
Tuesday 6 July 2021

Napoleonic Batrep - The Battle of Bruck auf der Leitha 1809


At last! A game at Reject HQ!!!!

On Sunday Postie put on a game for 4 Rejects, BigLee, Surj, Smiffy and myself.
Unfortunately Smiffy forgot so never turned up!!
Now we haven't gamed in the shed since last March, how the hell could he forget???
Smiffy becomes the first Reject this year to make it onto "The Wall of Shame", just for being a tit!
The game was mega and could really have done with three a side, Postie picked me to play on my own, I had the choice of sides, without seeing the table or OOB. I chose the Austrians, hoping they'd be in defence....

French - IV Corp - Marchal Massena (Surj & Lee) 
1st Division - Legrand
       1st Battalion - 26th Legere & 18th Line and Light Gun
       2nd Battalion - 1st Baden Grossherzog, 2nd Baden Erbgrossherzog, Baden Jagers & Light gun
2nd Division - Carra St Cyr
       3rd Battalion - 24th Legare (elite)       
       4th Battalion - 4th Line, 46th Line and Light Gun
       5th Battalion - Hesse - Darmstadt  - Leib-Garde, Leib Garde Fusiliers, Leib Rgt, 1st Leib Fusiliers & Light Gun
3rd Division - Molitov
       6th Battalion - 2nd Line, 16th Line & Light Gun
       7th Battalion - 37th Line, 67th Line & Light Gun   
4th Division - Boudet
       8th Battalion - 3rd Legere (Elite) & Heavy Gun
       9th Battalion - 56th Line & 93rd Line and Light Gun
5th Light Cavalry Division - Lasalle 
       10th Battalion - 13th & 24th Chasseurs a Cheval Line & Horse Artillery
       11th Battalion - 8th Hussars & 16th Chasseurs a Cheval
       12th Baden Light Dragoons, Hesse-Darmstadt Chevau-Leger Rgt
(Reserves - Didn't Arrive: 1st Heavy Cavalry Division & Imperial (Young) Guard)

Austrians - III Corp - Kolowrat (Ray)
1st Division - Vukassovich
       1st Battalion - Lobkowitz Jagers, 2nd Schwartzenberg Uhlans & Horse Artillery
       2nd Battalion - 7th Schroder, 56th Wenzel Colleredo & Light Gun
       3rd Battalion - Prague Landwehr, 1st Beraun Landwehr, 2nd Beraun Landwehr & Light Gun
2nd Division - St Julien
       4th Battalion - 1st Kaiser, 12th Manfredini, 23rd Wurzburg & Light Gun
       5th Battalion - 20th Kaunitz, 38th Wurttemberg & Light Gun
3rd Division - Kotlulinsky
       6th Battalion - 39th Duka, 60th Gyular & Light Gun
       7th Battalion - 31st Benjovszky, 51st Splenyr, 3rd/4th Vienna Vol, 3rd Moravian Vol & lt Gun
       8th Battalion - 8th Kienmayer Hussars, 6th Grenz Rgt, 7th Grenz Rgt
2nd Combined Cavalry Division - Schwarzenberg
       12th Battalion - 6th Rosenberg Chevaulegers, 3rd Knesevich Dragoons (Elite)
       13th Battalion - 6th Blankenstein Hussars, 3rd O'Reilly Chavaulegers & Horse Artillery
Reserves (Arrived Late) Grenadier Division - Steyier
       14th Battalion - Hahn, Hromada, Legrand, Demontant & Berger Rgts (Elite)
(Reserves - Didn't Arrive: 1st Heavy Cavalry Division)

The whole battlefield
This is a "What if" battle and is set the day before Wagram and named after the small village of Bruck auf der Leitha.

The Austrian left and centre

Centre right

and left.

Lee's French Cavalry Brigade

Two Austrian Heavy guns, in the centre of the table, these would play a big part in the game.

Our Cavalry faced each other, all 4 units charged!

My two heavy guns fire! Taking first blood!

In the first melee, my Elite Cuirassiers were smashed by I gotta say some unbelievable dice from BigLee. 7 out of 8 kills!
So back I went!

The next melee was a draw and I managed to knock back Lee's other two units.

What turned out to be my best Cavalry unit of the day the 3rd O'Reilly Chevaulegers.
The blue marker means they've captured a flag. Top left the French red marker means they've routed.

Next turn, all the Cavalry managed to charge again.

Except my Cuirassiers on the left. But could they survive?

The French infantry (top left) are massing and moving forward.

While on my left, Surj also advances. The French were unaware that my 3 columns at the back were all Landwehr. So I was pretty weak.

I krpt most of my infantry in Attack column, mainly for ease of movement and just incase I could sneak in a charge of my own.

Hmm? Where's my cavalry gone?

My first bit of luck, The heavy guns fired again taking a few casualties off of the French columns, but Surj had their Brigade leader a little too close, so he had to test to see if he had become a casualty.
He was blown from his horse and killed, this then forced a brigade check, which Surj promptly failed!! 
The whole brigade were pushed back 12 inches!
That gave me a lot of breathing room.

My left, the 2nd Schwartzenberg Uhlans had nowhere to go, so they just got in the way!

I was very weak in the centre, I kept three columns off the hill deliberately to tempt Surj to attack.
I had a secret surprise waiting for him????

