
Wednesday 22 May 2013

RP No 138 NYW Tiffin's foot regt

Zachariah Tiffin was commissioned by William III to raise the regiment on 20th June 1689 for the defence of the town of Enniskillen Co Fermanagh, from the Catholic army of James II. Recruiting was not difficult because independent companies already existed in the area. These amalgamated and formed the corps of the regt. In July 1690 Tiffin's regiment fought at the Boyne and In 1691 the regiment was at the Battle of Aughrim. In early 1695 the regiment  was in West Flanders and were present at the Siege of Namur.
The Tiffin regiment survived the 1699 disbanding’s by being on the Irish establishment. On 1 July 1702 the Tiffin regiment was in the Leeward Islands. On 29 August 1702 Thomas Whetham succeeded Zachary Tiffin as colonel of the regiment.

As per usual the figures are from Essex, bases from Warbases and the flags are pure conjecture and made by me.

Also Tamsin is still at it giving away more free stuff, in her final 5th prize, she's giving away a box of Warlord Spartans, so get over there quick and sign up, you never know your luck.
Also Kris has a blog givaway as well, get over to his blog Wargames & Railroads he's giving away 12 prizes!!, ranging from  Ho scale boxcars to books and Fantasy figures, so once again get on over and sign up


  1. Very nice looking stuff, Rayola.

  2. More great work Ray and thanks for the pimpage :)

    I wonder if Colonel Tiffin came in boxes?

  3. another really excellent unit as always love the flags

  4. Lovely work Ray. I always learn something new with your regimental histories!

    "I wonder if Colonel Tiffin came in boxes?" - or maybe he was partial to a cup of tea with cucumber sandwiches between meals? ;-)

    1. I believe he was, I'm sure I read it somewhere???

  5. lol, you've got followers with funny bones. These lads do look good in black!

  6. Nice unit once again, Ray! From Fran's comment, I assume you are close if not finished with army...wish I could be at the show to see them!

    1. This is the last infantry regt for the Boyne, I'm still painting some for Killicranckie though??

  7. Tiffin was in charge for a good number of years.
    Nice job on the figures and the flags.

  8. Excellent as always Ray. It will be interesting to see how this plays out during your demo game.

    Have a good night you two.

    1. The last game was very interesting, but now all the lads should know what to do, so I can't see it going King James' way again, but there's always the dice gods???

  9. Excellent work Ray. Looking forward to seeing a big battle with all these troops.

  10. I like their skin tone. Reminds me of me. Eheh

  11. Impressed by the flags. They really set off the look of the regiment.

  12. You make it look so easy. I am struggling with my first WSS unit. It is finally getting there after a re-paint started yesterday. Still enough of me and on to you. These look really good and it is nice to see another unit finished and ready to go. The whole table set up will no doubt look excellent on the day.

  13. Really nice work Sir Ray
    Greetings .

  14. Very nice looking unit !!!

    Best regards Michael

  15. Great stuff as always mate. Looking forward to presenting the game at Broadside now. Not long to go...

  16. Great looking units and flags Ray :)

  17. Bloody good work Ray. You are a machine!

  18. Wonderful unit, great work once again Ray!

  19. Who wouldn't want to serve under a chap called Zachariah Tiffin???! :o)

  20. Thanks to your very interesting posts, I´m thinking about to re-take this project...

    Very nice unit!

  21. Tiffin and Whetman, you couldn't make this stuff up, another great unit Ray.

  22. Another great looking regiment and historical background. Thanks for the tips on the free-give away blogs. Best, Dean

  23. Never first but still appreciate the brush work and history

  24. They look very smart with the white brimmed hats. Cleanly painted.

  25. Really really smart looking regiment! Top stuff!

  26. Another splendid group Ray, lovely job Sir.

  27. Very nice Ray. Lovely. I'm dying to get a game against you with my Piedmontese! But first I have to get them painted! I'm on holiday for a week, so you'd think I'd manage to get some work down on my own figs for a change, but no! The good lady won't let me pack any paints in my luggage!

    She just doesn't understand what I'm going through :D

  28. Of course he came in boxes, where else?
