
Sunday 27 January 2019

AHPC 9 Donnybrook Jacobite Horse

The secrets out....I've been building another Donnybrook army!
And I haven't even finished the other yet!!!!!!

I can hear the groans already...

This time I've gone north, up to Scotland, for a 1689 Battle of Killicrankie
Highlander army. (Yes I do already have these troops in 15mm)
Above we have 6 x Reiver Castings Lowlander Scots Horse

And here we have another 6 x Reiver Castings, these are Generals or Officers, But
I shall be using them as Scots Gentleman Horse, from the disbanded 
Horse regt, "His Majesty's Own Regt of Horse". Commanded by the
 Laird of Claverhouse or Bonnie Dundee himself.
(They'll also be seconded into the Duke of Monmouth Sedgemoor army wink wink)

They may well be combined for a 12 figure unit as well?
Becoming Wallace's Horse, the only Scottish Horse regt present at the Battle of Killicrankie.

So these 12 x 25mm Cavalry earn me 120 points. This and another post pushed me right up to 8th place! 


  1. Great job with the photo. Love the back and the grass.

  2. Colorful and splendid cavalry, what a period!!

    1. Its a great period to paint and game Phil. As you well know.

  3. Nice work, Ray! 120 points is a big boost to your total.

  4. How many of these have you got now Ray! .. looking good !

  5. They look smashing on their mounts!

  6. Nice troops. Nice photography too.

  7. Lovely mounted troops, Ray. I like the look of the Gentlemen Horse - their big floppy hats and feathers are marvelous.

    1. Thanks Dean. I wanted them to have that foppish look. They'll be crap on the game table though. they're far to posh to fight!

  8. Well with the release of the new starter and the rangers it probably only a matter of time before i have a Bauhaus force..
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  9. Very nice figures or should I say 'Bonnie'

    1. Very Bonnie.....and he may well make an appearance himself!?!

  10. Good looking miniatures!
    I have often heard of this strange thing some war gamers do; starting another army before the last is complete. 😀 (Might Of even done it myself).

  11. I wish you Posties lot weren't across the pond from me...then again, I'd likely hate you for how quickly you get things painted and ready for the table. At least from this distance I can merely envy...

  12. brave browser
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    I'd likely hate you for how quickly you get things painted and ready for the table.
