
Friday 5 April 2013

RP No 129 Battle of Flodden 1513 - Scottish Pikes

A this year is the 500th anniversary of the Battle of Flodden, in 1513 I thought I'd have a crack at getting some figures painted up for the Battle. my original plan was to refight the Battle at the Broadside Wargames show in June, but I won't get all the figures painted up in time. My initial plans were to use the army lists from the excellent ruleset "Warfare in The Age of Discovery". This called for approx 17 units of Scottish Pike, so the said figures were duly ordered from a various number of companies. BUT after reading the Osprey's "Battle of Flodden" Order of Battle I decided to extend the armies slightly.........ok a lot!!!
So the first 15 pike units will now just be for King James IV's Battle, comprising 15,000 men and here they are below....

Lord Irskine and the Earl of Morton's pike blocks

The Kings Houshold troops and Lord Home's pike blocks.
(Lord Home's pikes were not part of  the King's battle, they were in their own battle)

The Men of Edinburgh and the Earl of Rothis' pike blocks.

Keith, the Earl Marishal and Lord Borthwick's pike blocks.

Hamilton, Lord Innerwick and more Kings Household pike blocks.

Lord Sempill and Lord Maxwell's pike blocks

The Earl of Cassillis and Lord Seton's pike blocks.

Lord Ross and Lord Herries' pike blocks.

Lord Home
All the Pikemen are from Peter Pig's WotR range, while the front rank troops
are a mix of MY minis, Frei Corps, Feudal and Essex

The Edinburgh regt
Once again the front rank are mixed manufacturers, this time we have
Frei Corps, Peter Pig, Feudal and Frei Corps again
These troops were entered into Curt's Challenge, where I was accussed of sandbagging 
again, oh the cheek of it!!, They earned me a massive 546 points!!!

Most of the flags are downloadable from my blog, here!


  1. These still look great despite the allegations (and that it's true)


  2. They look great Ray...Sandbagging...YOU, i don't believe a word of it ;)


  3. Great! I really like them...

  4. Wow, that is really epic! You are ready to invade.

  5. Really nice Ray. Shame it won't be ready for Broadside I would have liked to have seen it in action. As for Sandbagging I will have to do a slang search and find a definition. But it's probably just slandering your good name.

    1. I have just looked it up.... its either the female version of "teabagging" or a games player not bringing their best game on purpose because they are far superior to the other contestants. If it's the second one that's actually a compliment! If It's the first one I'm a little worried!

    2. It's the second, although that definition isn't quite correct. It usually refers to someone deliberately playing down their level of ability to lull their opponents into a false sense of security, then unleashing their full capability at the very last minute.

      A bit like what Ray did in the Challenge, this year and last! *lol*

    3. Thanks Tamsin. I get it now. and I appreciate the clarification. I had never come across the term before.

      I'm just grateful it was not the first option. (Grins)

  6. They were 256 great figures and deserved the 546 points you got for them and their flags.

    Even if it was copying my idea of submitting 256 *Swiss* pikemen as one lot, which everybody knew I was doing and which I didn't submit on the very last day.

    Even if it was sandbagging as they were part of your 2 entries on the very last day that made up 40% of your final score!


  7. That is a nice army, even if it isn't the whole lot. What does your Flodden OB look like?

  8. Nota period a have a great deal of interest in though these are absolutely beautiful and well deserved of the shedload of points you got for them - Accusing you of sandbagging,I think some folk are indeed just jealous of your painting.

    1. I couldn't agree more, especially that Tamsin bird!!!

  9. A fine mass of troops and skillfully painted Ray. You should be proud!

  10. In blue we trust! Fine looking army there Ray! :)

  11. Gorgeous Ray. It's a very impressive horde already! And you're adding MORE! Let me know if you're needing an opponent. I'm no stranger to losing, after all.

    1. Hopefully we'll get a game in with these by the end of the year??????

    2. Would love too. Speaking of which, I'm working on putting together a scenario and terrain for you and the other rejects. Had such a great time over at Postie's the other day I figured I'd return the favour and invite you all round to mine. Most of the mini's are done now, just need to finish up the rest of the terrain. It'll be something a little bit different for most of you.

  12. Lots of different colors here-and-there amongst the gathered troops, Sir Ray. Nice work.

  13. Ray, in my humble opinion that is some of your best work yet! Looks fantastic.

  14. WOW, this was your last drop? You saved your best for last! These are wonderful to look at with all the livery, ranked up and banners flying.

    I don't know many songs about pikemen but if the Irish don't mind lending it out, The Rising of the Moon is a good one to accompany these fine lads to the tabletop.

    1. I did have a few things in after this one, it wasn't quite my last entry.

  15. That's a hell of a lot of nice painting there Ray. Shame you didn't pick an army that occasionally wins . . .


    1. Well I'll be doing the English as well, so that should even things up!

  16. Still as impressive on second viewing and talk of sandbaging is wrong I think it was just tactical trying to get one over on those Kiwi's again. I will have to keep that last 24 hour mulitiple entry "trick" in mind for next year so I don't get caught short again.
    Peace Ray

    1. It does work James, but of course, it wasn't planned??

  17. Fantastic Scottish pike Ray!

  18. Either way you look at it, t certain was an awesome entry all that armour and flags! As for sandbagging, well we all knew it was coming - the 'Rousell Rush' at the end of the challenge - still awesome Sir.

  19. They look fantastic mate. And I don't belive all these allegations of sandbagging! Its not as if you have Form or anything....

  20. Very impressive Ray !!!

    Best regards Michael

  21. A great period and all the better for seeing this collection.

  22. Very ambitious Ray and I love to see all the flags and colors. Well done!

  23. These are absolutely brilliant Ray! I'm impressed!

  24. Those fellows look great! As much as I like the uniform and color of the musket age and beyond, visually I like the medieval and Italian wars. So much color and more ad hoc appeal...kinda like my ancestors where each warrior was an individual.

  25. Super looking figures especially with the banners

  26. Yeah! More medieval minis! Go, Ray, Go!

    1. Well, okay, Renaissance. They're still great!

  27. Good choice for a game. It would be good to see all the troops en-masse, to get the best effect, but great looking units.

  28. Great looking units Ray, the flags and livery really set off the figures.

  29. I'm always impressed when I see them all together into a small army.

  30. Really nice group of units. A fantastic project, Ray

  31. Ray, be sure to visit my post tomorrow for a good laugh!

  32. Excellent looking Scottish ranks - very impressive en masse. Best, Dean

  33. Lovely work Ray - your banners, as usual are brilliant. I agree with you in thinking you are indecently maligned but it's pointless to go against popular consensus (and its just too much fun). :)

  34. Impressive work Ray!

    IIRC the Battle of Flodden was pretty much a victory for the English Longbow, and Bill over the Scottish Pike?

    Will you also be doing the English force?

  35. Didn´t have time to post a reply last time. Lovely looking army matey. Great to be able to recognise a couple of the Flags like Kieths and Setons.

    1. I shall be posting more units this week, fingers crossed!!!
