
Thursday 15 October 2020

Haitian Revolution - Rebel sharpshooters

I had a text the other week from Martin over on 28mm Heroes blog. Asking for my address as he had a little pressie for me????? A few days later these 14 Foundry Pirates arrived in the post!!

To say I was pleased is rather an understatement! And what made it even better (what can be better than free figures?) is that last month I had my finger hovering over the buy button for the same figures on Foundry's website!

I planned on getting 2 small units of 6 figures each, to have as Haitian Sharpshooters or skirmishers and perhaps a few command figures so I thought about these Pirates as they look different to the Trent miniatures I've already painted. 
I'm very glad I didn't buy them now, thank you very much Mr Cook!!!!

Unfortunately the figures got a little damaged in the post, so I had to paint over a few chips, which took no time at all. Then I followed that with a coat of Army Painter Strong tone stain, matt varnish and topped it off with my usual style of basing.
Thank again Martin.



  1. What a great gift to receive in the post Ray! They look great and will definitely add some backbone to the slave army when your campaign gets going!

  2. Good to read your account of Martin’s generosity. These will be very useful for your project.

  3. Sorry they got a little dinged. Did they arrive in time for Talk Like a Pirate day?

  4. My pleasure, to be honest may have been a little bashed before I sent them, and they were definitely shiny as I painted them in the days of shiny varnish. Has the other stuff arrived yet?

    1. They were very shiny!! The other stuff has arrived thanks. I did mean to drop you a line, apologies.

  5. They look great and Haiti's an interesting setting for games (...goes off and starts googling figure companies...)

    1. There's not many people who sell the figures I'm afraid Alastair, try Trent via Arcane or North Star.

  6. Lovely surprise and nice finish! Lucky you!
    Best Iain

  7. Lovely colors Ray, beautiful minis!

  8. What and amazing coincidence in that you had been thinking about purchasing them. It was obviously meant to be and they look great.

  9. Random acts of kindness - nice to see!

  10. Are you doing the whole war on a 1:1 scale ? Great mixed bunch of miniatures, but a bit of an anachronistic name for them!

    1. Hopefully not, but I do get carried away.
      Well they did rebel against French rule Joe and these chaps are good shots, so.....

  11. Beautiful figures and great restoration work on them!

  12. Free painted figures? You have a charmed life. 😀
    That’s a nice gift.

  13. Great looking native militia, Ray! They look great together.
