
Tuesday 9 March 2021

AHPC11 - Haitian Revolution - British 69th Regt of Foot


There were many regular British regiments of infantry sent out to San Domingo (Haiti), during the wars from 1791 to 1804. Most knew they were sailing to their fate, not through battle but from disease. The poor devils I chose to most probably be my one and only regular British infantry regt are the 69th Foot The South Lincolnshire regiment.
Detachments from the regiment served in Europe in the early Revolutionary Wars as Marines on HMS Leviathon at the capture of Touoln in 1793, the attack on Tour de Mortella in 1794 and at the Glorious First of June in 1794. The transferred to HMS Agamemnon and served under Lord Nelon at the Battle of Genoa in 1795 and the Battle of Cape St Vincent in 1797 

The main part of the regiment was sent to the West Indies in 1796 to take part in the Invasion of Saint-Domingue (Haiti). Where almost half of them died from yellow fever!

Why the 69th you ask? No not for THAT reason, because they had green facings and I like green!

The figures are from Trent Miniatures Irish Uprising collection. Bought from Arcane Miniatures.
The figures are actually Irish Militia Pack IR98/04

I'm waiting for a flag to arrive from Flags of War, but for the moment I have printed off a flag on my printer, which isn't very good! The new flag will appear soon......I hope?

There are 20 figures @ 5 points each in the unit making that a total of 100 points!


  1. That's a good sized unit and very nicely done - I don;t often see Brtish in bicornes either, so that makes a nice change too.
    You're right about the flag, XXXI is the 39th not the 69th (LXIX); I hope the new flag is correct.

    1. Originally I was gonna do the 39th, but found out it was only a detachment sent over, so I swapped over the the other green faced unit, the 69th.
      Well spotted 10/10

  2. These look great especially all ranked up in the pics.

  3. Very nice Ray, pity they are destined to die of unnamed diseases lol


  4. Ray, you continue to crank out the units as the clock winds down on the contest.

    1. Wete nearly at the end Jonathan. One last push!

  5. Very, very cool, Ray. Seems the British were everywhere!

  6. Nice work, and you really are going at a cracking pace now Ray.

    1. If only I could keep this kinda pace up all year.

  7. Sure you like green...
    Nice job! Now would these guys have also fought in the American Revolution?

  8. Great looking unit Ray...looking forward to one day seeing all your Haitian collection actually getting into combat!
