
Thursday 9 August 2012

A Prize, Eric's Blog and a Moan!

Just a quick post tonight with three things to talk about.

Back in March, I entered into a Prize draw on Fog Soldiers Blog, and I won a a figure, the was a small delay in posting, but I received my 25mm British 7YW Officer in the post the other day! Thanks Marzio!
Postie is quite happy as its now deftly entered his collection as a General for his never before seen Culloden collection!!

No 2

A heads up for a new blog. Elder's Wargaming Blog. I've been in email contact with Eric for a while now, Eric's been painting up 15mm figures for the Battle of Flodden and has used a few of my flags and has made some of his own. He doesn't promise to blog everyday, but pop over and take a look.

No 3

Please, Please, Please turn your captcha off!!!!!!!!! Before I explode!!!!!!!


  1. nice SYW office...I think we need a Culloden AAR!

  2. I heartily agree with #3!

  3. Get over yourself Rousell and go make me a cup of tea!

    1. I made the last one git face! Get your lard arse out there and make me one and while your at it, bring me cake!!!

    2. Rousell, there'll be no cake for you tonight!

  4. Nice one.. and come on, captcha is the work of the gods!

  5. That's a damn nice looking figure there and I'll pop over to Elder's blog straight away.

  6. Ditto on #3!! That captcha crap seems to be getting even harder to read lately.

  7. Perhaps you should stop commenting on the captcha terrorist's blogs Ray!

    1. Makes me feel like that sometimes!

    2. Those little buggers are getting harder and harder to read. I didn't mind them back in the day when they weren't so crappy. Now, it's a pain in the butt.

  8. I think I have turned my captcha off. but I can't be sure until someone tells me. Be a friend and let me know if I havn't... and then tell me how to as I am obviously being thick!

    Other than that hope you are having a better day than me. Turned up for work (5am) and could not access the site (yes I'm key holder). Phoned Security, they can't get in either. Will phone maintenence in 2 hours (8am) as they won't be at work before then and usually don't awnser the phone until 9am (but I might get lucky). All the best Clint

    1. Took 3 big man and a lot of swearing to open the gate in the end!While one office worker woman moaned about it! And we so needed that!

  9. Is captcha that annoying ID the letters to prove your not a robot thing? Is it also the "Show word verification" on my settings? If so then I'd be happy to strike a blow against it! Just need to know I'm right first. :o)

  10. Lovely figure there Ray and a great blog you have pointed out too. Totally agree with point three, I have hardly read the numbers now. mumble, mumble, something about google, lol

  11. Totally agree on number 3. Switched mine off ages ago

  12. I think I killed the captcha thing off ages ago. but I am never sure if it works! the bloddy this is getting worse and worse

  13. Nice mini, Postie will be happy I'm sure I can hear him cackling maniacally from here in Brum.

    The new captcha's are ridiculous

  14. 1)Nice miniature, congrats!
    2)Nice blog, thanks for sharing!
    3)Oh yes, PLEASE!!!!!

  15. Great model, lucky sod.. and completely agree on the verification.. if they want to spam.. they will still find a way..

    1. I get probably 3 spam comments a week, usually advertising wedding photography in Yorkshire?!?

  16. Ref #3: We all have days like that!

  17. And me who was hoping for a big Ray's rant...disapointed! Lucky with the mini!

    1. I just couldn't put it into words, I though the pic said it all.

  18. Switched mine off ages ago and only had a couple of rogue messages come up which I deleted so no harm done.

    It's when you go through the verification and then it goes for moderation before publishing. That's the anoying one for me


  19. Congrats for the price, it's a real nice figure. With the captcha I agree with you until the time I have more work and problems <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<without the captcha than with.

  20. Captcha... with ever new incarnation it gets more rediculous. The most annoying thing is that it forces you to scroll down the page after clicking "publish" (the first time) to get to the test. That is a huge pain in the behind with long posts or those that have many comments on a mobile device!

    And I do not ge why blogger and blogspot even have it! I use Wordpress for my blog and they do not use Captcha at all, but just a content checker. I have only had two false positives (that is less than 0,01%!!!) not not a single spam comment slip the net.

  21. Nice figure and nice site ref. Now I know what point number 3 is about (blimey, Mac's don't have a hash key!) - had to Google it - I fully agree. To be honest, I didn't know you had to switch it off, I thought you had to switch it on. Nevertheless, they're bollocks. (Can you say bollocks on here?)


    1. yes you can say bollox! Bollocks, Bollux or even Bow-locks!

  22. I'm with you on captcha, just when you get used to one style they go and create an even more illegible variant!

  23. Great figure Ray, lucky you and Postie. Totally agree with the feelings on #3. Off now to check out the blog.

  24. Turned the captcha thingy off two days ago..and WHAM!!!!! I got hit with chinese spammers..on both blogs.

    1. Your an unlucky sod Paul, your the only person I've talked to whoe's had this problem.

    2. Quite a few have had the problem, and recently it´s been getting worse. If most people whove turned em off look at thier stats they´ll be getting ever more "hits" from weird Url sources..DO NOT click on them in a fit of curiosity

  25. anyway´s, there´s a new type turning up soon..not as complicated for humans but apparently impossible for bots etc.

  26. Captcha - even the chap who developed it apologised and now does work for charity, crazy but true.

  27. Spread the word on the captcha! It's getting so hard to read, I'm refraining from commenting on captcha ridden bolgs.

  28. Number 3....couldnt agree more. I didnt know you could turn them off.Thanks for the heads up:-)


  29. Tell Postie to get off his arse and put on a '45 game - I want to see these neglected Culloden figures! :)

  30. Ray, I'm with you 100% on Captcha being a pain in the arse.

  31. 1. Nice fig...I like the handcuffs. :)
    2. Nice blog.
    3. I totally agree with you! It freaking disturbing this whole thing!

  32. Very nice figure.

    I HATE the Captcha!!!

  33. Oh yes with you on #3 big time Ray!


  34. Big thumbs up for #3!
    Ok the odd spam message sneaks through occasionally, but most gets picked up by the blog spam filter anyway. Once spotted they are easily deleted...

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