
Tuesday 12 September 2017

Donnybrook - French Colonel General Dragoons

Its been a while since I painted anything, in fact it was back in April during the last Analogue Painting Challenge! Not for the want of trying I might add. Work and kids seem to take up a hell of a lot more time nowadays.
Its a shame its taken me so long to get the brush out, but I have to thank being ill for the opportunity!
Nearly 2 weeks off work and I'm back at work part time after spending 3 days in hospital having my appendix removed. I've never felt pain like it!
So while sitting feeling very sorry for myself home alone the brush made an appearance.

And its more of the same I'm afraid, although we're back in European Donnybrook territory not North America.
The figures are from the excellent Warfare miniatures range. They're painted up as the Colonel-General Dragoons who fought in the the Battles of Steenkirke1692, Neerwinden 1693 and the Sieges of Namur 2nd 1695 and d'Ath in 1697.
Of course these will also be filling in as a Jacobite Dragoon unit for the Campaigns in Ireland.


And the unit dismounted

Along with the Officer I painted up a Sergeant.....just incase?


  1. Without much activity on your blog of late, I figured you might have become a "Rhodes" scholar!
    Sorry to hear about the appendix. Some guys will do anything to get some painting time. I know I do!

    Wishing you a speedy recovery and your dragoons look excellent!

  2. Sorry about your appendix. Heard that is beyond painful.
    Nice job. The lead on the horse is exceptional.

    1. Not something that I'd be happy to go through again Alex.....luckily I can't!

  3. So, did the missus tell you, "gah, that's got nothing on the pain of childbirth!" I've had women who've not even been pregnant tell me, "you'll never feel our pain," when I've been suffering in excruciating agony.

    Well done, you. Hopefully, it won't take having your arm off before you get back to the painting table once again. :)

  4. Glad to hear you are in better health aga4. Your figures look great and your brushwork has not suffered.

  5. Glad to hear you are in better health aga4. Your figures look great and your brushwork has not suffered.

  6. Welcome back! Miniature awesome as always :)

  7. Glad to see you feeling better. Nice work on the dragoons

  8. I wish you well my friend. Speedy recovery and all that. Drop me a line if you need anything. Hope to see you and the evil goblin at Skirmish.

    Regards Clint

    1. Cheers Clint, me and the evil goblin should see you there on Sunday morning.

  9. Mounted and dismounted, they look superb, nicely done Ray!

  10. Good to see you back on your feet after a nasty set-back. I like those colourful chaps and Hoorah for the NHS.

  11. You were painting for the AHPC in April? Presumably filling sandbags for AHPC8 as AHPC7 finished in March ;)

    Very nice dragoons :) Shame it took having your appendix removed to get you to paint them :(

    1. Well that was when I posted the last of the AHPC figures young lady.

  12. Sorry to hear about your acute condition. Glad you're on the mend. The Colonel General Dragoons and that list of battles--a great era to game. Nicely done, too. Doubly so given that with dragoons you did double the effort with mounted and dismounted units.

  13. Glad to see you are back there Ray. These guys are looking wonderful!

  14. You're doing better than me... I've not lifted a brush since mid/late March!

  15. lovely looking dragoons ,mounted and dismounted, I hope your feeling better soon.
    Best Iain

  16. More nice brush work, Boss. I was hoping for a picture of the Dragoons dismounting.

  17. Good to know you are back - hope you get well soon!

  18. Good to see your feeling better. Nice work as always.

  19. Nice work Ray! Sounds painful on the sick time, glad to hear you are ok.

  20. Glad to hear you're on the road to recovery Ray and have taken up the brush once again. I feel your pain having perforated my appendix many years ago and also the kids/life stuff getting in the way of painting our little toys.

  21. Back with a thunp!
    Great unit and nice to see their dismounted counter-parts too.
    I wish I could do something whilst being ill and rideen with pain!

    1. The power of will and want Joe. That and I was bored bloody stiff!

  22. Nice stuff Ray, glad you are on the mend.
