
Tuesday 7 August 2012

25mm WSS - Tish shares his pics

 I had an email last week from  a fellow Leadhead , Tish from Canada. He sent me some photos of his fantastic collection of WSS figures and would like to share them on my blog.

Tish said
               “I paint and collect 25/28mm Ancients, Renaissance, WSS, Napoleonic, ACW, and 20mm WWII and modern armies. I have been involved in this strange hobby since my parents moved to a remote corner of Northern Ontario in 1970 from the UK.

I have enjoyed your blog for some time and have utilized quite a few of your Irish (Jacobite) flags over the last year or so. I am finishing up a few more units of Jacobite foot, soon to morph into a full Irish Brigade of the War of the Spanish Succession. Currently I have 3 Irish Brigade battalions (each about 32 strong on 15mm frontages).

I have 3 war games tables in my messy basement on the outskirts of Toronto (each 6 X 6 feet - modular terrain boards) . Currently I have French / Irish / Bavarians vs English-Scottish / Dutch / Danes / Austrians and Prussians (WSS). The current set up features about 16 French / allied battalions vs. 30 English-Dutch allied battalions. Battalions are 32 - 48 strong, 15mm frontage - each base with 4 figures in 2 ranks (8-12 bases per unit). Cavalry are based 20mm frontage, 12 figures to a squadron.

I am planning to complete another 6 - 8 French / Irish / Swiss battalions and 2 more English, 1 more Danish, and a Huguenot battalion. I will do another 4 cavalry squadrons per side. Most of my figures are Dixons, Essex and Foundry, but I will finish this project with fairly inexpensive pewter Old Glory Marlburians (about $1.00 a figure - US manufacturer), and very cheap plastic Wargames Factory Marlburians (4 packs infantry / 4 packs cavalry). I hope the Wargames factory figures don't look out of place - but the price is pretty good.

The other tables feature Hannibal vs Scipio, and Lizardmen vs Aztecs (with a few Conquistadore cannons) respectively. Every year or so I change the tables around for ACW, Ancient China, Samurai, Poles vs Turks, etc. Last year I set up a 12 X 6 foot table covered with Seleucids vs Indo Bactrians - basically a combination of every Alexandrian, Early Republican Roman, Persian, Scythian, and Indian figure I have collected over 20 years.

My true megalomaniac moment will be when I actually set up my Napoleonics on a giant battlefield. My collection in glass cases upstairs (not in the messy basement) comprises about 60 French / allied battalions  (6 cavalry squadrons) vs. 30 English / allied battalions (6 cavalry squadrons). My infantry units are 36-48 strong, cavalry squadrons are 12 strong. This is why my wife banned me from e bay 3 years ago!!!!”

I'm sure you'll all agree that's a mighty fine collection and would grace any gaming table, I'd like to thank Tish for sharing his pics with me and your good selves. He also explained that he's looking for a new club, he in the Toronto area, so if there are any Canadians out there who fancy a game, drop me a line and I'll pass on your details.


  1. Awesome collection. Wish I had a game's room in my apartment.

  2. Good stuff! Thanks for sharing Ray.


  3. Puh! What a lot figures Tish has in his collecetion.
    Another reason to realize a vacation to Eastern Canada within the next few years. ;)

  4. WoW Wow WOW WOW WOW. Fantastic collection there Tish. I wished I lived in the states or you gits seems to have Huuuuuuge basements for Hobby love!

  5. Now that's a fecking collection......

  6. Oh to live in the woods! Super collection there!

  7. Three Wargames tables !!! Now that's just showing off :-) a super collection of armies he has to. Jealous or what........

  8. WOW-this is fantastic. This is almost as much in one man's home as I see posted when someone goes to a convention. You sir are the envy of all gamers today.

  9. Impressive.. also impressive that you have such a loyal fan? Guess he doesn't read Fran and Anne's comments much eh? :) ( And yes, I am Canadian.. hence the eh? at the end :) )

  10. Amazing collection! Really impressive!

  11. That's incredible for a guy like me!
    how much figures he have???
    impressive table-game!

  12. Impressive collection! I guess one day we must all go and put all our minis on a able for a group shot, just to see how mad we have been over the years!

  13. That's an incredible collection...I feel quite inadequate now!

  14. Oh my goodness, what a collection!

  15. Awsome collection, thanks for reposting.

  16. A lot of everything well done.

  17. Fantastic collection of troops.

  18. Wow, thanks for those pics, they are great. Wish I lived in his area.

  19. Great looking troops and tables. A basement is perfect!

  20. Say now that's an awesome collection!!


  21. That's some collection of Tish's, thanks for sharing Ray.

  22. Great collection, shame it sounds like he gets litle gaming in


  23. Incredible collection. Very nice.

  24. That is an amazing collection.

  25. Awesome pics. Thanks for sharing Ray.
