
Thursday 23 May 2013

This is the End, the Bromance is over!

Well that's it.......
Its Fran and my last shift at work tonight.......
They've finally pulled the plug and closed us down for good........
 So, as of tomorrow we're both unemployed.......


So we're both on the job hunt now, as well as the other 6 chaps here
hopefully we'll find something quickly??
This may in turn affect our blogs, I for certain won't be painting as much
and probably blogging much either, but I'll try and drop in as and when I can.

RIP Ray Mazarek


  1. Ray, I hope you find something quickly!

  2. Best of luck to the both of you in the search for new jobs!!

  3. Very sorry to hear that Ray. I do hope you and Fran find employment as quickly as possible.


  4. My good man, I am so sorry. He's to both of you finding something soon and maybe even together!

  5. Oh shoot. Sorry to hear that. Hope you'll find a new job both of you.

  6. Good luck with the job hunt!

    Does this mean you gruesome twosome won't be appearing on blogs together?

  7. Sorry to hear Ray. I hope that the both of you will find a new job quick.

  8. Ach, downer. Sorry to hear that. I'm sure you'll both get something decent soon.

  9. keep your chin up and you and Fran will find a job soon.
    Peace James

  10. Tough one mate. But we have all been there and know what it's like. Still maybe this will be the start of something bigger and better. Change is not always a bad thing. Maybe now is time to chase your dream!

  11. Hi Ray,

    I am with Clint on this one - and am also living proof that you can do it! Try and make time for yourself when you can because it really helps to have a little something you have control over...and I don't mean Postie either....;-)

    Hang in there, both of yuz!


  12. Best of luck with the job hunt. Make sure you get some gaming in whilst you're looking, I spent 9 month looking for a job, and although you think you have to be at it 24-7 or feel guilty, it doesn't work that way. You'll need the release the throwing of the dice can give you!

  13. Yes, best of luck, that is a bummer and a half.

  14. I feel for you both. Been a 'jobseeker' a few times, its not much fun.

    Hope you guys get something quickly


  15. Good luck on the job hunt. Been there a few times myself.

  16. Good luck in job hunting and try to see this as an opportunity, hard I know but worth it in the end.

    Cheers, Ross

  17. All the best for the job hunt Ray.Hopefully you find something soon.

  18. May you end up in the best employment opportunity that is available, Ray.

  19. That blows, maybe it won't actually take long after all when Fran finds you something else, it can just click quickly when it finally does. -- mekelnborg, who forgot how to log in

  20. Good luck, Ray. The only thing worse than a job you hate is not having that job. I've hired a lot of people in my day. I'd be glad to look at your resume and comment if that would help.

  21. That's a real bu@@er. Best of luck Ray in the th search for a new job.

  22. Sorry to hear that, Ray. I hope you and Fran both another job together soon. ;)

  23. This sucks monkey balls. I am sorry it's come to an end. Hope you guys find a new job quick. And hopefully one together.

    PS: The Internet will never be the same without you two goobers.

  24. Sorry to hear your news, been there a couple of times myself. Don't let the basters get you down, try and stay positive, you never know what's round the corner. Keeping everything crossed for you and Fran

    All the best, and good luck


  25. I wish you both good luck in finding employment soon! With some luck, perhaps this will be just a brief vacation!

  26. I feel so sorry for you and Fran. Having to sign on at the job centre was one of the worst experiences of my life. I wish you both the very best of luck in these trying times.

  27. Tough break. Hope the job hunting goes well

  28. Sorry to know this, Ray. I wish both of you the best of luck finding a new job.

  29. Sorry to hear that. I hope you find something new soon.
    I wish you the very best of luck

  30. Hi sorry this has come to you both. Hope you get re-employed in worthwhile fashion as soon as

  31. Been there twice now inside of ten years. The first time was really rough the second time I picked up a new job just as my severance pay ran out.

  32. Sorry to hear that. Hope you both find something soon.

  33. All my thoughts and wishes for you and Fran!
    I imagine that is a very bad time for you.
    (it's a bad time for a lot of people in the world, unfortunately...)

    Good luck! I hope that you will come back very soon with your funny smiling visage!

  34. Good luck to the both of you. Just think if you both end up at the same place, it will be hell for the rest of them.

    It's horrible looking for jobs at the moment but wishing it all works out for you both


  35. Best of luck with the job search!


  36. Good luck with this new quest!
    I am crossing my fingers for you guys!

  37. Really sorry to hear that, Ray. Here's hoping it is a quick pause and then on a new and better job.

  38. Ray, very sorry to hear that - best of luck with finding a new position.


  39. Sorry to hear about your news. I'm sure something will turn up soon. Posties never die, they only smell that way.

  40. Good luck with the job search!

  41. Sorry to hear this, Ray. Hope something comes along soon for you.

  42. Genuine best wishes for the future mate and good luck with the job hunt.

  43. Best of luck mate with job hunting as Clint puts it might be a good thing. I'm sure the Missus will keep you busy ;0)

  44. Ditto everything that's been written above!

    I hope it's the start of a new chapter in the double act that is Ray and Fran. Onwards and upwards!

  45. I'm so sad that it has finally happened. You two boys have been such a joy to me and there were times I thought of giving up blogging. I kept coming back, partly to watch you guys at play.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you transition through this difficult time.

  46. Good luck with the job hunt mate, I know how much of a pain it is and hope it doesn't last too long!

  47. Very sorry to hear that, hope you are gainfully employed, soon.

    Cheers, Simon

  48. Sorry to hear that, best of luck in the job search Ray.

  49. Damn, that really sucks. Hope you'll both find something, even bigger hope you'll land another job together.

  50. I really hope you both get new jobs quickly. As others have said, make sure to have fun-time while you're out of work

  51. Best wishes to you both... I'm sure something will turn up!

  52. Good luck to you and you Fran!

  53. Best of luck to the both you with the job search. Take sometime to think about what you want to do and hopefully that can direct your efforts.

