
Friday 12 March 2021

AHPC11 - Chamber of Challenge - Knights Solar - King John 30pts

I've just ventured down the steps into Level 3 and into the Knights Solar.

Knights Solar: A chamber for painting Knights of all kinds, and their knightly deeds, loves, pastimes and quests.

Its now the last day of February and I'm only now posting the first figure I painted in the Challenge back in December. Every Christmas I paint a model up for my Dad as part of his Xmas pressie.

I painting up member of Royalty for him at the moment, so I thought Trent Miniatures version of King John, would be good.

He was originally going to be my entry into The Armoury, but thought he'd be better bumped over to the Knights Solar.

King John reigned England from 1199 until his death in 1216.

Points are easy on this one. 10 points for King John and an extra 20 points for the Chamber Bonus.


  1. Very nice figure indeed Ray - well worth the 30 points!

  2. Awesome figure, Ray! Very, very nice lion heraldry on the shield.

  3. That looks great Ray, and the shield-work is especially nice. I have been thinking about installing solar, but have been told it only works during the day.

  4. Great work Ray, he looks superb

  5. I really like this sculpt and your paintwork, I doubt I could manage even the simplist heraldry which really put me off Medievals.

    1. I think I buggered it up with the eyes to be honest. I was umming and ahing about painting them in. And they turned out like Marty Feldman. I'm not best pleased, but left them like that anyway.
