
Thursday 26 February 2015

Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge - Donnybrook Brawl. Comedic Bonus Round.

This was the only bonus round that I actually had a plan for from the start,  Originally it was going to be a bit smaller, only having the Dixon figures - Tavern Brawl, but I got a bit carried away adding figures and various bits and bobs of scenery to add to the effect.

So if you haven't already voted in the Comedic round, get on over and cast your vote, here.  There are some great entries once again!!!

Setting the scene....
Welcome to Ye Old White Hart, a quaint old English pub circa 1685, just outside of Norton St Philips, during the Monmouth Rebellion.

Curt and Sarah Campbell the proprietors of this most English of Public Houses. And their moggy Millsy...

Privates Dave Docherty and Alan Dearn have nipped out of camp, to the local village pub, for a few swift halves and a bit of tickle with the local lasses.

But they obviously haven't noticed a rather stern looking Sgt Willey eyeing their disgraceful behavior! Not only boozing but fraternizing with the locals?? Mayor Scott Bowman also looks on disgusted by dirty the goings on, and wishing that was him with that dirty girl Daisy on his shoulder. Millsy manages to get in the pic as well!

And talking of dirty goings on, look at those two on the floor, fighting it out, pulling each others hair and sticking fingers up each others noses. Even though she's on the bottom Tamsin seems to getting the better of that bad Irish lass Anne, who pinched her drop of Farmer Awdry's Best Ale.

But you've gotta feel sorry for Private Docherty, he's thinks he's off for some fun and frolics with Daisy, she's not best pleased by the look of things, but nor will he when he finds out that Daisy is infact the local rebel leader Clint Burnett in disguise!!!

And here are a few close ups of the figures
Dixons, SHQ & Can't remember

Dixons & Depot Battalion

SHQ - The only figure not named, only because I forgot to add the details in my email to Curt.
This is infact the son of Curt and Sarah, he's a strong lad with strawberry blonde hair, but the poor chap hasn't got a lot upstairs??
 You could say he's pretty thick.................and his name's Francis!

Parkfield Miniatures


And Dixons!

The Bar is from Irregular Miniatures

The figures are a mixture of Dixon, SHQ, Parkfield, Col Bill's Depot Battalion and a few others I can't remember??? As previously stated.
I've gone for the practical approach for this entry, Instead of my usual long winded painting style, I thought I'd try something a bit more simple otherwise I'd never get the damn things started let alone finish them.
I block painted them and slapped on some ink....easy! They're not the best I've ever painted or the worst, before anyone else says it!


  1. The bar-keep (Curt ?), reminds me of someone, just can't put my finger on who. Great fun piece Ray and will make great eye-candy for any future tavern brawls.

  2. The bar scene is awesome! Good choices on figures. Well done, Ray.

  3. Clearly I have the legs for that particular disguise!

    Very clever and very nice to see so many bloggers in one place.

    1. Yep, its only because you shave them.........

  4. Great modeling and fun. And Sir Francis looks okay in lace, and a feather in his hat.

  5. Named him Francis. You're terrible.

  6. I thought someone was missing in that bunch - the big fella!

    A great fun piece Ray :)

    1. Yep, In my eagerness to post the entry off I forgot Fran, now how on earth, can you forget Fran??

  7. How times have changed... or not :) Great stuff!

    1. I've seen a few of these on a Friday night out on the tiles!

  8. Great stuff Ray! More like you got bits and boobs of scenery with the wench fight!

  9. Very good! I like the associate with the characters to persons of the blogging world.

    1. Yeh, I thought it'd add to the scene and make it comical??

  10. I loved this Ray.. And the time taken to wind ones fellow bloggers up! .. You got my vote !

    1. It was a chance to give a few bloggers a dig in the ribs, how could I resist???

  11. Splendid vignette, Ray. I think getting carried away is par for the course with tavern brawls - nicely done!

  12. Lovely job Ray! Ah, bar brawls, reminds me of my mispent youth.
    You really must be missing Fran dude!

    1. Who?? who is this Fran person??? The eejit is being missed.

  13. Great concept Ray, loved it! Thanks for humorous inclusion :) And a good good heads up on some interesting figures!

    1. No probs Scott, glad you enjoyed your little part.

  14. Great looking and creative vignette, Ray! Some of those figures are quite interesting.

    1. Yep, they could be used for various other periods, that's for sure.

  15. This is wonderful Ray I'm surprised they aren't fighting over you Ray. Adding the bloggers names really makes this special.

    1. I did consider adding my name, but thought it'd be better taking the mick out of others???

  16. Great painting work for a very good scene !
    I really * love it !

    (*it don't means that I don't "really" like other stuff ! ;) )

  17. This was a brilliant entry Ray. I do so hope it gets into the top three.

  18. Hum, hum...very...atmospheric! Another beer please, this scene makes me thirsty...excellent Ray!

  19. Great entry Ray! Very well done and quite funny!


  20. That is a fantastic entry Ray! Extremely well done sir!

  21. Great stuff! I love the cat fight!

    1. Its a great idea for a figure, well done Dixons!

  22. That's a really fun looking entry Ray. I've always been a bit curious about the Donnybrook rules.

    1. The really y're a great set of rules, they're quite simple and really work well.
