
Saturday 2 March 2019

AHPC9 Napoleonic - Baden Guard Grenadiers & Don Cossack Artillery

Postie had a few odds and ends left over in his 15mm Napoleonic Bitz Box.
He decided to make this unit the Baden Guard Grenadiers.
For what reason I know not??
It doesn't seem the unit fought in any battles and we couldn't find a flag for them either.

The figures are actually some unknown make and represent British Fusiliers,
but they're almost identical to the Guards.

Postie seems to think they may have fought in the Austrian Tyrol, although he can't confirm
this fact. I've tried to search the web, all I can come up with is from another blog 
Blunders on the Danube, check it out....

16 x 15mm figures 32 points

Don Cossack Horse artillery
"Mounted cossack battery (officially called a horse-artillery company) counted 12 light cannons, the so-called unicorns (6 horses), with 2 ammunition caissons (3 horses) for each gun. Each battery also had 2 reserve gun carriages. There were authorized, in so far as this could be achieved, 8 officers including 1 field-grade officer as commander, 25 non-commissiond officers, 255 privates (75 of whom were riding gunners), and 1 officer's servant. Thus there were 289 men. Twenty train horses were supposed to be on hand, but it is an open question whether these were led as pack animals or in harness. No trumpeters! The rank titles for officers and non-commissioned officers were not in the cossack style, but the same as in the army."
from here

Note sure where the figures come from, but I think they look rather snazzy!
4 x 15mm figures 8 points
2 x 15mm Artillery 8 points


  1. Your new unit makes me think about getting into 15mm more. Very smart looking outfit.

    1. Glad you like them, 15mm are a great scale!

  2. You are really picking up the pace in the home stretch, Ray! Figures look super.

    1. Cheers Jonathan, I'm beginning to run out of steam!

  3. Maybe they are from an alternative timeline or parallel world...?

  4. Yes 1809 in the Vorarlberg. I painted a unit using spare Old Garde Grenadiers in 15mm

  5. Great looking units. Any Napoleonic games on the horizon?

  6. Wonderful units Ray, love the impressive grenadiers...

  7. Racking up the points Ray. Another couple of cracking units!

  8. Now they look rather splendid Ray!

  9. Have you looked at NapFlags?
    There's a section on Baden that has the Leib Regiment (2 variants}

    1. I checked there thanks, but the Lieb are a different regt, but at a push the flags may have to be used.

  10. lots of patience to paint a nap figure. Nice work, Ray.
