
Saturday 7 March 2015

Cavalier Swag & Bits & Bobs

Finally got around to posting a few pics of the swag I bought at last months Cavalier show in Tonbridge. 

Most of my hard earned dosh was lost at the Redoubt stall. 
Where I bought the Farrier/Blacksmith set, above

Two Milkmaids and a MooCow, (and I'm not talking about the Mrs?)

More Working Ladies???
I do seem to be accumulating naughty ladies??

Old McDonald and his sheep

and a Lady and her Maid, along with their Harvest set.
Also in the last pic is one of the two pack donkeys I bought.
All the figures are for my excursion into Donnybook. For some reason I 
seem to have more civilians than troops???
I also as in the first pic, bought 2 cans of Army Painter Grey Primer, which you'll be pleased 
to know (maybe you won't) have already been used, undercoating a large amount of 25's
for some French/Jacobite troops for Donnybrook. I did hope to have some of these painted
for the Challenge, but they way things seem to be going......I won't?
Talking of the challenge, I was very pleased to be placed 3rd in the Comedic Bonus round
a couple of days ago, Anne O'Leary was the worthy winner with her mad rendition of "You Do Da Hokey Pokey", seen below!!

Lastly if you'd like to try and win a prize get on over to Natholeon's Empire Blog
Where Nate is having a Give-away, it looks like there's only 8 people entered so
far, so get in while the goings good OR don't and give me a betters chance of 
winning something.................again!


  1. Congratulations on third place!
    You have a thing for the ladies - it's only natural. Just don't get a think for the moo-cows...

    1. Cheers Alex, yep 3rd place is pretty pleasing and so are the moo-cows!

  2. nice loots Ray! :)

    I don't think it matters how many people sign up for Nate's giveaway - with your luck (or whatever it actually is), even if a million people entered you'd still have a 50+% chance of winning! ;)

  3. Nice haul, Ray. And thanks for posting Anne's work - I must've missed that one.

    1. She really is a great painter, hard to think she's only been painting a few years

  4. I love Anne's work. Those are worthy winners - but the less said about the milkmaids the better.

  5. I am glad you have started to use the Primer. And even if they are not finished for the challenge they are at least started now, so one step closer.

    As for your dubious ladies I suspect you might be fielding a towns folk force for Donnybrook even if you say it is going to be Kirks Lambs! Either that or Mr Howie has encouraged you to buy the ladies. I blame on Mr Howie, that's for sure. He's a rotter I am sure!

    1. I always used to use the sprays, but stopped for some reason?? Not really sure why. I am indeed trying to build up some towns folk, more for scenery and specific scenarios, rather than a unit of them. Postie is obviously to blame, especially now Fran's gone, or it'd be his fault!

  6. Nice bunch of figures but £10 a can of primer???


    1. Broke me bloody heart Ian! I nearly cried handing over £20 for two cans of spray!

  7. Love the lil' animal figurines! When I was a child I only played with lil' plastic animal figurines and nothing else :)

    1. Fran now plays with real animals! Mainly sheep!

  8. Congrat's on 3rd Ray! That is some pretty cool loot you gained there, great for several periods too!

  9. A modest haul of loot Ray and congrats on placing.

  10. A very restrained haul, (congratulations ?). I do like the "My little pony you bought though (2nd photo), is it going to be purple or pink ?

    1. The horse does have a look of Twilight Sparkle doesn't it!

  11. Nice bit of loot there Ray!

  12. Congrats on third. Anne's looks great.

  13. Very nice haul Ray! You can never get to few civilists !

  14. Have you become a Donnybrook pimp Ray? You have enough working girls to be one. Great swag haul there Ray!

    1. Hhmm? I do seem to have a few ladies of the night , don't I??

  15. Cool haul Ray! Non-coms and animals, are you trying to become a farmer like Fran?

  16. Nice swag Ray, I always like this kind of background details to our games... well done on 3rd mate, a worthy effort and made me chuckle ;-)

    1. Glad you liked your little part in the scene Scott!
