
Friday 22 February 2019

AHPC 9 Bonus Round "Water Feature" - Royal Navy Landing Party

Its Bonus Round time once again. This week the theme is "Water Feature"
I was going to paint up a Native American canoe or a few empty 15mm boats, I mentioned it
to Postie. who had a lightbulb moment.
Hence these boats...

I gave him these two Napoleonic Landing boats a few years ago, I think I bought them
on ebay??

So I'm unsure of who makes them?
They could be AB???

There are 19 x 15mm figures
1 x small gun
and of course the 2 boats

They're based on stiff card, that I stuck a few lolly pop sticks to, to stiffen the base
up even more. Then they're coated in pollyfilla, to create the wave effect.
Hopefully they won't warp?

I thought they'd be easy to paint gluing the figures in place on the boats first.

Oh how wrong I was!!!!

It took me double the time to paint these as it should.

But I'm pretty pleased with the results.

So that should be
38 for the figures
2 for the gun, its not that big really....Oi, none of that either!!
16 for the boats
50 bonus points
106 in total???

You can still vote for any of the great entries here, if you so wish??


  1. Wow! Excellent water effect!So realistic!

  2. Excellent modelling/painting Ray. As good as the boats and crews are it's those choppy sea bases that really caught my eye, so realistic they almost made me feel seasick!

  3. Really well done Ray, what a great entry.

  4. These are beautiful Ray - landing boats are a great addition in any scale!

  5. Where do you find the time, great work.

    1. Its the Painting Challenge George, I always go this mad this time of year.

  6. Looking very fine Ray. Wish I could do something like this.

  7. Way to just go for it, Ray. Heck with little canoes - you want to win, man!

  8. Yep, "paint before glue is a good motto", but we've allbeen there eh?
    Great lookingvesselsand crew and a lot of effort to make them look so good, but who gets to keep them ?

    1. Not me I'm afraid, Posties already got them locked away.

  9. Very, very nice, Ray! Crew, boats and water look great.

  10. Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily life is but a dream....

    Fab stuff Ray!!

  11. Definitely AB great work, I need to convince you to do some painting for me 🤣

  12. Superb, and very tempting, have to try this one day...Congrats!

  13. I want to make a thing something like that one day. Great work

  14. Great job on an unusual subject.

  15. Replies
    1. Thanks Lee. Maybe we'll get a game with them soon.

  16. Neat project! Came out looking cool and makes a nice gift. 😀

    1. I'm very pleased with them and so is Postie.
