
Monday 23 February 2015

Cavalier 2015 - The Pics

As some of you may already know, the Rejects, (well some of them) headed off to Tonbridge last 
Sunday to visit the Cavalier Wargames show.

Here are some pics from the show.

Tonbridge Wargames Club - Stalingrad 1942

SEEMS - Border Reivers 1575

Friday Night Firefight - Stop the Rocket 1945

North London Wargames Group - A Town called Malice 1880

 Southend Wargames Club - Cumberland & Tennessee 1864
Across a Deadly Field rules

Gravesend Gamers Guild - ECW Skirmish

The Bring & Buy
Not a lot going on there.....

Staines Wargames - Outrageous Fortune 1415
My Favorite of the show, me and BigLee played in this simple and great game.
We were the French, our aim was to capture as many of the English leaders as possible.
That's my unit in the middle at the back, I was the Marshal of France, Lee was the Duke de Orleans.

Lee managed to get the the English Kings base, after a couple of attempts he managed to
 capture the King, so he won the game!

Oh yeh baby......
I'm not sure who's enjoying this more??? 

Random shot

Col Bill, laughing at something, probably Postie??
Alan Abbey of Broadside (not Broadchurch) fame gets in on the action too!

SELWG Society of Ancients - Ilipa 206 BC

Is that you?

 Deal Wargames Society - Mayhem along the Mekong 1967

Love this pic!

Crawley Wargames Club - Ad Spatium Accedis c100

Maidstone Wargames Society - On Her Majesty's Spy To Kill, SnowFall 2015

Peter Pig - PBI

 Or is that you??

That's definitely not you, that's Clint. I suggested he go and buy a pair of  side cutters from Col Bill's to cut down them bloody caterpillars above his glasses!!
He refused, saying he's trying for a comb-over!!!

Swag pics to follow!


  1. The bombing plane shot is great! Like the setup with the rolling hills. And the snow. Glad you had a good time.

  2. Super pictures - thanks for sharing :)

  3. Something for almost everyone. Thanks for the photo walk thru. You Rejects have a lot of fun!

  4. Great photograps Ray (even the obligatory shot of the Evil one), but the games seem to have been a mishmash of the usual good bad and ugly with little there that shouts at me to want to see more . Good to see the rejects were still able to enjoy themselves without the presence of a previously prominent memebr of their number.

    1. There were some good and bad, your right! As for the missing one.......the exhaust on the car was safe this year, damn speedbumps!

  5. Some great looking games there, Ray; particularly liked the Stalingrad Crossfire game and sighting of Cigar box Battles' battle mat - very nice!

    1. The mat was very cool, it did look the biz, they're bloody expensive though!!!!

  6. It seems that it was a great show ! sometimes, I would like to try one of those games... maybe, I could like that ?

    1. Give it a go Pascal, there's no doubt you'd enjoy a game.

  7. So many beautiful games, lucky man! Outrageous Fortune 1415 looks unusual and interesting!

  8. Great photo's...well with the exception of that horrible picture of Postie tweeking my nipple!! The Horror! The HORROR!!!

  9. Great photos, Ray. Well, except maybe that horror shot that Lee and Postie were in.

    1. Makes the bile rise doesn't it?? If I'd have pressed the button a 10th of a second later, you'd have seen Lee, jumping in the air as Postie squeezed!!!

    2. That's funny stuff. Shutter speed would have been good.

  10. Great pics - really appreciated by those of us who couldn't be there - thanks. Surprised by the picture of Stalingrad - a bit sloppy, maybe it was lunchtime, but definitely at least one Tesco own-brand Meat Feast pizza in evidence on the battlefield!

    1. Ha ha! I know what you mean, but I couldn't possible comment..............

  11. Great looking games, Ray. Thanks for taking the time to take and post them. Cool Mekong game - "I love the smell of napalm in the morning!" Oh, and nice of Clint too.

    1. ha ha! poor Clint, i'm sure I've posted pics of the Vietnam game before, but its a great setup anyway.

  12. Excellent overview Ray. You're lucky with so many shows over there

  13. Glad you had a good time Ray too bad you didn't catch a king. The spy ski game looked interesting to play and the Vietnam looked interesting too. I mention this before on Clint's blog the but for the most part the games seemed underwhelming. That's a harsh thing to say I know it takes a huge amount of effort to put on any game but I guess Salute is spoiling me.

  14. Great looking event. Thanks for sharing the pics. cheers

  15. Lovely pics Ray! Thanks for sharing.

  16. I see you wanted to end on a show highlight by saying the best till last! (Waits for the witty banter, then realises it's Ray so is not expecting anything worthwhile!)

    I nice overview of the games. Most of which I thought were "Meh!" with nothing new and exciting. A few stood out though. And I am using this as a springboard to make a better looking game board for NEXT year.

    1. The best is always saved til last, you should know that Clint, there are occasions when this is not the case, just like this one!
      Like you said the show was ok, but nothing special, for me its a paint and paintbrush exercise and a day out. Salute and other shows like that do end up spoiling the smaller shows, I for one will carry on going to Tonbridge, if we don't the shows and hobby will just die.

  17. Thanks ray for sharing your pictures ! Loots of nice games, I especially like the downhill spy game, looked like much fun.

  18. Thanks Ray. Great bunch of photos!

  19. Some nice looking games, especially that 'nam game.

  20. I can confidently say that I am none of those people in those photos! None of them are ginger enough! I can't say Northern enough, as Col. Bill only lives 10mins from me, and a bit more to the north.

    1. Are you sure?? There were a few of your people roaming around? That Col Bill does get around doesn't he, I'm surprised he actually remembers where he lives???

    2. It's always nice to hear that the ginger population is doing so well.
      Long live the gingers!

  21. Very nice Ray. Looks like a lot of fun games.

  22. Great pictures! Thanks for sharing!


  23. sounds like you had fun, Ray!
