
Friday 4 February 2022

AHPC12 - Donnybrook - Vienna 1683, Polish Winged Hussars


When you think of renaissance Polish, there's only one real troop type to talk about.
The Winged Hussars!!!

These fine body of men are from Redoubt Enterprises, now sold by Grubby Tanks.

I pondered for quite some time what make of figures to buy for my Hussars, Old Glory, The Assault Group, Essex, Foundry or Warlord?
Price was a consideration, while not the cheapest, I chose Redoubt as the Warfare Minature Ottomans, I painted up during the last Challenge were a reasonable match in size.

And the rear of the year award goes to......

Flags, everyone likes a flag don't they?
These and the lance pennants are from Battleflag, they're printed on good quality paper, just wish the red was, but they still look pretty cool, I think?

The wings were a bugger, I painted them before sticking them on the back of the man, mainly to give me room to paint the leopard skins, then stuck my little fat sausage fingers to 3 of the wings while trying to glue them in place.....sigh!!!!
So lots of swearing, repainting and gluing later, they were finished.

Now on to the Donnybrook part of the post.
"What's Donnybrook?" I hear you say
Now in Donnybrook, Elite units, of which the Hussars must be placed in are very small units. Mounted only get 3 figures!!! Which I'm totally ignoring as I did with the Ottomans. I've doubled the unit size to 6, otherwise its not worth painting the buggers up, is it?
So here I have 3 units of 6 figures each.

18 x 25mm Cavalry@10pts each
Making a grand total of 180 pts

I was a lucky chap and received an extra 5 points for the work on the flags and pennants, and for tempting Greg to paint another period!


  1. Those are really impressive close up!

  2. Very nice work on these winged hussars Ray. Are Redoubt really a good size match for Warfare Miniatures? The latter I always thought seemed quite slight whilst the Redoubt figures I have are great strapping hulks.....I had toyed with the idea of a unit ur two of Warfare GNW Swedes, just for some variety, but was put off by the high price of Warfare, plus the impression they would look small compared with the Ebor figures I already have....

    1. They do match in quite well IMHO, it really depends on the pose of the figure and horse. I'll do a post of comparison shots, for you to get a better idea.

  3. Ray,
    Very nice! Figures size seems good throughout the unit. Really look good. 6 to a unit sounds grand.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Neil, I'm very pleased how they turned out.

  5. Everyone should have a unit or two these, even if you don;t do the period. Great paint-job Ray.

  6. Lovely job and the flags are certainly worth the extra points.

  7. Replies
    1. Oh, you will kill me (I hope not!) But I think you have a modern Polish eagle on your banner. The 17th century was a bit different.

    2. Indeed it is modern one :)

    3. Oh gawd!!!! I'll look into this, thanks for the heads up the both of you.

  8. Great work Ray, such an iconic unit. Redoubt do some cracking figures, very underrated.

    1. They are, the only trouble with them is you can't mix them with most companies.

  9. O I like these and they are quite the stirring sight with so many done! I think the pennants are just fine personally, brighter and I think it would detract from the rest of the models.

    1. You could be right Dai, thanks for the comment.

  10. Terrific work Ray. The pennants look great to me and I too went with Battleflag for when I eventually get around to doing mine.

  11. Splendid! It doesn't get any better than winged hussars!

  12. Always loved the Winged Hussars! Such impressive cavalry unit! Fantastic painted cavalry Ray!

