
Friday 8 January 2021

AHPC 11 - Rocky Scatter Terrain


For my second entry into the 11th Challenge I thought I'd get some terrain done.

I bought these Woodlands Scenics plaster cliff faces, from a Railway shop in Chatham. 

They were only a few quid each.

They're based on some spare bases I got cut from Warbases.

To paint them, I first run them under a tap for a few seconds as plaster is very porus. This allowed the inks and paints to flow free, rather than dry instantly as it soaked into the plaster.

Then slapped on various black, brown and grey inks. and other greys, brown and greens
using watered down paint.

Gotta admit, I didn't think they'd look this good?

I originally bought them as I was looking for some scatter terrain to fill out a small table for some Donnybrook FIW games I put on via Zoom last year. But just couldn't find the time to get them done.
These are some 25mm Native Americans, shown just for scale.

And are these 15mm Natives, just for scale. I think they work quite well for both scales

Now the hard bit......the points.
Placing the 3 biggest on top of each other makes approx 2 x  6' boxes
with the 3 smaller pieces making approx 1 x 6' box, I think?
So I'd guess at 3 boxes, which equals 60 points?
Which was kinda agreed by Capt Minion!


  1. Ray - they look the business!

  2. These look great Ray and as you say, work equally well with any scale - they just become exponentially larger lumps of rock as the scale drops - in 6mm they would be like Ayres Rock - sorry, that should be Uluru nowadays if we are being PC!

  3. Great job! I really like WS stuff and you got these based nicely. 😀

    1. I've not taken much notice if their stuff before to be honest, but will be looking it up for sure.

  4. Got your rocks out Ray. Superb job with the painting and basing.

  5. Top notch sir, very effective terrain pieces

  6. Brilliant job, Ray! Well done :)


  7. Very realistic terrain, Ray. Looks good with figures too.

  8. Inspired job on the terrain Ray, they look superb, realistic...and useful!

  9. Very well done! They should come in handy in a great many different settings

  10. You have done a grand job there Ray. Brilliant looking rocks.

  11. Brilliant, top notch work mate. They look really good.

  12. Looks quite fantastic. I'd looked at those kits and dismissed them. I need to try one now.

  13. These are not unlike large rocks that I once clambered over in different parts of the U.S. They look good and should certainly fit in as terrain for many different parts of the world.

  14. These came out very nicely indeed.

  15. Hope the new year won't be rocky for you as that terrain :), Ray!

  16. Ray,
    Super scatter terrain! I'm building some right now for the FIW and never in thought of the railway plaster casts. Thanks for the idea.

  17. These do the job very nicely, and they're quite a size too. I wold never have thought to wet the plaster before splashng paint on them !

    1. I used to do a bit of plastering many moons ago. Always wet the walls before you do anything. Lesson learnt!

  18. Very nice and realistic! Good job 👍🏻
