
Tuesday 15 January 2019

AHPC9 Donnybrook - Down on the Farm.......

Or Old McDonald had a farm.

For this entry from last week I painted up a few odds and sods that have been hanging around in the leadpile for far too long. 
Firstly One man and his dog, with 3 sheep......

The figures are from Redoubt and were a quick paint job. I've been experimenting
with different inks and washes. These were washed with an old recipe of Windsor & Newton Peat Brown writing ink, its an old Reject recipe that most of us still use. I think it needed watering down a little more, so its a tad heavy in places. I think the Army Painter dip works better to be honest.

The next 3 figures are from Redoubt Enterprise, I believe from their AWI range.
Again I used the W & N ink, I think it worked a little better on these figures?

They will of course go into the Donnybrook box of dispare, hopefully to be used one
day in a game!!

Lastly we have 2 Maids a milkin' and Daisy
also from Redoubt  Enterprises

There were 6 x 25mm figures = 30
1 x Dog = 2
3 x Sheep = 6
3 bails of straw = 3
1 x Cow = 5
Making a total of 46 points to add to my collection!
These and the figures from my last post pushed me up to my highest position so far this year no 2!
Although as I type I've gone down to no 26, with a grand total of 234 points.
Leaving me 966 points shy of my aim of 1200 points.
Things are going good!


  1. This is a lovely set Ray and reminds me I need to add that milkmaid to my collection.

  2. Now you're all set to start your own farm. And destroy it in some battle! Nice job.

  3. Oh my gosh, this little farm is too cute. Love the moo-cow. But that poor milk carrier lady looks like she's getting a workout.

  4. This video gave me some inspiration, some less smelly than Army painter dip. Nice looking collection.

  5. Wonderful and useful figures, Ray. Nice work on the cow's "camo" too. :)

  6. Beautiful figures my friend! I love the shepherd and dog figure!

  7. Wonderful farmers, always glad to look at such beautiful civilians!

  8. 1st shepherd I've seen who plays a harmonica to mellow out the sheep. Very nice work with the pigments and brush.

  9. Those Redoubt Enterprise figs look nice.

  10. Very nice Ray and particularly useful as “set dressing” for rural games

  11. This is beautiful work!
