
Friday 8 February 2013

Broadside 2013

Alan over A Little From Leofwine , the chairman of The Milton Hundred Wargames Club reports a disaster for their club and show Broadside, a very nice person or as Alan puts it "some git in Malaysia",  has hacked their website which has been taken down by their provider. They're not at all sure when the site will be back up either, so he's put out a plea for help to promote the show. So here's my little bit!
Here's a link to last years show Broadside 12 and the year before 2011.

Posties Rejects will be there putting on a game, we're not too sure what It'll be yet though???

Tel 01795 873379 or 07588 806306

Our Traders so far....

Ainsty Castings
Alchemy Miniatures
Andy’s Models
Brigade Models
Colonel Bills
Conquest Games Ltd.
Crooked Dice Game Design Studio
Cymbeline Games
David Lanchester Books
Early War Miniatures
Fenris Games
Frontline Wargaming
Harfields Military Figures
IT Miniatures
Lesley’s Bits Box / KR Multicase
Monarch Military Books
No Mans Land (Maidstone)
Products for Wargamers
Realistic Modelling Services
Red Knight Wargames
Redoubt Enterprises
Shell Hole Scenics
Tole Haven
Wargames Emporium

Our Clubs so far....

Maidstone Wargames Society
Rainham Wargames Club
Society of Ancients
Gamers Hub
Skirmish Wargames
South East Essex military society 
Hornchurch Heroes 
Shepway Wargames Club
CTK Wargaming  
Posties Rejects


  1. Replies
    1. Some people haven't got anything else better to do for some reason.

  2. Cheers for putting this up mate. It seams each year we get a different problem!

    You are a fine fellow.

  3. That's two years on the trot something bad has happened to there per-show advertising. That's a lot of bad luck!!!


  4. Nice one Ray, I'll do something over the weekend!

  5. Hackers-they should be drawn and quartered. You guys always have a good time at this show.

    1. Amen: Hack the hackers!

    2. Should be a good day, just got to figure out what game were gonna play

  6. Your lot should put on a Kriegspiel game. While lacking the visual appeal of miniatures, the maps and blocks of wood would generate interest from old school wargamers.

    "Forward the Basswood Division"

    And what's better, the Too Fat Lardies sell the book.

  7. A good selection of traders so I may be tempted if I am free.
    Thanks for sharing,

  8. How rude! I hope their site is up and running soon.

    A Wargamer's Flea Market = My Hubby's Heaven

  9. Owch that's nasty. Good thing there's valuable people willing to help out. Nice of you!
