
Thursday 25 June 2015

The Days of King Monmouth - A short booklet review

If you're a regular reader of my blog you may have noticed that I'm a tad partial to the period in history between the ECW and the WSS. So naturally I tend to look for and buy books on the period, I do own several other books on Monmouth's Rebellion and the Battle of Sedgemoor. So when I noticed a new booklet being published, "The Days of King Monmouth" by Ralph Mitchard. it was a no brainer, especially as it was a mere £6 plus postage!
The book runs out at 45 pages and has both colour and black & white illustrations. But what I like the most is the booklet is written as a day by day account, starting on the 1st June when Monmouth sailed to Judge Jeffreys Bloody Assizes.
There are books and booklets with more info in them of course, but for a wargamer, this is gold, with details on the Skirmish at Bridport, the rout of the Somerset Militia, the Skirmish at Ashill and at Keynsham Bridge, the Battle of Philips Norton and of course the Battle of Sedgemoor. The 6 week War is a perfect Skirmish period for any gamer, so if you're interested in the period my advice is buy it!

You can purchase the booklet direct from Ralph's site here or on ebay here

You can also visit Ralph blog Wars of Louis XIV


  1. Replies
    1. Have you talked to lurker? Next time you do, please tell him that Tim and Ivy say hello.

    2. I texted him last night and gave him your message, he said hello and he hopes to be back online soon.

  2. You'll be able to plan your battles even better now!

  3. At that price it sounds a steal and journal/diary style booklets are always an interesting read particularly with the action broken down into bite size chunks. I will take your advice.

    1. Its a great read Dave, I'm sure you'll enjoy it and be buying some figures soon!!!

  4. What a great and very handy find!

  5. I must admit that I have indeed noticed your predilection with the period, Ray ;)! It's nice to see your continued interest in it as well - happy to hear you scored another good reference for it too.

    1. Cheers Dean, just wish more people would get into this fascinating period?

  6. It does sound an ideal book for the period, especially the information on the smaller clashes and at £6 it's a great buy.

  7. I'm glad your fancy was tickled! Have fun, Ray.

  8. I have so many times about this books. I am so curious to read this. Now it's time to avail Inbound Call Centre for more information.
