
Tuesday 9 April 2013

RP No 130 Killiecrankie Commanders & Lokis Givaway

Originally myself and Reject Richard agreed to paint up an army each to play the rules Beneath the Lily Banners. I was to paint up the Flanders army for King William III while Richard would paint up the army of Louis XIV of France. As I get quite a bit more painting time than poor Richard, my Flanders army was soon complete, while Richard was lagging behind a little. So I came up with another plan. Paint up the jacobite army of King James, these can then be added to Richard's French to fill out the ranks, of course it didn't stop there, I had to paint up the Williamites as well, why i just couldn't use the English I'd already painted up for Flanders I don't know?????
Now that army is nearly complete, I've painted but not posted the last regts I need for the Irish campaign, so feeling a little lost I decided to cross the Irish Sea to Scotland and paint up the Scots Jacobites for the Battle of Killicranckie. The Scots are painted and have already been posted, here. Now once again I could have used the Flanders or the Irish commanders for Killiecrankie but being the fool I am, I bought more and painted them up as well and here they are!!!!!
They were entered in the Analogue Painting Challenge, earning me 69 points

The Williamite CnC, Lieutenant General Hugh Mackay

The Williamite 2nd in C - Colonel Bartholomew Balfour

3rd in C,  David Melville 3rd Earl of Levan

Jacobite 2nC, Col Alexander Cannon 

Sir John McLean

Sir Ewan Cameron

Sir Alexander MacLean

And lastly the Jacobite CnC - John Graham, 7th Laird of Claverhouse, 1st Viscount Dundee

Also Andrew over on Lokis Great Hall is a fantastic Blog Birthday Giveaway, so if you're after any free stuff get yourselves over there and join up or don't as it'll give me a better chance to win!!!!!


  1. Wonderful stands for a wonderful period! Great work...

  2. As always Ray a pleasure to see.

  3. Excellent work Ray! These are very impressive!

  4. Great job Ray!

  5. lovely figures nicely painted! I like!

  6. Impressed I am Ray. Nice work on the nags mate.

  7. Lovely commanders Ray :)

    It guess that is what the docs call "Wargamus projectus creepus"

  8. These look fantastic, Ray. 69 points is awesome!

  9. Nice work. Love the guys in bonnets.

  10. Mackay certainly looks the part of the CnC, but all of these would serve equally well as vignettes in their own right.

  11. Nice looking command stands. You could just make generic armies and play multiple theaters, but where's the fun in that?

  12. Superb painting and basing once again.

  13. Your the man, Ray! Nice examples of your fine painting and basing skills.

  14. That's a lot of horses!
    You were on a painting roll and couldn't stop. Addict!

  15. Lovely work on all of your command stands. I just dug up your post on basing to see how your doing it!

  16. Ray,
    What a nice looking lot you have there! I like the way you did the bases, what's your trick or technique if I may ask? Also did you get my e-mail of my highlander pics?

    Take care.

  17. I like the one that has his hat off.

  18. Beautiful work as always Ray and I always have admired the way you paint your horses.

    The reason you can't stop buying figures you don't really need is because you are a proper wargamer.

    1. Well said Anne! I'll try and explain it that way to the mrs!

  19. Excellent work, Ray. A very nice collection.

  20. Great work as always Ray! :)

  21. A very nice collection of command bases!
