobody's gonna turn up for that are they????  Fran did say though, and I quote " If any one comes up to him at the show and says, "Are you The Gitface Angry Lurker"" he'll give them a pound, but he might have meant a pounding though??? Not really sure??

Posties Rejects are putting on their first ever (and probably last!) game at a show. Its a WWI demo/game for The Battle of Amiens 1918.

So here you are, all the info you need about the show!!!!!!


This year our show is sponsored by Pen & Sword Books
publishers of Military, Aviation, Maritime and Wargaming books

Sunday 10th June 2012 Swallows Leisure Centre, Central Avenue, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 4NT

10am to 4pm - Entrance Fee JUST £3.00!

(non wargaming partners and children under 16 free when
accompanied by a paying adult)
We have 37 traders, 14 clubs and 26 games!!
why not take a table at our new Flea Market style Bring and Buy?


  1. Well done the Rejects! Sadly I won't be able to attend, but wish everyone involved every success.

  2. Pound in Irish means "Kick in the Crackers".......

  3. Bad news about the shows magazine adverts... I expect to here more detailed gossip about the situation next time we meet! Needless to say I'll be joining in the 'advertising campaign' to promote both the show and our demo. This really is a good show and deserves an opportunity to prove it to the wider gaming community.

  4. Here is wishing the Postal Rejects a great time meeting and mesmerizing the fortunate ones who stop by your table to meet you face to face and on the battlefield.

  5. I've added a box for the show on my blog ... but it's way too far to go to get a kick in the knackers.. I can get one of those round here. Maybe one of the two or three people who read my blog will turn up for one instead. Hope it works out!

    1. Cheers Jim! Light blonde....I like it!

    2. Cheers Jim I really appreciate the Broadside Mention.

  6. Good luck with the show,Ive added advert/details on my Blog,


  7. Good luck with the demo, hope attendance will be great!

  8. Good luck with the demo indeed. Will post something up next week for it as well. Help push it with my blog as best as I can.. every little bit counts!

    1. Thank you Mr Lee every mention is really appreciated.

  9. Good luck with the demo Ray. Nice photo of you on Angry Lurker, by the way. Be a lert dude. The world needs more lerts.

  10. BIG THANKS RAY (and everyone who has noticed) for helping to promote Broadside. I have had 4 messages of support from your followers so far.

    It is Disapointing when only one magazine carries the add (Miniature wargames) but with luck enough word of mouth from the BLOGOSPHERE might just tip the balance.

    Once again thats to you and all the other blogers

    1. No probs Clint, we're glad to help!! I'm pleased that so many other bloggers have jumped in and posted about Broadside as well. What a great bunch of guys!!!

    2. Interesting to note I have just had a message from WSS posted on my blog. It seems Reject power is not to be underestimated!

  11. Shame about the magazines, but it's very good idea to advertise on the blogosphere -- like you say, every bit helps. I'll chip in with some blog space too!

  12. The ads not seeing print sucks! I hope a lot of people show up though!

  13. If you manage to stay awake all the way through, I bet it's a great game! Is it far from the car park?

    In the meantime I'll bung something about the show on my blog (if I can find out how to do it, that is!)


    1. Nice one!! And its about a minutes stagger to the carpark!

  14. Thanks for flagging this Ray - I've popped a post about the show on my blog too - although I'm sure I don't have anywhere near the reach of the Rejects! I enjoyed the show last year and it would be a terrible shame if a new local show was to drop off the calendar.

  15. Glad it's Rejects To The Rescue. Good of you. Wish I could do my bit and come, but it's a tad far for me.
    Good luck with your Great War game.

  16. Where's your picture of Fran sleeping?

    That was some funny, funny stuff from his blog. Tim and I laughed. Tim asked what was that pink VIP thing, next to you.

    Happy Weekend.

    1. Glad you had a giggle, that boy needs a kick in the nuts!!!! The VIP pink thing is my daughters booster seat, its law to have them for kids under 12 years old over here.

  17. I had just begun following you and Fran last year when you went to Broadside so I do remember that post. I also remember not knowing who the hell this "Fran" person you kept referring to on your blog was.

    1. And look where its got us both??????

    2. Well Ray there's a picture of you sleeping on his blog right now, so we know what it got you. I'm still trying to work out what it got me!!

  18. The only thing I can do is giving some mental support! Make it a great show over there! :-D


  19. Checked the link and you have a great selection of traders so hopefully you will have a good turn out.

  20. Hi Ray, many thanks for supporting Broadside. the show is a lot of work, even down to making up some special colouring in stuff for the youngest visitors to help the tired mums! We try and think of everything!! It takes the best part of a year to get thses things going and I am already working on Broadside 2013. The show is really starting to feel like a true wargame community event thanks to you and you blog followers, a big thanks to them all!

  21. Good that you're supporting's bad that three magazines let them down
