
Thursday 7 February 2013

Boer War Batrep - The Battle of Bergendal 1900

Last Sunday the Posties Rejects got together for our second wargame of the year, now this has got to be a record for us, two wargames already and its still early in February???.
We were re-fighting the Battle of Bergendal in 1900, the last pitched battle of the Anglo-Boer War. You may have already seen BigLee's report on the Battle here, so I won't go into too many details and repeat what Lee's already written, suffice it to say, me and the Lurker were on the same side for once, I even had to stand next to him AND he was our commander, we were doomed from the start!!!!

A general shot of the battlefield, all the terrain you can see (apart from the TSS tiles) was handmade by Reject John the umpire and owner of all the figures used. I had a small command of 3 Commando units and a Long Tom Gun, which were all set up on or around the triangular hill at the bottom of the pic above, which was our right flank.

Fran and Dave had our main force on and between the two large hills. Our aim was to try and hold off the British onslaught, which looked to be rather difficult.

Four of the Reject Brits, plan their attack.

Most of the two tiles on the left were covered in brush which severely hampered the flanking movement of Smiffy's attacking force, meanwhile Dave setup on top of the hill, the only way up the sheer cliff (grey areas)  was the little green path you can see on the left of the hill.

As a result of Smiffy's flanking move I decided to move 1 of my mounted units to the centre
 and help out Dave and Fran, while another unit moved to the town.

 Heeee Hawwww!!! God knows what the Donkey was laughing at????

Could be Big Lee's bald patch that he's so delicately parting???
Why I hear you ask?
I don't know is the simple answer.....

Dave moved over to one side of the hill to stop all of the British units firing at him. We had
 the better in rifle firing, We needed 16+ on a D20, the Brits needed 18+. 

Not a great deal was going on down my end of the table, Reject Richard was on the British left and had orders to hold, just as I did, as I moved some of my troops back around towards the centre, Richard chose his moment, to try and get around the flank.

Its looking dodgy now, although both Fran and Dave pounded the British lines, they 
kept coming, the blue and white dice are casualty dice.

Surj's artillery blew away the barricades and cover in front of Dave's unit, leaving it open for a British charge.

Meanwhile back over the other end of the field, my artillery blew a big hole in the Brits. 
Who went into disorder, and retreated on their own accord.

The big open area, Richard's units can be seen at the top of the pic, with my and 
Fran's units both push forward.

It wasn't working out at all well in the centre, a disastrous throw by both Dave and Fran failed to cause any casualties on Posties charging Brits, they only needed a 5+ on a D20. This allowed the Brits to open a huge can of whoopass on the Boers. Who were either pushed or moved back to form a secondary defensive line at the railroad track. But it was all too late by then........

The victorious Brits, move in for the kill, but me and Fran (Dave had to leave a little earlier) threw 
in the towel and denied them the thrill of battering us even more.

To the Victors go the spoils of war!!!


  1. Your negative waves lost us the game Moriarty!

    1. Have you cheered up yet...or is that too much to expect (lol). This battle was always going to be a can of whoopass for the Boers. The question was, how long could you hold us (and the answer was "hold? whats that??").

    2. No cheering up needed! it was a fun ghame, win some lose some.

  2. No wonder the Boers went back to guerilla fighting for another two years!

  3. You played just like a real Boer Commando. When shooting fails - run away! Looked like a fun game to play.

  4. Very nice looking game, terrain is nice and unusual...

  5. Not a period that one sees played very often so very interesting indeed

  6. well what can you expect. you were going to lose you might as well do it in style.

  7. They don't like it up um!
    That scale figures on that size table really gives the impression of a big game.
    Thanks for sharing.

  8. So you had Fran on your team, Dave left early, and you lost? Bummer. Did you at least get a doughnut?

    1. Yeh but it didn't have any bloody jam in it!!!

    2. Don't mention doughnuts!! Lent starts next week and I have to give them up again!

    3. Giving up doughnuts? Oy, that's just wrong.

      But no jam, even more wrong.

    4. Gutted? Did Lurker suck all the jam out? Because that's not right.

    5. Wait, you were gutted or the doughnut was gutted?

    6. It's horrid, but if it doesn't hurt, God won't be happy :)

      I've heard of egg sucking dogs, but never jam sucking Irishman :)

  9. I am thinking of making some more fudge for Cavalier. Probably a silly question but have a chat with Fran and decide if you want some. Then let me know!!! Good AAR I like the look of this period and scale. ALl in all nicely done.

  10. Sounds like you were doomed from the start,but seems like it was entertaining enough.

  11. Good to see you and friends slugging it out on the battlefield. Glad you enjoyed the experience.

  12. You and Fran on the same team and you seem to have had fun. Jesus, maybe the world is coming to an end!

    My favorite picture is the one of Postie laughing. That's what it's all about-good times with your mates.

  13. Looks like ya'll had a great time. Enjoy the time together; I sure miss the group I had to leave behind almost 7 years ago.

    BTW, I got a chuckle out of the proudly displayed Confederate battle standard. It's illegal to show it in someplaces in the US now! First Amendment: who needs ya?

    1. We do have a great time, didn't know it was illegal to fly the Reb flag, how silly???

  14. Great game, you guys have so much fun, I'm so envious of gamer gangs. I loved the concept and a well executed game and BATREPS. Posties deliver!

  15. Ja! The Veldt leaves plenty of room for 'strategic withdrawals', it just means that the Rooineken have to extend their supply lines further...

    Great report there fella!

  16. A very interesting game. I like a lot this conflict.


  17. You may say you were doomed for the start, but it seems you rather enjoyed playing together!

  18. I think Fran was secretly a double agent and was interfering with the orders

  19. Looks like you guys had fun! Great period to game!

  20. That is a very good looking table and figures. I've only played two Boer War games in all the years I've been gaming; lost once as the British and lost once as the Boers. I'm still bitter.

    1. That was my first ever Boer War game, so I'm on a 0-1

  21. Loved your AAR and this thread is almost as entertaining as the report! Nicely done!

  22. Lovely post Ray and a great report. I have to agree with Lee about the forgone result.

    Well done all the same.

    1. We were on a battering from the start, but I suppose that's how all Boer War games should play out.

  23. Fantastic looking game Ray.

  24. Great report and images, Ray. That is a huge table. Best, Dean

  25. Great to see this Ray - I actually went there about 7 years ago when driving from Joburg to Maputo on a business trip. BIG memorial for the Boers and only a small one down the hill for the Brits !

    1. Our past Colonial exploits just don't sit well with our friends today, do they, can't think why?????
