
Monday 11 January 2021

AHPC11 - Chamber of the Challenge - Hall of Traps


I have officially entered the Chamber of the Challenge!!
For me this has got to be the most difficult set of Bonus rounds we've ever had in any Challenge.
It seems to be leaning over to the evil side of wargaming......Fantasy!!!

I'm starting down the stairway into the inner sanctum of the Chamber of the Challenge. The first room is The Hall of Traps: A figure or unit which is trapped, stuck in a trap, snared, or lying in wait. Watch your step, Challengers!
As you can probably tell I've gone for a figure lying in wait.

This was the first figure I thought of when reading through the rooms, the Native American Indian
is a Wargames Foundry figure from their Early American Indian range, Northern Tribes pack

This is why I rushed through my Rocky terrain entry, I thought my skulking Injun would look
better than stuck on a base.

This should earn me 5 points for the figure and 20 points for the bonus round. 
Making 25 points!!!


  1. Nice choice using a Native American figure.
    Did you repost this? Thought I'd commented already.

    1. Yes you're correct Alex, for some reason, no doubt my fault, the original was dated on the 5th, so was way down people's blog list. So I copied it and reposted it with today's date.
      Thank you for commenting on both.

  2. A very creative use of figure and landscape Ray...well done!

  3. Excellent choice and nicely done

  4. You've risen to the challenge Ray. And surpassed it

  5. Hah! Very cool challenge, Ray. Nice start!

  6. Some excellent skulking going on there...very nice Ray!

  7. I love it when a plan comes together - turned out really well, Ray!

  8. Gerat idea, stretching the idea a little and a useful figure to add to your Injuns.

    1. Indeed, to be honest I never thought I'd need the figure.

  9. A fine bit of skulking and very nice rocks too.

  10. Smart work Ray, I must admit to buying an Orc last week just for the challenge, I've pretty much managed to show-horn a historical figure into most entries.

    1. I always try to do the same, sometimes it doesn't work. You can always offer the Orc as your entry fee?
