
Monday 28 September 2020

Donnybrook - 17th Century Market


Its been relatively quiet on my blog over the last few weeks, but I have been busy elsewhere. No games I'm afraid, I'm not sure the Rejects will be getting a game for the rest of the year, which is a pretty depressing thought?
But I do have my Market to show off. You may recognise most of the civilian figures, which have made their way onto my blog over the last month or so, unlike all the different Market stalls on show.

Most are from the excellent Sally Forth, and are sold as "The Souk - Set Dressing.
They're made from MDF and paper and can be bout for only £20!
Which is a bargain.

You can buy most goods at the market....

The tables on the bottom right are from Warbases and are metal.

I bought the tables and benches at SELWG a few years ago, but can't remember who from?

The stripped top stall comes from SHQ and is made from resin, but I can't find it on their site??? The Green topped stall is a metal piece and is from Steve Barber Models.

I've seen a few bloggers moaning about the new blogger layout. I've gotta say, I think its bloody useless!!! Its taken me twice as long to write this post, I usually put up all my photos then start writing deleting photos as appropriate. How ridiculous that you can't delete photos as you go. Blogger's Definitely taken a few steps back!

Rant over!


  1. Ray, your market is HUGE! Seeing how you work this marketplace into a game intrigues me. As for the new Blogger, I find some tasks actually easier.

    1. I think I did go a little overboard on the market to be honest. But I'm pleased with the results.

  2. That's a lot of pieces! You really have a full marketplace there.

  3. Definitely a comprehensive market Ray, it really looks the part. I recognise a few Front Rank figures, quite ubiquitous civilians. Cheers Greg (Delta Coy Blog)

    1. Cheers Greg, yep you're correct there are a few Front Rank civilian figures, as well as some from Foundry and Col Bill's.

  4. This look great. Agree on the “new” blogger layout. I’m sure our similar opinions have NOTHING TO DO with the “old dog / new tricks” concept. Well, at least for me

    1. Cheers Miles. It works fine if you're only including a few pics. I'm really not looking forward to writing one of my long batreps. They'll be a bloody nightmare!!!

  5. Brilliant looking market, Ray. I bet a skirmish game through this would be very interesting! Very Richard York and the ‘Three Musketeers’ :0)

    1. Yep, that's the kinda thing I was planning to be honest, not sure if Roy Kinnear will turn up or not?

  6. Outstanding market, Ray! Well done!

  7. That's a lot of stalls... are we ever going to see them in a single game? Very impressive though, nice one.

    Have to agree the new Blogger layout is less then optimal. But after nearly 12 years blogging I think it may be a a bit late for me to switch platforms!!

    1. That's the plan Lee, if we ever get back in Posties Shed that is???? I'll stick with Blogger no doubt, its certainly not gonna stop me bitchin' about it though!!!

  8. Delicious...and very atmospheric!

  9. Great looking market! A skirmish game through it would be ace!
    Best Iain

  10. That looks bloody excellent Ray.
    Great work.

  11. The market looks great!
    I’m the same when it comes to writing a post, put the pictures in first then write around them, it seems like another step in blogger actively trying to make it harder to maintain a blog! It all started going downhill when they killed the app...

    1. Yep, couldn't agree more. I can't see how they think its better, not being able to delete photos off. One mistake and you've gotta start the whole post again??? Just makes no sense???

  12. This is bloody outstanding mate! Must check out Sally to Blogger II, I think you know my views - I came close to sending their feedback email address an expletive filled complaint, but thought better of it...oddly, it seems like people like Jonathan and Mark at 1866 find it ok - must be us technophobes who have the issues!

    1. The problem for me is when you put lots of photos in a post, it worked better when you could re-arrange them or delete them on the post while you're writing it? AArrgghh!

  13. Lovely work Ray, a fine collection. I'm finding the new Blogger appears to load up photos much quicker which is great, but it is a pain having to edit the HTML to get the thumbnail to appear. I also can't be bothered doing that for all the photos to increase their size for the post itself with the 'large' option being noticeably smaller and the 'extra large' not fitting within the borders of the post.

  14. Excellent market. Agree with the grump about "new look" blogger. My bugbear is the stats tab, it's rubbish now! I'm relatively new to blogging too as well.

    1. Gotta agree, it was more compact before, now you've gotta dig the info out?

  15. Inspirational and very timely post--my recent hobbying has been focused on my 17th Century skirmish/low-level gaming (and I just picked up a copy of Donnybrook). As far as the new blogger, my particular gripe is also with managing images and the fact that you now have to upload an image every time you want to insert one as opposed to being able to upload a set only once from which you could then choose to drop into the post (I think we're talking about the same glitch).

    1. Ooooo you're a Donnybrook owner at last. I hope that's my influence?
      Yep its the same glitch, whenever I do a batrep post, I used to upload all the photos I'd taken, sometimes up to 80! Then as I wrote the report, blurred or unwanted pics would be deleted as I went on. NOW you have to work out the whole post before you write 1 word???? Bloody ridiculous!!!

  16. Wondeful market, but remember markets are not just for Donnybrook !

    Blogger has beome a pain in the proverbial and it has been taking me twice as long as it normally would to write a post half as long as normal.

    1. Of course Joe, I can see this set up in sunny Saint-Domingu!
      I can't say how much Blogger is pi$$ing me off at the moment!

  17. Lovely table layout, I could see the Three Musketeers fighting their way through it and stopping for a kebab along the way. Brilliant. Thanks also for the tip about Sally Forth, had a quick dekko at their site and it looks promising.

    1. Thanks Mike, Sally Forth do make some great items! Hmmm? Kebab for dinner tonight????

  18. Excellent! The beer tent with the tables is a great idea, never thought of that. I´ll add one to my market.
    The new blogger format is Fe**in sh*te!!

  19. An antique version of Antiques Roadshow

  20. Awesome market place! That’s big and detailed enough to be it’s own setting for a skirmish game. 😀

  21. Wow,that looks amazing, plenty to be kicked over by drunken soldiers...

  22. It looks very nice Ray. Plenty of civilians and action

  23. Wow! That's a lot of terrain - lovely!