This isn't looking good. My cavalry have gone!

Austrian columns waiting for a chance.

Surj's victorious 13th Chasseurs

On my far right, my centre Grenzer unit the 6th get knocked back.

Lee charges the Austrian colomn! They are pushed back, and the Chasseurs carry their charge on again.

 But they couldn't repeat their earlier victory and are routed in melee.

On turn 4 I bought out my reserve, 5 units of Austrian Grenadiers, in the centre, behind the weak hill.
I could have bought these on at any time during the game. It was almost a shame the the main French assault on the hill had stalled by then.

The left still looked very dangerous for me. After his knock back in the centre it looks like he's switching his attack here.

Surj moving diagonally over to my left.

I finally managed to get myself into a decent position on the hill, centre right. This halted Sur and Lee's attack.

On the left, I moved back.

Mega table!

Now it looks like I'm attacking

As I move up in column onto the hill.
I for one wouldn't want to attack that hill.

Nor would I want to attack that hill either?

Now I'd seen off the French cavalry, I looked pretty strong here as well.

We started the game at 10 o'clock and had been playing for over 10 hours. It was 8.30 and we could play no more. All of our dinners were either in the bin or in the dog, BigLee, was a dribbling wreck sitting in the corner.
As there was so much more left in the game, we shook hands and agreed on a gentleman's draw.

So there you have it, our first game of the year (in bloody July!) but, what a game it was.
Well done Postie and well done to the French.


  1. Nice to see Rejects back at it a d a great looking game too.

    PS might have to support England after I finish supporting Denmark :-)

  2. Terrific to hear the Rejects are back playing, Ray, and what a great looking game it was too!! :-)

    1. Thanks Simon, gotta say it was great to meet up and game again!

  3. Should have gone to penalties...

    1. Haha, French or Austrians? I'd still go with the Austrians, they were a surprise!

  4. Excellent! Bet it felt great to game in person again. (Even if someone forgot!) You certainly got your gaming time out of the day.

  5. That's quite an epic game for your first one back, Ray. Great stuff.

    1. Cheers Lawrence, just wish we could have got a result rather than a bore draw.

  6. Stonkingly good game. Great to see Postie's Rejects back in action.

  7. Thanks Ray, I enjoyed your table, what a great game to come back to.

  8. It's a pity Postie's Young Guard never showed up. I would love to see them. His Middle Guard Fusilier Grenadiers turned up in one report I seem to recall, but thy were way off in the distance and hardly visible. Can Postie be bribed/influenced/cajoled to feature the Young and Middle Guards properly in the near future, please?
    Best wishes.

    1. To be honest I'm glad they never made it on the table, there were 2 Battalions of Tirailleur-Chasseurs, 2 Battalions of Tirailleur - Grenadiers, 2 Battalions of Fusilier-Chasseurs and 2 Battalions of Fusiliers-Grenadiers!!!
      Not to mention the cavalry the 1st and 2nd Carabiniers, and the 2nd, 3rd, 9th and 12th Cuirassiers
      So I'm very pleased they never made the game.
      I'm sure they'll make it a a game soon.

  9. The game table is very impressive, thank you for this great report!

  10. Ten spectacular and intense hours...Superb!

  11. Fantastic game and BATREP. Excellent stuff- well done.

    1. Cheers John, glad you enjoyed the report.

  12. A good start Ray, and a grand game.

  13. Looks fantastic Ray, if a bit of an endurance run for your first return game ;)

  14. Ray, this was a MASSIVE game! Look spectacular too. A ten hour game? That is unheard of in these parts. You guys have great stamina.

    1. I dunno about stamina Jonathan, we were all pretty knackered after the game, I can tell you!

  15. Great pictures Ray. It was a great game...pity we couldn't finish it fully.

    1. Yep, we probably would have had to play on another 10 hours to get a result?

  16. Great looking game. If Austrians can claim a draw that's as good as a win for them...

    1. I think I'd have won if we carried on? But I would say that?

  17. Impressive gaming! I love the look of the terrain and troop movements.

    1. Cheers Dean, I'm glad you enjoyed the game.

  18. Splendid and impressive-looking game; a pity you all ground to a halt at the end as your position looked very strong. At least a draw tends to make everyone feel happy... ;-)



    1. We should have left the game and come back to it, there was so much more play in the game. I did look strong I gotta admit, I think I might just have pipped them to the post after a few more turns, because I was ready to go on the offensive myself.

  19. I watched Big Lee's AAR and now read yours. Well done to all of the Rejects.

    1. Thanks Neil, it was a great game to play.

  20. Looks like you played a great game Ray, it's never easy using Austrians against the French but looked like you had blunted their attack and had got into a commanding position to me! (Plus you were on your own against two French commanders!)

    1. I agree, I think at the end, I was in a better position to attack than the French!

  21. Your generosity knows no bounds Ray. A draw? When it was clearly an Austrian victory? You must be a little Wellington (or Napoleon). And you keep winning with Austrians. Keep up the good work. Today Vienna, tomorrow Paris!

  22. Awesome looking virtual win for the Austrians!
    Best Iain

  23. A marvellous return to the tabletop; Napoleonics, gorgeous figures and a spectacular table!
    Regards, James
