
Friday 1 October 2021

Developing Little Minds......


Daughter No 3 Holly dragged me into town last weekend for the Bank of Dad to by her supplies for school. She started 6th form at the start of September and needed a few folders and the like.
Luckily for me and my wallet, some of the bits she wanted are sold in Poundland, so while she was filling up a basket with all sorts of stuff, I looked at the craft and toy section.
Where I stumbled across these Wild Animals. The Bear and Wildebeest seemed to be the least popular as they were the only ones left. Now I dunno about you guys but my keen wargames eye is always on the lookout for anything that could come in useful on the table top wherever I go.
So I secretly dropped the box in Holly's basket (dunno why, I was paying?)
and for the princely sum of only  £1 !!

The Bear will come in handy, not sure if I'll ever use the Wildebeest though?

When we got home, my wife asked Holly what she'd bought, first thing she pulled out her bag with a grin, was my new addition, she dropped it onto my wife's lap. Who looked at it shaking her head "You're an idiot" she said still shaking her head. Then said "well that's about right, developing little minds!"

Hmmm?.......Can't argue there, can I?

He's a bit of a brute.

Here he is standing with a Redoubt Native American.

I touched up the bear slightly, repainting and inking the inside of his mouth and giving him a coat of matt varnish.

Wouldn't wanna meet him down a dark alley?


  1. That is a great bear! He's come up a treat.

  2. Perfect and suitably threatening.

  3. Might need a herd of wildebeast to be threatening.

  4. Big bear! More appropriate for the Rockies!
    Still a good buy.

  5. Great looking 50p find!
    Best Iain

  6. Very nice looking beast, Ray. Some of those toy animals are really good figures.

    1. He'sca bit big, but can't complain for 50p.

  7. Nice find Ray. If he was a specifically-designed wargames bear you could be paying over 10 quid for him.

    1. That's harsh but true. And postage from the UK to Australia has gone through the roof, so if I were to order that as a metal figure, I'd probably be forking out 30 quid!

    2. Anyone would be mad to pay that for a bear.

  8. The bear is a great find Ray and yes, I am exactly the same, I think most gamers are! See, for example, the Taliban Technicals I made using cheapo toys I found in K Mart (our version of Walmart) here

  9. Slap some Milliput for fur on the 'beest for a buffalo conversion?

  10. That’s a find worthy of a great mind Ray!

  11. Before you ask, Ray - no, it won't count as a female for the Sarah's Choice prize! ;)

  12. Well, I guess we're all "such idiots" then: nice find!

  13. Always worth a look round shops like that and indoor markets.

  14. Great find Ray. I'm the same when out shopping with the wife. No matter how mundane the shopping trip, in my head I'm hunting for gaming/painting supplies (on a Miniature Adventure? Probably explains the vacant expression I usually have on my face while standing outside changing cubicals.

    1. I can just imagine the look on your face Lee.

  15. I came across these figures quite a while ago and like you there was a very limited choice, I bought this set on a second visit, having bought a elephant (small) and a gorilla pack. I have found used=s for the bear (good for 54mm figures) and the gorilla (lost world scenarios).

  16. Great Bear Ray! 'Developing Little Minds' I like that, when I sold off all my Bolt Action figures and equipment I gave all the terrain items to my two Granddaughters, 4 and 5 year old sisters, houses, roads, rivers, trees, walls and fencing etc to play with along with some packs of plastic farm animals and they loved it, still do, they have named it 'Tree World':)

  17. Yes!!!

