
Friday 3 July 2015

Posties Rejects @ Broadside - The Battle of the Cross part 2

As promised a few pics of the second Battle of the Cross, our game at Broadside last month.
After the whitewash that was the first game, we decided to start again, hopefully me and Lee would have a bit of luck this time??
For the second game we swapped sides, that meant me and Lee were now the English, I was Mad Dog Stapleton and Lee was a Mercenary Capt, while the Scots were commanded by Surg (Wally Armstrong) and Smiffy playing Wally's son Robert the Fearless.
Luckily as it was a demo game Postie allowed us to start further on the board, see pic above, BUT he let the Scots start with more troops on the table from the start, we both winged a bit, but were told to shut up moaning by Herr Fieldmarshal Postie!

As you can see in this pic the Scots have a lot more troops on the table, than we did in the last game!

Me and Smiffy threw well, and ran forward.

AND that's it
Game bloody over!!!
Why you ask?
Look at the cavalry on the road, there's a casualty there
its none other than bleedin Mad Dog Stapleton...
shot dead on his horse, with a extreeeeeemly lucky throw of the dice.
A 20 was needed on a D20 and that's what Surg threw.....
or so he said, none of us actually saw him throw the dice or saw it on the table before he
 picked it up??

So rather than end the game and have to stsrt the game all over again and in the spirit 
of the game Smiffy took over command, while I lay sprawled
 out on the ground by the tree.........

Surj didn't advance at all, he just stood still and waited for our advance.
While Smiffy took pot shots from the house.

I easily dispatched Surj attack dog, Fluffy.
While Smiffy threw well, killing a horseman.

We carried on advancing, I moved into a better position with most of my horse just outside the pic on the left. While Surj charged his horse into my flank, killing another on my men.
But in my turn a double teamed Surj's victor!

Now you'd think I'd have won this melee, but you'd be wrong, the dice gods stuck their 2 fingers up
at me in this melee and I lost another 2 figures, while out of shot Smiffy peppered Lee's troops with shot. Lee lost 4 figures.

Which unbelievably took us to 25% casualties, which then forced a morale check.
There are no more pics so you can guess what happened!!

2 games and 2 losses
Oh well.........anyone for Tiddily Winks?


  1. The Gaming Gods were not with you on this day, Ray.
    Bloody unlucky outcome.

  2. I call shenanigans! All dice rolls must be on the green and done when everyone can see them.

    Great looking battle Ray - the Posties put on a good table!

    1. We did try that, but......................

  3. Looks splendid Ray! Wonderful photos!

  4. Bummer, Ray! And Mad Dog Stapleton didn't make it very far. I think something was fishy about that dice roll.

  5. Great looking games Ray...switch your dices with good ones! Beautiful pictures...

  6. Me I am not a Middle Ages kind of guy, but this batrep could just almost convince me to convert...almost! Thanks for sharing!

  7. I thought the game was quite delightful. Just the right scale and setting. and don't let Oberstgruppenführer Howie dictate too much, it will go to his head! You need to clamp right down on that!

  8. Fabulous looking game, Ray. Love the billowing smoke and flow of action.

    1. The smoke was a great addition to the game Dean.

  9. Awesome looking game Ray! Always excellent to hear of the antics of you guys :)

  10. Gotta love games like that. I remember the first time I played Big Battle DBA and the first element to die was my c-in-c in the first couple of turns. Oh how we laughed... and by we, I mean my opponent.

  11. Throwing a loaded dice perhaps? No Ray,you were beat fair and tumbling square. I enjoyed reading and viewing part of your fun time day. Beano Boy

  12. It was a black day for us mate, two losses in one day is more than enough for me.

    [Note to self: Keep a closer eye on the dice rolling of the other Rejects!!]

    1. Black as Black, a very poor show from the pair of us. And as for Surj...............

  13. That is rotten luck, but on the plus side it was a cracking looking game!

    1. After the first game, we thought we'd have a wrong were we?

  14. A super nice looking game Ray! As for your luck, in the words of Bob Marley "One Love".

  15. I suppose the only consolation Ray is that you surely can never be so unlucky again. So I'd be tempted to really be brave and sweepingly bold in your next game, safe in the knowledge that the dice gods will be forced to make up to you this dismal display ;-)

    1. Or not? Perhaps they'll drop kick my arse back into touch once again???

  16. Execrable luck aside, its a wonderful looking game and you got to hang out with your mates (while getting drubbed senseless).

    1. Well I suppose when you put it like that.....twice

  17. Execrable luck aside, its a wonderful looking game and you got to hang out with your mates (while getting drubbed senseless).

  18. Greate looking game indeed !

    Best regards Michael

  19. Sorry to read it was a black day. Fluffy? Really? That's funny.
