
Saturday 6 June 2020

AHPC - Round Up

Its a bit late but.........

Sadly the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge has come to an end for another year. But what a great few months its been, I find it such a motivational experience, I'm sure we all do really? Usually it wipes out my painting for the rest of the year, but with this horrid Corona Virus keeping nearly everyone in lockdown, what else is there to do but paint more.  In Challenge X I planned on painting up 1600 worth of figures, which I just managed to pass in the last week. 

I painted up
162 x 25mm figures
10 x various terrain/vehicle pieces
90 x 15mm figures
96 x 10mm figures

I always plan (ok hope?) for a top 20 finish, if I make the top 10 its a great bonus, this year I finished 11th, which I'm extremely pleased with. Somehow I forget to post 3 25mm figures I painted up, I bought 9 painted figures at a show and needed another 3 to make up the unit to 12. They'll now appear later on my blog, Anyhow........

Here's my performance so far in all the Challenges
Challenge II        4940 points 1st
Challenge III       2586 points 4th
Challenge IV      1227 points 17th
Challenge V        691 points 37th
Challenge VI      681 points 36th
Challenge VII    1093 points 24th
Challenge VIII   662 points 40th
Challenge IX      2274 points 8th
Challenge X       1687 points 11th

So finally a massive thank you has to go to Curt, Sarah and all the Minions for all their hard work and thanks to all the other Challengers who pushed me forward with their competition and all the great comments!

Vive la Challenge!!!!


  1. This post is indeed rather late, you naughty boy! You had a good showing this year Ray. :)

    1. I'm very pleased with the output and 11th place! Great number 11.

  2. Nice work mate. Quite a haul of figures.

  3. Excellent work mate. Well more motivated than I. Iv built and modelled more than painted.

  4. A fantastic array of different bits and bobs there Ray. The challenge was certainly a productive time for you.

  5. Well done Sir! Far more productive than me!

  6. Well done, good sir! That's a lot of figures painted.

  7. That's a decent haul and nicely painted

  8. So many beautiful figures here, well done Ray!

  9. Congrats RAY on your placement in this years Painting Challenge. I've no idea how many figures I've painted up - perhaps only a couple of hundred in 25mm...I'd be no good at a Competition - and be last place! Cheers. KEV.

    1. Sign up for next year Kev, you'll get a lot mirror painted.

  10. Nice one Ray :) About the only good thing to come out of this covid madness (aside from the environmental impact,) is that we have all painted loads more soldiers!

    1. These are what I painted from December to March Got stacks more fine in the Lockdown!

  11. Well done Ray another great challenge for you.

    1. Cheers Sir M. Hopefully you'll be back in for the next Challenge?

  12. Congratulations Ray, keep up the painting. Am trying to finish mine but with the hot weather and my hayfever, it's been a bit of a problem.

    1. I'd be painting more if I wasn't under orders to get some decorating done!

  13. Good job were certainly posting newly painted figures thick and fast earlier in the year, so not surprised you amassed a respectable total! Lots if very nice work and interesting figures in amongst your presentations this year!

    1. Thanks Keith, the Challenge is such a great motivator, you get so much done.

  14. Very impressive output - well done mate!

    (PS I havent done my round up pic post yet either!)

    1. Watch out! Tamsin will be slapping your legs too!

  15. Brilliant! Some really fantastic stuff there, Ray!

  16. I (oddly) tanked out when the lockdown began......

    Lovely work Ray and prolific too!

    I dare not even look at my score lol

    1. I normally stop painting for a few months after the Challenge, but have carried on due to the lockdown. I've got loads on figures and terrain done. Just gotta get ot up on the blog.

  17. I’m always tempted to join in the AHPC in order have a spurt of productivity but I know I’d be embarrassed by how little I got done. It must be a great way to make headway on a project.
    I think your totals are very impressive. Well done! Every right to feel satisfied. 😀

    1. You'd surprise yourself Stew. Give it a go in the next one.

  18. Top effort all the way round Ray. It's been fun following this.

  19. Well done, a good showing, position-wise and a fair few figures to show for all your efforts.
    I wonder if you would have completed as many without the challenge ?

  20. Wow! That’s quite a spread! A great well done Ray! Thumbs up!

  21. You managed much more then me Ray so congrats- great looking stuff too.

    The thing that took the wind out my my sails was the cancellation of Partizan as I was using the show as motivation to get things going again after a haitus of a few years :)

    1. The lack of shows this year is gonna hurt us all.