    Change isn't always bad.

  54. I am sure its just a bump in the road of life Ray, best of British for the next corner.

  55. Heres hoping you find something soon Ray, we'll miss you in the blog-o-verse for sure...

  56. sorry to hear about that. I hope you two get another job together soon. if not I will personally "persuade" your employer to hire you both. I am sure there is something for you out there. even if there is not anyone looking out for the little guy these days, the saying is still true... Where there is a will, there's a way. unless your orcs, dictators, some women in which case its... if there's a whip there's a way.

  57. Sorry to hear that you and your Fran lost you jobs Ray!
    I hope you find new ones soon.

    Best Regards

    Hobby worker.

  58. Damn, that's really bad news!

    I'm really sorry to hear this. Unfortunately I can't do more than keeping my fingers crossed that you'll both find something new soon!

    Good luck, boys!


  59. Sorry to hear about this, but at least you have BattleAx Studios.. hopefully you can get some high paying clients that keep wanting more work done from you! All the best for the future mate!

  60. My husband and i got very glad that Jordan managed to conclude his inquiry
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    Thank you for all!

    Feel free to visit my page:

    1. "and it is leading our son in addition to the family reason why that topic is cool, which is certainly highly important." ???? What a load of Cobblers!!! Doesn´t make the least bit of sense. Not only that, but Mr(s) anon don´t even leave a link to visit.
      Bloody waste of time.

    2. Sorry...just wanted to let of a bit of steam. I get 15 plus spam mails a day and they are all the same garbled nonsense. I would like them to leave an address, then I could re-lease Hell onto them.

  61. Ray, I wish you and the rest of the gang all the best for your future. When one door slams in your face another one opens, as they say.
    Best wishes,

  62. Sorry its over mate, but you knew this was coming. Needless to say I wish you and Fran (and the others) lots of luck in your job hunting. I don't envy you! Having said that I'm sure talented fellows like you will have no problem finding another cushy

    Seriously though, best wishes and good luck.

  63. A bit shi**y to say the least.. I´ve been out of work so Long now I can´t remember what it would be like to actually have a Job. As Matt has suggested..make a Youtube thingy, you and Fran..soon get promoted through all the Blogs etc. A sort of wargaming mixed with sillyness Thing. Why not?

  64. Best of luch you guys. There are jobs out there, it's just a case of finding what's right for you and getting past the million other people in the queue. My wife works for G4S and said they're always looking for talented individuals like yourselves.

  65. Good luck on the job front. Keepup the blog though for promoting your painting service (and giving us all a laugh). Have you considered starting a YouTube channel? It's another way you could earn some cash and still entertain the masses.


  66. All the best for the job hunting side of things, I sure things will turn out for the best.

  67. Best of luck to both you and Fran. I have been in the same spot for most of last year and feel for you!

    Keep your chins up... I am keeping my fingers crossed for you both!

  68. Ray, very best of luck mate, with the job hunting and the future. Fingers crossed you find something quickly.

  69. I wish both you and Fran the very best of luck in finding new employment.

  70. Thats a buggering shame mate, all the best and hopefully you will find another job soon.

  71. I'm so sorry, Ray. I wish you and Fran good luck on your job search. I'll surely miss you out here in the blogosphere but I understand. Be well and I'll hold you and your family in my thoughts.

  72. Good luck in the job search and hopefully you will find the perfect balance of work and hobby life soon.

  73. That stinks, good luck with your job search.

  74. Keep your powder dry and the worm will turn.

    I'll be touching wood, crossing fingers and breaking wishbones for both you and Fran.


  75. Good luck in the job hunt and may it be short. Too bad you can't make some money off all these comments!

  76. Best of luck for the both of you! I hope you'll find a decent job ASAP, cheers Sander

  77. I can only say "Sursum Corda" to you and Fran :-)


  78. Sorry to here about the Job loss I hope chaps you get something soon.


  79. Here's hoping that Fran, yourself, and the other guys at your work find something quickly. It's never a fun situation to be in.

  80. I'm sorry. Hope you find something right quick that'll let you paint your face off if you wanted to!

  81. Ray, Well doesn't that Suck! You seem to be very talented, I'm sure something will come your way. Good luck on the job hunt. Here's I was pissing and moaning about being furlough for 11 days between next month and end of the fiscal year because someone above my pay grade cannot balance the check book. I retired from the military 8 years ago, but still have to work to keep up my addiction...the hobby.

    Take care.

  82. I hope you find a decent job soon mate

  83. I know how it feels bud, I got it at 48. Main thing is keep your pecker up, polish up the CV and use all your contacts. Good luck to you and the rest.

  84. Thanks for all your kind comments Ladies and Gentlemen! They're all greatly appreciated.

  85. The end of an era and I know exactly how you feel as I've been through it once and am currently also in the same state (1 week to go). Life goes on as they say (but wtf do "they" know ?) so like me try not to let your depression get you down and don't lie awake worrying about you insomnia.

  86. Best of luck my friend and chin up!

  87. fingers crossed that we all find great new jobs as soon as possible, Ray!

  88. Bugger. Here's hoping that you and your mates all land on your feet. Blessings and keep blogging, MP

  89. Good luck to you all hope you get fixed up soon!

  90. man,thats best wishes.keep your chin up.
    all the best.

  91. Sorry to see it finally happen Ray. Best of luck in finding a new job.

  92. Sorry to hear this Ray! I hope both of you find a new job soon! I can only support you by this way. So thumbs up!


  93. Good luck - I'm sure you'll find something soon

  94. All the best for the job hunt mate. We look forward to having you back soon!
