
Monday 25 February 2019

Cavalier 2019

Last Sunday was the Rejects first wargame show of the year. Only three of us made it
Postie and myself met BigLee at the show and a fun day was had y all!!!

Every year me and Lee take a photo of the main hall from the balcony and this year was no
different. We'd just stuffed our faces with a bacon roll and a cup of tea, then waddled
 out to take the pics.
We all had a great time at the show and bumped into the usual bloggers,
Clint, Dave, Bob and Al.

Society of Ancients - Battle of Zama

Wadhurst Roleplayers Club - Dungeons & Dragons

The Bring and Buy

Fire When Ready - Star Wars Legion

Tonbridge Wargames Club - Boxer Rebellion 1900

In the corridor a club (sorry guys, I can't remember the name) we're selling
their founders collection of figures and buildings, sadly he's suffering from dementia.
I bought a few buildings for my NYW armies, well a few more than a few.

Maidstone Wargames Club - Corsair v Mustang 1969

Milton Hundred Wargames Club - Lion Rampant For God & King 1380 

Me and Postie had a great chat with Alan, who built and decorated this great looking church.
Alan spent hours cutting out pictures of the Bayeux Tapestry and glued them on the church walls.

I'm sure you'll all agree its looks fanatstic???
10/10 Mr Abbey!

SEEMS - Terminator, The fight back

What's Lee spied on the B&B?

Gravesend Gamers Guild - Skirmish at Staplethorpe 1644

Deal Wargames Society - Operation Brassard 1944 The invasion of Elbe

Oh dear?

Friday Night Firefight - Race to the Farm 1879

Hailsham Wargames Club - Italian Wars

Very cool!

A great looking Cathedral! 

Peter Pig

The Boyz from the Hood
Col Bill and Scotty


  1. Thanks for sharing Ray, looks like there was plenty to see.

  2. What a great report Ray, thank you.

  3. Very nice convention, Ray. The Elbe game is most impressive.

  4. The church does look cool. So do the boats.
    You'd be hard pressed to find a cup of tea here. Southern sweet tea, yes, but not a hot cup that isn't half sugar.

  5. I completely forgot about this show until Saturday evening! Some nice shots there.

  6. Some great looking games there. Thanks for sharing Ray

  7. Magnificient, thanks for sharing!

  8. Looks good...sadly I missed it again this year. Still I guess it saved me some money :)

    1. Well that's one way of putting it, Alastair

  9. Good read Ray, shame about the blokes stuff getting sold off, no fun getting old.

    1. Absolutely, I bought some buildings, the guys were just happy raising some money and that the figures and building were going to other gamers who would use them,.

  10. Lots of nice looking games there Ray!


  11. I can imagine that place feels like heaven to kids (both small and bigger ones)!

  12. I say nice to see you again. But games wise I (personally) was disappointed. Nothing really grabbed me at all.

    1. There did seem to be a few less games I'll give you that Clint.

  13. Seems that you you enjoyed that day, The games looked interesting and well presented.

  14. I really like posts of conventions and seeing all the tables. Thanks for sharing! Fun day. 😀

  15. Lots to see, unfortunately I was working so I missed it

  16. Some very nice looking games Ray
