
Friday 2 October 2020

Donnybrook - Tangier/Moroccan Civilians 1680

I originally bought the Sally Forth Market with Tangier in mind, so I needed some North African
civilians to inhabit my little part of Tangier. The figures are from a variety of manufacturers.
Perry minis, from Their Crusade range,  Irregular minis and some Indian civilians doubling up as Moors from Eureka  minis ( a cheap and great buy from ebay!)

And here they are in the same market as my last post.

With 1 change?

Out goes the beer tent and in comes the Weaver selling his colourful rugs and carpets!
And no, none of them can fly!

Yes I know it does indeed look a tad too green and lush in the background
but hey ho, just look at the carpets instead, which were included in the market set from Sally Forth. 


  1. Looks fab. Needs a massive sword wielding Arab in black and Indiana Jones

  2. Wonderful additions Ray, guaranted atmopshere...

  3. Ray, this will be interesting to see how you employ his massive souk into your games.

  4. They fit great with the village, green and all!

  5. The carpet stand...Another good Idea I´ll pinch

  6. Great looking middle eastern market!
    Best Iain

  7. A fine collection and they look great milling around the market. I love the carpet stand.

  8. Great batch of Middle Eastern civilians Ray - one of the advantages of that part of the world for wargamers is the scenery and inhabitants look pretty much the same from the 13th to the 21st centuries - I have used the same buildings in 18th century India or N Africa, 19th century Sudan and 21st century Iraq and Afghanistan!

    1. You're absolutely right Keith, its very handy for the wallet eh?

  9. Awesome stuff, Ray. There's a lot of work on show and plenty of eye candy. Definitely conjures up memories of Raiders Of The Lost Ark for me.

  10. Love the Tangier flavoured market - great work. Good looking rugs 👍

    1. Don't think they'll keep your feet warm though?

  11. Fun fact: did you know that adult men of Morocco like to walk the streets holding hands? It is a custom there, being friendly in that way.

  12. Whilst fit for Tangiers, these civililians (and the market) are excellent for many other areas of the world and across many eras of history too - great additions Ray.

  13. Nice addition to the market square! 😀

  14. Grand collection of terrain, Ray. A scenario all unto itself.

  15. They may not fly, but they are magic looking carpets. The rest of the market is fab. too.
    Regards, James

  16. Wonderful work mate.

    I was convinced I'd already commented on this....just the voices in my head again eh??
