
Sunday 3 November 2013

Gravesend Wargamers Club - War & Conquest Gaming Day

I had a long chat with Phil and Reece (above) from Gravesend Wargamers Club at SELWG last month. They asked if I wouldn't mine promoting their War & Conquest Gaming Day on the 1st December. So here it is, I'm not working on the 1st,  but I'll  have a chat with SWMBO, but after the weekend away at Blog-Con next week I'm not holding up much hope. It could, (who am I kidding)?? Would cost me????

Gravesend Wargamers Club
War & Conquest Gaming Day

Sunday 1st December 2013

Venue: The Northfleet Veterans Club, The Hill, Northfleet, Kent, DA11 9EU.

There is parking outside the club and lunch is provided in the entry price of £10

Format of the Day:

Please arrive around 9am, the first game will start circa 9.30

Army size: 2000 points. Armies should be selected from the scarab website online army organisation lists. You may include up to 250 points of Legends of War within the 2000 points.

If you have not yet confirmed your attendance or army preference, please let Phil know as soon as possible.

We intend to fit players into groups with a theme, these are as follows-

The Greeks and enemies
Rome and their many enemies
The Dark Ages

We intend to play 3 games, time permitting and so to help speed up play, the following deployments and objectives will be used. Attendees are urged to read the 'Battle Begins' section starting on page 153. You can download a set of cards with the Battle Objectives from our web site to speed up selection. Remember, 'No Plan Survives Contact with the Enemy' on page 159.

Game 1
Deployment Zone:          Autumn (page 155)
Deployment Method:    (5) One Side Deploys First (page 158)
Game Length:                   Variable Length (page 159)

Game 2
Deployment Zone:          Spring (page 156)
Deployment Method:    (6) Unit by Unit (page 158)
Game Length:                   Player Calls Time (page 159)

Game 3
Deployment Zone:          Summer (page 155)
Deployment Method:    (2) Deploy by Formation Type (page 158)
Game Length:                   Fixed Length (page 159)
You may use Veiled Hand (page 158) in the games, should you so wish. As for a number of players this will be their first games, it would be polite to let your opponent know you are doing so.

Items of club terrain will be on the tables. Don't forget to select at least one Rally Point each. With that in mind, you will need to bring something to indicate your Rally Point, and if you wish to bring one or two items of terrain, that is absolutely fine.

Winning and Losing
There is no “street cred” in winning a game of toy soldiers. There will be a number of people who haven’t played much/at all, so please help them along and enjoy the day.

Finish time
About 5pm

Please get in contact with us via email at or telephone, 07794908204.
If you cannot make the event or are delayed on the day, please let us know.

If you would like to know more about the Gravesend Wargamers Club please follow this link:

We look forward to seeing you on the day and enjoying a few games of War & Conquest together.


Many thanks to our sponsor


  1. now that sounds like a serious plan!

  2. Looks like you have a great lineup for the day!

  3. I don't know the game or rules or have a suitable army, which is a shame as I think I could make that day...... Oh well maybe another time.

  4. Like you, I shall probably be working but well done for the shout out.

  5. Hope the boss looks kindly on your wishes Ray!!

  6. Looks like it is very well organised, look forward to hearing how the day went.

  7. Too bad they don' t offer gaming coupons.

  8. Maybe you can get a discount for every page view you get on this post!!

  9. Just got your comment. You have to wait until Christmas? That's worse than what I'm doing to Tim.

  10. Looking forward to pictures of this event!

