
Tuesday 22 January 2019

AHPC9 Donnybrook "Sport" Bonus Round Native Lacrosse


Its Analogue Painting Challenge Bonus round again and I've gone all 
Native for the "Sport" Bonus round.
I will admit to being stumped at what to paint up for this round, I even considered 
and placed a few bids on ebay for some various Bloodbowl figures. I pretty glad I lost the bids!
The voting for the Bonus rounds are open to anyone, so if you'd like to vote for my
or any of the other great entries click this link.

I remembered back in the midst of time, 2012 to be precise I painted up some 15mm Indian 
villagers here. Some of these were playing Lacrosse, so a seed was planted.......

I had a few (ok, a lot) of unpainted Indians wallowing in the dead lead pile, so I went to work
with a scalpel, file and drill, chopping off warclubs and such and came up with these 4 chaps.

The goal was quite a simple build, its made out of the three straightest twigs
I had in my Twig box, painted, inked and drybrushed and stuck on a Warbases base
and will be used as decoration 
in any games we play involving an Indian village.

He's my fav, not a lot of conversion work on him I'm afraid, he came straight of the 
packet of Redoubt Torch carriers.

As did the chap on the right.
All 4 figures are from Redoubt Enterprises.

Just for interest, here's how I made the Lacosse Sticks.
I cut and bent some soldering wire to shape.

Then folded a piece of plasterboard scrim in half, I fed the wire into the fold and 
and cut to shape. I then had to cut a thin fine line and glue it to the bottom of the net.


Well it wasn't that easy, I super-glued my fingers together 3 times!!
Oh the things we do for the hobby!


  1. Sorry about your fingers.
    It's cool to see where they started as well as the finished product. Native American Indians. Playing lacrosse. Nice!

    1. You don't see that on the wargames table very often??

  2. What a great idea. Excellent work Ray

  3. Cool conversions and neat idea! Beware--the next step will be a set of rules to use these figures, which will lead to painting up several teams...

  4. Clever idea and good conversion work! Now, you need to field two teams and come up with some rules.

  5. Wow, very cool and original, Ray!

  6. Clever and very nicely done!

  7. It is a great entry Ray! Really liked it!


  8. Ingenious! Such a great idea Ray.

  9. I like them...Wierd and original idea and it got my vote :-)

  10. How much do we get paid for voting? Franonia has already offered us a sum...

  11. Excellent!! It is hard to tell that this is a conversion :)

  12. SOme very inventive thinking there and a cracking paintjob on the too.

  13. Really nice thinking out of the box! I hope you get bonus points for originality. 😀
    The lacrosse sticks came out well.
    Now following your blog and having a look around. ❤️

    1. Didn’t mean to type the heart... fat fingers on small phone... embarrassing.

    2. Haha Thank you for the kind words X

  14. Beautiful looking figures and a great idea Ray.


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    It is an awesome post and i like it. Nice to see this here. Thanks for sharing this.
