
Monday 28 May 2012

Dad's Army - Keep Young and Beautiful

Today's post is totally none wargaming related, but its about soldiers (well kind of?), so I think it fits in??
Last week a saw a documentary on the BBC TV show Dad's Army, they showed loads of clips from the show, and this is one of them. I've watched it around 50 times in the last week, it just tickles me, I can't help it???
 I showed it to the Mrs, who just looked at me shaking her head. I was told "I'm sad", by daughter No 2, who's 17. My two little'uns liked it though. Thing is they were probably laughing at me, not with me!!!

But I think its an excellent bit of film and I dare you not to smile or chuckle at Sgt Wilson's laugh!!!!
Just to set the clip up, It from an episode called "Keep young and Beautiful" Some of the Platoon are feeling their age and trying things to make them feel and look young. Capt Mainwaring is trying out a wig!!!

Some of you readers may never have seen Dad's Army which ran from 1968 till 1977. It was all about a exploits of a Home Guard platoon during WWII. 
Here's a few links if your interested: 


  1. I don’t think you’re sad! A wonderful series that never fails to make me smile either.

  2. Sad?? I think not sir! Totally brilliant stuff. I never get tired of Dad's Army, and it's great to see how well the kids get into it. It somehow doesn't seem to have dated badly, maybe because it was always dated?

  3. I went to see a stage production of it the other week; a local theatre group did a couple of episodes. Odd hearing it done by Australians putting on accents, but they did well; captured the characters. It included the episode with the captured U-Boat crew ...

  4. I have the whole series on DVD (less the ones which were taped over back in the day), thanks to a sale at somewhere or other. I also have the movie... so I'm extra sad! Good choice of clip too!

    I'm surprised Australia doesn't have its own version to be honest.... they had their own invasion scare for a while and that would have made for good viewing.

    1. ... several of my favourite lines are in this excerpt ...

    2. Probably, THE best Dad's army clip!

  5. YTou can't beat a good bit of Dad's Army, Walmington-on Sea's finest. It's not a coincidence that we were not invaded!

  6. Don't tell him your name, Pike!

    One of my favourite TV programes ever. Genius!

  7. Old memories are coming back, looking at this post. I really loved that TV program!

    Thanks for sharing Ray!


  8. Nice one, Ray. Dad's Army is still classic comedy.

  9. Great post Ray. Classic!

  10. I have watch "Dad's Army" several times myself. Love it!! Great post Ray.

  11. The series was one..and still is, one of my favourites. The film was also great.."stick it out..2-3-4, stick it in 2-3-4".

  12. Heh.. nice.. haven't seen.. but might have to check it out on youtube or other nefarious places that might have it lurking in the background..

    1. Do try and look it up, your bound to enjoy the show.

  13. I love watching these now even the carry on film still make me chuckle good ol classics are the best

    1. Classic British comedy, a lot better than most of the crap the make today.

  14. Love Dad's Army. I got the boxed set for Christmas (every episode that survives) and the whole family have been watching it with me. As well as being very funny I think many of the story's are very touching.

  15. Enjoy, Ray. I'll be watching "Band of Brothers." I had a relative who fought at the battle at Bastogne.

  16. A classic serial that never dates. I'm sure I know the words to most of the scripts!

  17. What a great bunch of characters they all were, it would be hard to pick a favourite.

  18. Cheers for all the comments chaps!!!!!!!

  19. It appears to have been a very good series. And I painted some of the character with the Foundry miniatures!

  20. Ah Dad's army. I may have caught it on the reruns, but it's still great.

    Don't tell them your name Pike!!

  21. I really need to watch Dad's Army, never saw it. My wife and I spent half a year watching Allo! Allo! from start to finish, and have only just recovered, so maybe it's time to do this.

    1. Great show I love Allo Allo always makes me laugh every time

    2. Give it a go Mad Padre, If you like 'allo 'allo, then you'll definitely like Dad's Army.

  22. First time me seeing this clip and I did laugh.

    1. Glad you liked it Whisk, it was hard not too!!

  23. Nostalgia is good for the soul Ray. Don't let anyone tell you different.

  24. Was never familiar with the show, thanks for sharing the links.
    I wouldn't worry about seeming sad to a 17 year old girl. It's not a battle you're going to win.

    1. Yep! I given up. I'm losing 6-0 and there's still 20 minutes to go!!

  25. I never used to like Dads army but I watch some on Sky and found my self laughing
    must be because I am getting old Thanks for putting the clip up

    1. Me as well Vince!! Its good ol' British comedy!

  26. Thanks for putting this up Ray. Dad's Army has to be one of the best British Comedies ever and while I can probably recount every line it still makes me roar with laughter each time I watch it

  27. Never heard of "Dad's Army" hahaha
    No serious its good British humor, and I like it!

    In Holland it's called "Daar komen de schutters" ( there comes the shooters )

    Greetings Remco
    Alias Dad's Army on Benno's ;-)

  28. brilliant series and so well written/acted...

  29. Dad's Army never ages, it'll always be funny.

    Nosstalgia just aint what it used to be, thanks for the reminder.

  30. An old show, but its still good now, and as others have said - thanks to its period portrayal it doesnt age... Cant help but keep thinking he's dead, he's dead, as I watch it though...;-)

  31. I love Dads Army and have a box set of the whole series which e have watched several times. Its nice gentle humor that both pokes fun at ourselves while at the same time recognising the determination and bravery of these part time soldiers. Their role in home defence and morale cannot be underestimated and should always be celebrated.
