
Wednesday 6 March 2019

Cavalier 2019 Swag

I thought I'd share some pics of the swag I collected at Cavalier in Tonbridge a few weekends ago.
Firstly 3 great books from Helion and Company.
I've had my eye on Armies and Enemies of Louis XIV since it came out, I've already got a few books of Killicrankie, but NEEDED this one too, you know how it is??
Finally the new book on the Dutch, its a bit too early for my period really but hey ho, another must, I'm afraid!!

My usually visit to Col Bills and I came away with these  5 15mm MDF buildings
from 4Ground. The Col is discontinuing the range at the moment, so grab them while you can.
Stuart mentioned he may not bring them to shows anymore, so pre-order if you need any!

More goodies from Col Bill, on the left is a new pack of Limber horse riders, so I bought 2 more horses and something to pull, I'm sure I've already got the wagon, but you can't have too many wagons, can you???

A bit blurry I know, but I needed a fix from Essex minis.
More NYW!!!

Loads of 15mm building
Sorry guys I can't remember the club name, but they were sadly selling off there founders collection
of figures and building, to raise some money due to his illhealth.
I believe most of these buildings are for railways, but I thought they'd be great for Flanders during the Nine Years War. They're nearly all made of plastic and most were made in West Germany!! So they've been around for a while!!
There were another 5 or 6 building, we think from JR, they've all vanished next door, round Posties
never to be seen again!!!

Some need a bit of care and attention, but should look great with a little restoration. 

I'm toying with three ideas??

1. To base them all up individually
2. To make them into town with 4-5 buildings on each large base.
3. Not base them at all and leave them as they are?

Any thoughts???

I spent far too much as you can see, but had a damn good day!!


  1. Now you need a good invade-the-Germans campaign for those buildings.
    Don't base them. That gives you wiggle room as to where you can use them.

  2. I agree - don’t base the buildings Ray. Good looking haul though. My commiserations to your wallet.

    1. My wallet was aching at the end, it might have to be put down.

  3. Individual basing - but make up a flat/town board that you can just place them on in any design you like?

  4. Beautifull houses!! They 'll make a nice setup!!

  5. Great collection of buildings. I bought a load of these at an auction a while back. I suggest you up the price of the kits and feel pretty damn smug!

  6. Those plastic buildings look excellent. Might be from a company called Heller ?

  7. Nice swag! Oh where oh where were all these wonderful references when I was doing up my Nine Year's War stuff? I scored on some of those excellent buildings--you'll see them as backdrops in some of my mini pictures: they'll work very nicely for you!

  8. You do like to throw your money around, at least it was for a good cause!

  9. Well done Ray, lovely haul, these buildings look awesome!

  10. Wow, nice haul. You went all out on buildings. They’ll lol great on the table.

    1. Yep, slightly more that I need and I've got other already as well!!!

  11. So hard to walk away from the Helion display without buying, but then the same is true of Col. Bills. the style of buildings and small footprint beg to be made into something with the look of a town.

    1. Terrible problems to have eh Norm? I was only gonna buy 2 books from Helion, but Postie made me get the other one too!!

  12. Helion are really knocking it out of the park at the moment. I’m going to need a new bookshelf! :-)
    A great haul - congrats.

    1. Me too! I'm building up quite a collection.

  13. Quite A haul. Helion are putting out some great books at the moment

  14. Lovely looking books and the buildings are great, I'd base them individually,very nice west German models!
    Best Iain

  15. An excellent assotment of swag, but really well done on the buildings (which will need a bit of work imo), I reckon they're Faller from way back when.

    1. You're right Joe, some of them are from Faller.

  16. Some good bargain had mate. Those buildings at the end would look great based individually I reckon. But do it in a way where you can stack them next to each other still or in different configurations.

    1. I think its gonna be individual after all, just like you said.

  17. Some good stuff there mate. Nice to see you as well.

    1. Couldn't agree more, on both counts Clint!

  18. That's an excellent haul Ray and like most said go individually based.

