
Tuesday 5 October 2021

Posties Rejects @ Broadside Wargame Show 2021


At last, it seemed it'd never happen. Wargaming shows are back up running again!!!

Posties Rejects will be attending a few shows in the coming months, but we'll only be putting on a game at one. Broadside 2021 run by Milton Hundred Wargaming Club. This year the show's at a new venue, Medway Park Sports Centre, Mill Road, Gillingham, Kent.
Which luckily for us is a lot close than Sittingbourne.
The show is on Saturday, December 4th and starts at 10am.

Reject Richard is hosting our game this year. He's been busy painting up figures and making terrain
for the Battle of Montenotte 12th April 1796, which you may be able to tell was fought during  the French Revolutionary Wars, French verses the Austrians.

We've play tested the rules and game, the rules are written by Richard himself and they make for a 
great historical game. The French won the practice game, but how will they do on the day???

Hopefully we'll see you there?


  1. Glad the shows are back! Crazy the places that haven't allowed any shows in so long.

  2. Wonderful about the shows being back!

    The French Revolution figures look the nuts. Outstanding!

    1. Cheers Mark, I'll pass your comment onto Richard.

  3. I am truly pleased that you;ll get to attend a show, I a hopefully going to "Battleground" in Novenber too. Well done putting a game on, I know just how tiring it is.

    1. Its a good show to put on a game, and you're right it is pretty knackering.

  4. There is a good growing excitement about the green shoots of shows starting. I can see them bouncing back stronger and being appreciated even more than they were pre-pandemic, let’s hope so.

  5. Nice to have enough certainty back in life that you can plan two months ahead. Definitely something to look forward to.

    1. Its taken a long time, hope it doesn't go wrong???

  6. Great that you’ll be back to the shows Ray! And those figures are splendid!

  7. Great news getting back to a show. Think I'm waiting until York next year

  8. Well as it's just down the road from me Ray (I'm in Rochester, not far from you good Rejects!) I do hope to get there and say hello. Become something of a recluse over last 18 months and struggle a bit with crowds and noise but it would do me a lot of good :)

    1. Would be good to have a chat in person Lee.

  9. Nice looking figures Ray, I am sure your game will be a big hit as its a very colourful era. Lucky you having shows starting up - we dont really have any here in NZ in the first place, so Covid hasn't really changed anything much for us on that score!

  10. Good news! So there's SELWG (or NELWG, given their new venue?), Salute, and then Broadside all within a few weeks. It's going to be busy!

  11. I enjoyed the practice game (even though as the Austrians, we were given a drubbin) and am looking to turning the tables when we run the demo in December.

    1. I'm sure me and Surj will still win being the Austrians!

  12. Good on two counts. Excellent to see a Fr Rev era game coming and to read about wargame show and conventions again.

    1. I'm like a kid in a sweetshop Ed, I can't wait.

  13. Have fun! They're closing everything down here again, sadly.

  14. Good news about Broadside,looks great too!
    Best Iain

    1. Cheers Iain, you never know, you may attend one day?

  15. Brilliant! I'll look forward to this with added interest as I am on a road to Montenotte, but my painting is a long way behind Richard's (and nowhere near as good!).
    Regards, James

    1. Glad you like the game James, keep that brush going, you'll catch up soon.
