
Thursday 8 April 2021

AHPC11 - Haitian Revolution - York Hussar Colonel


This Trent Miniature French Commander came in my first French force I picked up second hand from Col Bill. He is a representation of General Humbert click. But he closely follows the same uniform of my previously posted unit. The York Hussars, see below.

The figures is a tad smaller than the other Trent minis I bought, but hey ho, everyone's not the 
same size are they?

This chap has no name, so I give it to you luvvly lot, give me a suitable Anglo-Germanic name for him?

It took all my brainpower to work out that this fine looking chap earned me 10 points in the Challenge!


  1. Call him Bob.
    You paint figures on horses really well. They always stand out.

  2. Great figure and paint-job, Hussars from every nation always look so alike to me, with very little unifoem differences, so they're very versatile figures imho (I'm not a btton counter).

  3. The York Hussars of the Haitian Revolt: I've learned something! Great figs. P'haps the good colonel might be one of those hyphenated toffs with a pedigree going back to the Williamite Anglo/Dutch days: Coloneal Xavier Carling-Grolsch.

    1. Oh I like that Col Xavier Carling-Grolsch!

  4. Great looking Hussars - in a tropical environment at that! Love the mirlitons.

  5. Looks great. I think small men would need smaller horses as a bigger mount would be harder to control perhaps?

  6. Another great figure Ray. How about calling him Sir Robert Fortescue?

  7. Replies
    1. That's a good name Dave, a cousin of yours perhaps?

  8. Fab job Ray! The base sets him off nicely.
