
Friday 18 January 2019

AHPC9 WSS 25mm 22nd Foot Handayd's

Here's my entry into the AHPC9 for this week, lots of War of the Spanish Succession goodness!

I've been painting like a demon the last couple of weeks, 10 minutes here and 10 minutes there.
And I've got this lot done, If only I could paint mine as quick all year round!!
Theses are once again for his nibs next door, von Postie, the evil one.
He has a Pirate collection that he bought from Reject Fran before he buggered off back to Ireland. Postie wanted some Government troops to add to the collection.
I chose the 22nd foot circa 1708 for him, as they were stationed in the West Indies at the time.

"On the outbreak of the War of the Spanish Succession in 1701, the regiment was posted to Jamaica; this was a notoriously unhealthy location and Sir Henry Belasyse transferred his Colonelcy to William Selwyn. The regiment spent the next twelve years in the West Indies; soon after arrival in April 1702, Selwyn died and was replaced by Thomas Handasyad, both as Colonel and Governor of Jamaica. Thomas returned to England and was succeeded as Colonel by his son Roger Handasyd in 1712, a position he retained until 1730."

8 x Muskettmen

8 x Musketmen, 1 x Leader and 1 x Drummer

8 x Musketmen, 1 x General, 1 x Drummer, 1 x Standard bearer and handpainted St Georges flag.
Which was actually and old French flag painted over. I wanted to paint the cantons yellow,
but Postie wouldn't let me!!!

Another 8 x Musketmen

The rest of the 7  Officers, including the blue coated Guvvnor himself

The mounted Guvnor and his bodyguard

So all in all we have 43 foot and 3 mounted. Which should give me a total of 
245 points! I wasn't going to base these, Postie was going to do it himself, but after working out 
what I'd loose points wise I based them up for him for free!!! For Free!!!
My luvvly Minion, fellow Reject Lee gave me an extra 2 points for the flag, the 
generous soul that he is! Taking my total to 247 points, this leapt me up the chart to the
 dizzy heights of No 11.


  1. Got yourself a nice army there. Like the dude raising his hat.
    Amazing what we can do when properly motivated, huh?

  2. Nice entry mate. Good to see you painting again!

  3. Some very nice work there Ray, I really like the vibrant red and the basing.

    1. Thanks Lee. I'm pleased with how they turned out.

  4. That is a particularly fine set. Ten minutes here and there has done you proud.

    1. Doesn't take long if you can do a bit here and there.

  5. Excellent, Ray! It has been a long time since you showed this level of production. Keep at it and you will find yourself in the Top 10 soon.

    1. Makes a change ah? Wish I could be thus productive all the time.

  6. Very, very impressive, Ray! That's a lot of quality painting in such a short period.

  7. Really great job Ray and good to hear that you got the full quota of points this time.(and a couple of bonus ones too.)

  8. These colors are just superb, great job and beautiful figures!

  9. Very smart indeed. I was actually at Essex Miniatures this afternoon as while I was waiting for my order to be cast had a good look at their tricorne-type stuff. Its all very tempting because they are such smart looking uniforms. (Un)fortunately I know nothing of the era really.

  10. Beautiful Ray. Good luck in the painting challenge!

  11. Nice work! Some exciting looking guys.

  12. I like those, especially the officers

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    I was actually at Essex Miniatures this afternoon as while I was waiting for my order to be cast had a good look at their tricorne-type stuff.
